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Everything posted by blutach

  1. Why? You can make an ISO outa anything, including a non-compliant DVD. Your DVD = your responsibility. Regards
  2. Quickshot can take a pic, you can resize it, etc. and use another imageshack product called Quickload to upload it. They do tend to be reasonably persistent on the IS servers. Regards
  3. Imagshack Quickshot. www.imageshack.us Regards
  4. David - google Alexander Noe, or search this forum. It is exactly what you need. Regards
  5. I'm hoping we can see the full log please? But check firmware, media quality, DMA and burn speed (especially on a USB). And welcome to ImgBurn Forum!! Regards
  6. Maybe you need to have no member to be expelled? Regards
  7. blutach

    Gun Control

    Now, that is truly funny volvo!!! Regards
  8. And, LG's problem can be overcome with Alex Noe's great utility (thanks for letting us know about this LUK) Regards
  9. Consider also the Jump to PGC macro in PgcEdit. Guide on site, written by a real idiot. Regards
  11. If all my burns were DL, it'd take all the fun out of it for me Grain. New record yesterday. Multiple processes with Procoder2, Mastering Quality - 117 minutes encoding in DVD Rebuilder. That approaches CCE 3 pass time. And petrol here is A$1.50 per litre for Optimax (high density 98RON). 7-10% cheaper for regular unleaded. Shit happens. Regards
  12. Welcome to ImgBurn Forum Jason! Your problem could be due bad/inferior media or media which could be on its last legs (RWs do "run out"). What media code is it? Also check your firmware is up to date. Why aren't you using SPTI? Those LG drives are terrific IMO. I have a 4163B and it's never let me down. Regards
  13. blutach

    Gun Control

    LOL corny. This thread is about guns after all. So, kiss kiss bang bang. Regards
  14. blutach

    Gun Control

    Put a target on my arse then Jill Regards
  15. blutach

    Gun Control

    Put a target on my arse then Jill Regards
  16. More reading on 32k gaps - http://www.digital-digest.com/~blutach/pgc..._pgcedit_v2.htm (see technical info down the bottom). Regards
  17. Consider the free version of DVDFab 0.17.0, which can create a basic video manager from a VTS. www.mrbass.org/dvdfab Regards
  18. In the following example, it is 1/36 Regards
  19. edit
  20. Follow the instructions above carefully. Answer no to that screen. Find the title of the main movie (check out the time). And move on from there. Regards
  21. Verbs MCC003 ($65 per 100) and MKM-001 (I dunno how much they are now, probably about $5 each). www.pcx.com.au are good people. Regards
  22. blutach

    Hey LUK

    Then, don't do it again. Regards
  23. Yeah, I'm biased, but unbiasedly biased We have 2 threads running on this. For mine, I'd use the original, unless you can find a better one by playing it. And it's worth experimenting (once) with seamless layer break. You won't go back to seamless if your players will play it. Regards
  24. blutach

    Hey LUK

    ImgBurn will also do seamless layer break, but you ned to ensure your player supports it. You may need to risk a DL blank testing. But to not have the pause at the LB is worth it! Regards
  25. Yeah mate. Well, the original LB can be determined from the original IFOs. Perhaps the simplest way is to insert your DVD in the drive and open it in PgcEdit. Find the main movie - it will be obvious from the left hand window, which shows you the title numbers and the times. Double click on it and you open a new window. Scroll down till you see a tick mark in the LB column and note the cell number and VCID. Sounds complicated, but it's easy. And ImgBurn is best for everything! Regards
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