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Everything posted by volvofl10

  1. did you ever try the Taiyos in another computer ? if not, then you didnt eliminate the possibility of the spindle of discs being a bad batch . having just read thru the whole thread, im inclined/tempted to say it WAS a bad batch of discs off the same spindle
  2. Well Clueless since 98 we have had Millenium, win 2k, win xp, and about to have vista, so your only about 9 years worth of technology behind with that OS . i dont think ImgBurn is even tested on 98 anymore by LUK or any Beta's. what specs are the machine your running it on ? CPU, RAM and HDD curiosity says i have to ask you what happens when you use another burning app regarding use of resources ?
  3. Happy Birthday cobber have a great walkabout for a few weeks
  4. its possible you have a bunch of bad discs, but most likely answer is your using a new spindle and its a differant ink/dye than what youve used previosly. chances are though that its a firmware issue, try updating your firmware as this may help the drive write to those discs. in ImgBurn hit the TOOLS button goto drive then choose "check for firmware updates" whilst connected to the net EDIT been looking around , and i have the feeling your drive is an OEM in a fujitsu machine ? If so, theres a 1.03 firmware version for it available from fujitsu themselves If its NOT a fuji, then ignore the last paragraph. It appears to be an ISO which is a bootable disc though
  5. Happy Birthday you old Git phew , just in time on the UK timezone
  6. OMG ! sound as well !!!!! if its 5.1 surround sound....wheres the woofer and if its only stereo, does that mean 1 channel will be a bit shitty ?
  7. regardingt he firmware , im sorry, i got mixed up in all the logs in 1 window. in saying that though, try updating the firmware on the old drive and see if that cures it
  8. regarding the Failed to lock volume for exclusive access. E 21:21:13 Reason: Access is denied. this is covered by the FAQ page FAQ LINK , see post #9. the media your using is not very good im afraid, the only DV9 discs you should use are Verbatim your about 3 firmware updates behind as well, which probably isnt helping. your on KS04, the current one is KS08
  9. but she wasent used to pouring it, so she just shoved the whole bottle instead
  10. volvofl10

    Slysoft Foxes?

    hmm still not sure what your seeing though, heres what i see of your image posted .can anyone else see foxes
  11. volvofl10

    Slysoft Foxes?

    foxes !! i think db's been on the xmas booze already .............i cant see a fox <best panotmime mode on > .......IT'S BEHIND YOU.........<panto mode off>
  12. Polo It could be a condition of bail why he cant talk about it or comment mind it didnt help in court when he told the Judge he'd just had the best cheapest gobbler ever, the Judge didnt realise he was on about the turkey he'd just bought
  13. volvofl10

    Slysoft Foxes?

    not quite sure what you mean db
  14. have you actually tried the que feature in IB with the drive ? if not, try a que of 2 or 3 discs
  15. unless you have a dvd drive that accepts the cartridge disc's, i wouldn't bother with the cartridge type .I found that when i recorded something good and wanted to put on a normal -r for posterity i ended up taking the disc out of the cartridge anyway to put it in my PC's drive, which i guess defeats the object of the cartridge in the first place. The cartridge versions used to be crazy money as well compared with buying a spindle of normal ram disc's. had a glance around svp, and they don't seem to do the 10 pack spindles anymore . I also found that the Panasonic recorders are not the best in the world for editing , hence the need to be able to put the ram disc in the PC and use something like Tompkins to edit with
  16. ho ho ho , Merry Syphilis and Happy Gonorrhoea to you all . and please remember to video the bit where you stuff the old bird for us and upload it in the "chat" forum Merry Crimbo to you all
  17. so the camcorder you was enquiring about had nothing to do with filming upskirts then ?
  18. volvofl10


    i missed the evning news, but it was on the tea time radio news. kensal rise is a bit of a shit hole anyway , so after all the government grants there likely to get it will be totally rejuvenated
  19. 3 legs of lamb hidden on her person !!!! thats what i'd call a bit slack
  20. /me looks upwards 2 posts and wonders if that is OUR Kirk ?? the Kirk who went Missing in Action at a school all those years ago
  21. Incompatable medium installed means exactly what it says im afraid. the dvd drive does not recognise the media . its NOT a bug , its your drive cant see the media ( disc) youve put in it. regardless of wether it was a single 4gb file or not, the dvd drive decided it couldnt see/didnt like the discs before it got as far as trying to write anything. if ImgBurn cant see a drive with a suitable disc, it wont do any more of the events in the burning chain . refer back to LIGHTNING_UK's post above and follow the process of elimination . usually its because youve found some faulty discs in the batch/spindle of discs you have , hence we only recomend genuine Verbatim or Taiyo yuden discs ( not all discs on the market do what it says on the case once you get past the "Incompatible medium Installed" message , copy and paste the info from the log file into here for us to see
  22. and make sure that you dont kill the power to the drive when your doing it likewise, if your in an area thats vunerable to power cuts , be carefull
  23. have you managed previously to create a disc that DOES play on all your players with your current set up ? and if so, was it a verbatim as well ( same type/spindle) , again, was this before you updated the firmware on the LG as for creating the iso on an external drive, depending on how your drive is connected, you may create it quicker using the external hdd rather than the laptops hdd as the destination , you say the disc pauses on the laptop. is the laptop high spec ? how are you connecting the external hdd and writer ?, usb2 or firewire (1394) and have you daisy chained them if firewire?
  24. you can set your burn speed to MAX , it wont make a blind bit of differance as long as you have burnproof enabled I 00:22:44 BURN-Proof: Enabled
  25. volvofl10


    LOL , i had toi think on this one for a minute as for release date , normally its when the Guv'ner sees no one is about , and quickly uploads it for release , sits back and then watches how quick the load on the download servers builds up to maximum 0 to 100gb a minute in seconds he released a program once that wiped out half of the Midlands power supply when the host servers really got going , in fact , my 16x drive slowed to 2x when that release happened
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