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Everything posted by polopony

  1. The one my history teacher taught was this... P.O.M.E. Prisioner Of Mother England, again back when Australia was used as a penal colony. yeah there are a few explanations but I believe acronyms (P.O.M.E.) were not in use at that time. Google has a history of it although theres no definite answer .
  2. they might if they knew what to do with me .Nice avatar BTW maybe we should all get one
  3. I think it has to do with guys that double post one explanation (theres a few) is its short for pompus which British were viewed as, especially in Australia back in the days when it was a penal colony.
  4. attempt to burn the iso then copy and paste the log here so we can gather some info ,also what exactly is the iso video or something else more info is necessary start with the log thats a big help
  5. thats rich I'm neither yank nor pom .Hey LFC wait untill you're put under a little pressure before you confess all
  6. great idea ala shrink did to name one , everyone should be happy with that solution
  7. I'm committed I bought 200 inkjet printable dvd's for $55 ,when I got to the store they had just reduced the price from 53/100 to 27/100 and these are true mcc and not azo so I'm a happy camper
  8. Thanks all I'm off to ODepot to pick up 100 cant pass up the price
  9. any scans available? I would really like to know if these are excellent blanks because Office Depot has spindles of 100 for $23 an unbelievable price
  10. I was just visiting OFFICE DEPOT and I saw Verbs on sale but on the side it made reference to AZO Dye can it be that Verbatim is going to abandon MCC and cheap out like everyone else, anybody know anything
  11. You will hear from him .The fact that you intend to make your program a commercial program you have to pay for has reduced your chances of using IMGburn to about 0. He has for years offered the programs he's written for free and I think he'd want to keep it that way.Be patient he'll be along
  12. be patient baby you're next
  13. Happy Birthday Mike wherever you are
  14. because drives are no challenge anymore ?
  15. you dont mention lots of things your OS,drive, if you're using the spti interface,default settings with IMGburn You realize that IMGburn only burns ISO images and doesn't rip,read or anything else you might try re installing IMGburn or rebooting
  16. In most places its against the law to bypass copyright protection so nobody here is going to give you their blessings ,what you do is strictly on you .The new version of Imgburn v2 will be able to set the layerbreak the mds file will also put the layerbreak in the right position and also a program called PGCedit can do it ,its a free download
  17. You should really get a Verbatim disc and eliminate the Riteks being the problem .I dont think any of the Beta members use them but have done burns and scans just for testing purposes and they came up as crap .With the right burner and media most if not all here get quality burns over 90%. I use NEC drives myself and really like the results, all burns are on Verbs and Taiyo Yudens(SL's). I have a few GO5's discs that are a couple of years old and the stuff I burned to then is still OK but the consensus is that Ritek just isn't the company it used to be.
  18. You don't say which DL discs you are using ,Verbatim are the only dl's that work correctly all others suck
  19. among other things and USB devices for every occasion I feel I've been stereotyped as a wombat whipping, non-swimmer with an affinity for necrophilia and USB powered sex aides who also happens to like pink skirts...... Wait a minute........ that IS me! and lets not for get beer fridges
  20. among other things and USB devices for every occasion
  21. and after god knows how many beers a godess goes home with you and next morning you wake up and its OH MY GOD what did I do ,she's sleeping on your arm and right then you decide that you're going to gnaw it off rather than wake her ah beer the nectar of the gods
  22. dont know what drive you're using but maybe you need to update your firmware?
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