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Everything posted by polopony

  1. you don't have to feel like a fool we've all been there and done that
  2. is it possible that you checked TEST MODE, that would have simulated the burn proccess but not actually burned anything to a blank DVD. Once upon a time I used GO4's and had great success with a Sony DRU510A but I dont know whats up with Ritek these days they moved to the GO5 8X stuff and they were mixed results and their Dual Layer discs suck.I only burn to Verbatim + and - and also Taiyo Yudens these days with absolutely no coasters in a couple of years,I wouldn't reccommend anything else .BTW Sony hasn't made drives in some time they were /are using LiteOn to manufacture them and just rebadging them not really a true Sony product. The best way to get help is to post a log from IMGburn and then we can see whats happening
  3. yeah I find the best burns are not at the highest rated speeds .I burn 99.99% of my stuff at 6X and have no problems writing or verifying using Verbs both + and - and Taiyo Yudens +.You might take a look at the Drives and Media section and see if theres any graphs with your burner and media
  4. Your smiley has a cop's hat on. Does that mean I'm going to banished to Village People Land? yep a night in the YMCA with your back to the wall
  5. bunch of places out of California some judst middlemen dealing out of their houses the best 2 have been named above also try www.newegg.com maybe they have some
  6. its not far away LFC theres a really cool castle there Coral Castle it has a great story built by a guy 10 stone soaking wet and he found a way to move coral rock that was huge also drilled and cut it.its worth a Google www.coralcastle.com
  7. don't look at them all as mere modems think of them as ammo
  8. often wondered where you wen't to, welcome back again you're hockey following pal MYM is getting ready to tie the knot
  9. whats really needed is the log from IMGburn ,post all of it from where it says I 20:37:48 ImgBurn Version started! I 20:37:48 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 1) I 20:37:48 Initialising SPTI... I 20:37:48 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 20:37:48 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 2 DVD?RWs! and everything that follows it will provide things like what burner you're using is your firmware up to date what media you're using the dye manufacturer etc
  10. in South Florida all thats done by illegal aliens
  11. fear of Parents-in-law- Soceraphobia and I thought it was marriage
  12. yeah it took him 2hrs37minutes man that last birthday really took it out of him
  13. he'd claim to be part of the Kennedy killing if it brought him any attention, was Max the last paying job he had or what
  14. I thought it was the BRA and fuzzy slippers
  15. been there with Optorite and all I can suggest is to get a big hammer take the drive outside and smash the living crap out of it you'll feel much better and it wont be the source of future problems .Nec ,Plextor BenQ and Pioneer theres no reason to choose any other drives maybe a LiteO n
  16. polopony

    nec 4570

    looking at the Nec 4570/4571 the difference is the Nec4571 has a feature called LabelFlash allowing you to burn an image to the top of a DVD I think its like Lightscribe and special discs are necessary
  17. "I know most people will tell you to stay away from Memorex media, but I have gone through 5-100 piece packs and have not had one coaster! With that said, I will not buy anymore because I now know there is a problem with the media. I just wish I would have found this out before burning so many movies onto Memorex DVD?s. Bummer. Most of my movie collection was burned onto that media." Jeffshead not trying to pee on your parade but you might consider re doing dvd's you really want to keep to the TY's those Memorex have a habit of becoming un-readable after a short time
  18. polopony

    E mails

  19. lots of people here use NEC's ,Plextors ,and BenQ drives and not to forget Pioneer ,their drives I believe automatically set booktype to DVD Rom.I have an old Pio 115 Rom that reads everything I've put in it without problems .I personally think you should pick something from this group and I don't see you going wrong ,BTW the plex is probably the most expensive
  20. polopony

    nec 4570

    I've studied this very carefully and the difference is definetly 1
  21. I would be more inclined to go with the external burner, this will give you much more flexibility than the stand alone player. Just my opinion. have to agree and with the cost of good dvdrw's around $50 or so why not do the external thing I'm going to find out about the NEC 4570 I have 2 other NEC's which burn excellent but want to play with the graphs and dvdInfo pro
  22. and when he goes to jail for a long time they'll give him a job in the laundry
  23. Most of it is actually a very old-fashioned Amish place. you know what they say about the quiet ones
  24. tell her it was a new drive or hookers and for a second it was real close she'll probably get you one for Christmas ,a drive that is
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