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Everything posted by polopony

  1. try this link,and look for recommended discs www.pioneerelectronics.com
  2. I've seen hail like that only once I was in Ireland and the hail came down so hard it killed all the crows perched in the trees,and the just held on to the branches a strange sight
  3. Haven't seen the bastard of a thing in a while. I suspect it was flattened by a car a few months back. Tragic. Hope you washed the evidence off the tyres
  4. god bless them all ,I was working on a portable trailer in one of the schools yesterday when the intecom clicked on and the following message was announced . "Good morning this is an emergency test of the schools intercom system, if you cant hear this message please call the front office " must be a school for psychic's
  5. did they get the neighbors cat or are you still throwing the PIO 120 at it
  6. Brian FYI Decrypter is no longer being supported in either forums or in updates for legal reasons so any discussion on its use or 'how to "with it wont get you an answer,its basically off limits , its nothing personal. Like Corn says use IMGburn to write and you'll get all the support you want
  7. she renamed it Pinocchio and was heard screaming at the top of her lungs "lie to me " , "now tell me the truth " over and over
  8. try different media the Pioneer doesn't seem to like this stuff, it's matter of finding the right combination for you and your computer.I use NEC drives and Verbatim (mcc dye ) and Taiyo Yuder discs without any failures. Both of these discs are top of the line ,make sure that the Verbs use the MCC dye some are now being made with CMC MAG dye the source of many problems BY the way make sure that the blanks are clean and didn't pick up dirt
  9. he's lucky its his finger he shot off
  10. yep it looks like OZ and if you squint real hard and kook from the side I'd swear thats Shamus floating along with his water wings
  11. the 16x thing is not a sustained read speed ,in lab tests they hit 16x for a split second or less and because they did they feel justified at calling it a 16x drive basically they're FOS
  12. polopony

    Lazy Leno

    We'll be here all week and remember to tip the waiters and bartenders
  13. I believe in the Chinese calender its the year of the frog ,the Leap Frog
  14. very true about the dye thats what its about Verbatime with CMC MAG dye thats not funny at all ,I think you're mistaken ,when you're a manufacturer with a reputation as good as Verbatim would you risk it with a CMC I dont think so check around and see if you can find some info on the verbs with CMC and post back I reccommend Yudens and Verbs all the time and I sure wouldn't do so if the verbs were cmc crap Son of a bitch ,I did a Google and sure enough Verbatim 'Pearl White" discs are being made with CMC SHIT this really sucks big time I 'll be real carefull when I get my next batch of Verbs if they're CMC back they go no if ,ands or buts .Maybe its time to call Meritline and order Yudens ,I still have about 25 Verbs (mcc ) and 25 Yudens left
  15. I 10:53:34 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: CMC MAG. AE1) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x) Lightning said it ,and I think you should really start here find better media get some Verbatim or Taiyo Yudens theres way too many problems with the CMC stuff and between this forum and Decrypters (R.I.P.) I'd have to say that this media was responsible for too many errors more than any other dye and most people who came on and changed media had great results
  16. they're so f'n paranoid, dont they realize that no matter what scheme they come up with someone is going to break it. Look what their paranoia got them and what should be a stiff fine. Intruding or key logging on someones computer should be handled the same as wiretapping a telephone illegaly.
  17. polopony

    Freshen Up!

    I dont know what Richard Simmons videos you've seen but I never saw anything that nice in one . I'll give you the clothes though
  18. polopony

    Lazy Leno

    and the Slawson Cutoff bit
  19. next time you post bring a shrubbery ,not to big
  20. polopony

    Lazy Leno

    yep I watched the show all the time must have been around 16-17 when I started ,do you remember Carol Wayne ?
  21. polopony

    Freshen Up!

    kids in school called it cum gum I guess the makers couldn't use that name
  22. I know what you mean ,I burn most of my stuff at 6X about 10 minutes and all work fine .Things are topping out with conventional dvd burners and media it seems that the manufacturers always have something brewing in the background to keep the prices up,hell I still wont buy Dual Layer discs because I think they are too expensive and the S/L verbs and yudens work so well
  23. great ,like volvo says jumping in and having no clue could be a disaster .I only found firmware 54 when I used Google if they are up to 59 already they're pretty busy with this drive.There's a good bunch of people here who are willing to help answer any questions you might have
  24. NEC isn't the swiftest with its firmware releases .I have the 3500 and its a great drive and the firmwares for that drive took awhile to be released .Unless there is something drastically wrong with a new drive they wont release firmware for awhile .The media is already maxed out at 16x and the drives are also capable of only 16x so it seems that there wont be any reason to make say 18x dvd blanks so it will be a new technology if they plan/can go past 16x.
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