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Everything posted by polopony

  1. polopony


  2. nice find PM,when they hit a buck then I'll really have to think about it .Office Depot has Verbatim single layer for $23/100 and printable -R for $27/100 I grabbed 200 as I'm only interested in "Movie Only". I remember buying Ritek GO4's for $150 /100 when they first came out maybe the last of the quality Riteks
  3. like Corn said those discs are the kiss of death,really anything with CMC MAG dye is second or third rate .The ones that were successful try to read them 6 months down the line .Memorex has some marketing genius working for them otherwise how could they sell so much crap media
  4. Norton systemworks is no better what used to be an easy install has turned into a pain in the ass .I have sysworks 2006 and it installs ok except for the internet worm protection Tried it manually ,with their auto fix and am spending way to much time screwing with it with no satisfaction
  5. candid photography,nudge ,nudge ,wink, wink say no more say no more on a serious side does the camera manufacturer reccommend any particular "brand"
  6. there's some days it feels like it
  7. I knew it was too good to be two. This is why when members ask when its really impossible to say a specific time because theres always little tweaks to be done but the betas are all working fine so hang in there.
  8. or year ring the bell watch them drool
  9. 'ear,'ear lets have no more of that the Kernel will have you done ,its amaizeing you havent been brought up on charges yet.
  10. it'll be the same crap but more expensive .I was at office Depot and saw a spindle of 100 memorex for $73 down the shelf Verbatin -R printables were $27/100 is that nuts or what
  11. just enough time for 24 more betas
  12. there are more guns for sale here than anywhere in NYC every pawn shop has a display case for used firearms and there are A LOT of pawn shops ,not to mention the huge gun shows and ads in the papers .Down here its the cops who are trigger happy there's been a bunch of police shootings where you wonder why they shot at all. lots of outrage and law suits over it.
  13. Nice job Shamus when you first mentioned it I Googled around but couldn't find anything like it lots of strange ones but this is the best "So polo - you're next what are you going to have as an av ?" dont know LFC I've been thinking it over very carefully for what about 5 years now but dont want to rush into anything
  14. you could also have used an avatar made from the toilet seat it was a 1 of a kind seat
  15. being able to identify what burner was used 5 years from now will accomplish what,I dont get it ,personally I dont care what burner was used as long as I have a dvd that plays flawlessly.With new technology coming out on a regular basis (blu ray next) and the price of the hardware coming down then its inevetable that there will be a new format or something LP's cassettes ,8 tracks ,8 mill cameras 16 mill single layer giving way to dual layers 1x burners 4x,8x,16x its an ever changing environment and who knows a few years from now dvd's may go the way of all the other stuff .DVD's are really new if you look at the big picture and they are evolving every day 16x speed was the max speed due to the balance issues with the discs rotating so fast they were literaly exploding inside drives when pushed faster than 16x .Testing and scanning has shown that 16x doesn't produce good scans 12x seems to be the upper limit. A sharpie marker will take care of a lot of things without making the program bloated and huge
  16. I remember back some years ago when there were a few programs (Naturally Speaking ?) that were trying to convert the spoken word to text it wasn't really perfected and I haven't Googled it since .The text to audio is cool enough but the way I type it would be one slow drawn out conversation
  17. The average life expectancy in the U.S. was 47 years . still is where Polo lived by the sound of it I lived in what was really agreat neighborhood some years back but drugs ,crime in general took its toll .It was a hardworking middle class area but welfare and the various gov.programs introduced a population of people that if they had to go to work it would kill them .Landlords no longer screen the tenants ,if you had first months rent and security you were in .The neighborhood would look like it was recovering one day and then you would see it had slipped just a little farther down and the decent people there were moving 1 by 1 when they had enough a pity really but a common story across every city in the US
  18. are you burning all your discs to the same media .You might have to experiment with media to find which the player likes.You say some will play others not find one that plays and then put it in the burner with IMGburn open and the program will tell you who the dye manufacturer is for example these are Verbatim -R discs .I think Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden discs are the only way to go you dont have to worry about their quality its A1 and I havent found a player that didn't like them.If your discs came up CMC MAG I wouldn't be suprised Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: MCC 03RG20
  19. There have been over 230 murders since the beginning of the year here in Philadelphia. thats all of Philly ,I'm talking an area less than a 1/4 mile square it was getting nuts
  20. there were 15 murders in a year in a 6 square block area where I used to live in NYC not including people shot by cops. The amount of shootings I couldn't count gunfire was a nightly thing, you could almost tell what caliber gun after awhile
  21. something else was open or had control of the drive .Close everything you have open and then try again
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