it CAN be used on XP or 2000 , but it is better to be using NTFS.
The limitations are that you cannot have a file larger than 4GB with FAT32.( for those who dont know, a DVD is usually larger than 4GB)
Most ACER brand machines still come formatted as FAT32
in the log file the letters on the left side mean, W = Warning , I = information , E = Error . so look for lines starting with E to find the real problm
W 11:11:51 Drive C:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size.
I 11:11:51 Initialising SPTI...
I 11:12:27 Preparing Image...
E 11:12:27 File size exceeds the limit imposed by the ISO9660 file system.
E 11:12:27 Name: D:\DVD\dvd\dvd.iso
E 11:12:27 Size: 4,377,149,440 bytes
E 11:12:44 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:16
I 11:12:56 Operation Started!
I 11:12:57 Preparing Image...
E 11:12:57 File size exceeds the limit imposed by the ISO9660 file system.
E 11:12:57 Name: D:\DVD\dvd\dvd.iso
E 11:12:57 Size: 4,377,149,440 bytes
E 11:13:00 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:03
I 11:13:07 Operation Started!
I 11:13:07 Building Image Tree...