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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Old un, You may want to use Img build mode before you try to write these images to disc. Looks like the layer break wasn't properly set up by shrink. Build mode will properly set up your layer break and then you can use write mode to burn to a blank. There's a good guide in the guides section to help you along. Also you might want to check for newer firmware for your burner......................... www.rpc1.org.
  2. And in Canada, Bestbuy, Futureshop, Staples........... just to name a few.
  3. Jet, Img is a burn only app. It does not remove copy protection. This being the issue here, we can't help you with your problem. I'm sure doing some searching will bring you a solution. One note use verbatim media to burn on. and are you sure you have a DVD burner and not just a combo drive?
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOSS........... :cheerleader: :happybday: :drunk: All the Best THE BIRTHDAY GIRLS
  5. True, but that little mouse sure is still going at it...........
  6. kevdriver


    The Clingons are coming The Clingons are coming..........................
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPINNER........................ All the best.!
  8. Helen, check out the guides by Cornholio at the beginning of this forum. They will explain everything with diagrams. Basically you use build mode then use write mode to burn your new back up.
  9. kevdriver


    It's a turdy job, but someone had to invent it............. Wonder how long it will take for my equipment to arrive.
  10. Just saw that as well................ USE VERBS
  11. Kamin, as lfc said, a log is really helpful. Have you tried deleting Img and reloading a fresh copy. Maybe run a virus scan before loading that fesh copy of Img. Just a thought.
  12. kevdriver


  13. Db, here's a dead cow in a carton..............
  14. Jimbo, Posting a log would help. Imgburn>help>Imgburn logs. Copy and Paste. Please remember, Imgburn is a burning app only, it WILL NOT remove copyguard protection. Could also be a media problem using cheaper discs do cause these.
  15. Glad it worked out for you man. No questions are stupid when your first learning.
  16. Seminole, you must have something else running in the background thats competeing with imgburn for exclusive access rights to the burner. In CD is bad for this just to name one. Thats what those messages mean. Make sure you have nothing else running in background when you use imgburn to burn.
  17. Adam, since we're talking home movies without encryption, just open Img, go to mode>ISO read and this will put the image back on your HD. Then in mode change to ISO write which will burn it to another -R blank disc. Nothing will be changed and it will play in all your players.
  18. Yea! What the Boss said........... The Boys will be coming for ya.............
  19. Garcia, Please don't double post. Your question will be gotten to in the Imburn support thread.
  20. An .ISO file is just a container for all the raw files that comprise a standard DVD disc. You simply burn this file ( ISO ) to a blank DVD and put it in your stand alone player and viola, you have a movie or whatever else these raw files contained. The size of these files determines whether you use a single layer or dual layer blank to burn to. Verbatims are by far the best blank media to use in either case, both for finished burn quality and longivity. Imgburn in no way compresses any files at any time.
  21. You'd need a program like Cyberlink Power DVD in order to do that. Google around, there's lots of apps out there that will do this for you.
  22. Without a log from the failed burn........ I'd say it's those Datawrite blanks. We reccommend Verbatim DVD+Rs' for dual burning as they're just about the only ones that work proper. Also burn these discs at 2.4X for the best results.
  23. Could you please clarify that a bit more Polo.................
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