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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Da Mans Lightning fast JasonFriday13........................
  2. Good Post Mr. Blutach.............. "And why does ImgBurn need to emulate Ner0?"
  3. :& :& :&
  4. LoL, damn your fast Corny................
  5. knots, By the looks of it you need a DVD-DL disc to burn to ( 8.5 gig ). Your using a DVD-SL ( 4.7 gig ). Could you post a log so we could see the info needed to answer your question correctly.
  6. Absolutely db.................
  7. jkscherk, that might be a question better asked over at Digital Digest forum..........
  8. kevdriver


    @Spinner...................... Whoooooooo Me?
  9. kevdriver


    Ken, and everyone, Just spoke to MJ and he says Hi and he's sorry he hasn't been on as of late but both himself and his son have been going nuts with work over the past weeks and that it's just starting now to slow down a bit so he will make every effort to get on the forum this weekend. He appreciates the thoughts and everythings fine with him. P.S. Message: You guys aren't getting rid of me that easy.............
  10. DCLDCL, Take a read through the guides, they'll help you fiqure things out correctly. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showforum=4
  11. RKitsune, Welcome to the forum, just follow the link provided for some excellent reading on how to use Imgburn and its various capabilities. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showforum=4 These guides will help you out greatly...........
  12. Guess db will come away hungry from that meeting..................... Bwahahaha
  13. kevdriver

    Housing Prices

    Country: Canada Province: Ontario City: Ottawa Suburb: Nepean Avg House Size 3500 sq.ft ( avg. for Canada ) 3 bedrooms 2 full bathrooms Double car garage part of house ( attached ) Both front and backyards always. Sizes dependent on year of house construction. ( older house, big front medium back.... newer home, medium front, large backyard. ) Single family homes 95% of time Avg Price 700,000.00$ ( going rate in present neighbourhood ) Rent: 3000/month + utilities ( no homes rented in current neighbourhood ) 70% give or take here in Canada as well.
  14. snarebear,Welcome to the forum.Check to see that DMA is enabled for your burner drive. Also CMC mag is just the the crappiest media in the world. Try someVerbatims or Taio Yudens for better results and longer lasting burns. Your burn rate is set to 2.4X and indeed you did burn at that speed, although your average burn speed is just less than half that. I 19:58:59 Write Speed: 2.4x I 21:21:34 Average Write Rate: 932 KB/s (0.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 3,753 KB/s (2.7x) The problem may be with the media. Also you should check for firmware updates for your drive. www.rpc1.org
  15. kevdriver

    LG GSA-H22N

    So the marriage ritual has starterd already...................... Bwahahahahaha
  16. Just give oily some pizza and beer................
  17. MPH, No it wouldn't to answer your question. Unfortunately thats all I can say on that subject due to legal restraints. Welcome to the forum........
  18. Thomas AR, This is the way to properly verify a disc, eject it and reload it which starts a freash, clean read of the disc. Nero is a different program and is written different from Imgburn. Neros arthor just has it verify directly after a burn without ejecting the disc. You have an option in Imgburn to do this as well, although, I personally don't reccommend it. Whats a few seconds more knowing you'll get a accurrate verify of what you've burn't.
  19. Imgburn forum homepage, under general, 4th down the list> guides. Depending on size of ISO, you should be able to use write mode and burn it to a blank CD.
  20. Catnip, Welcome to the forum. Open Imgburn>under mode pick build>click on the file or folder option>pick your destination on your computers hard drive and burn away. You may also want to check under the guides section > using build mode. Cornholio has excellent guides there which will help you out.. ............. Any probs post back.
  21. Once you get the drift of it, the rest is icing....................
  22. Hey New Kid, keeping your drives firmware up to date always helps with completeing good burns. These updates contain added instructions for your burner as in what it can do and how fast it can do it. As Mr. Spinner said........ just keep burning with your present media, keeping the good verifys and chucking the bad, then buy some Verbatims, a tad bit more expensive but evens out when you go through a whole spindle with no frizbees being made...........
  23. New Kid On The Block, Real Sorry but we can't get into information about decryption or topics of movie downloads. All I can say is SEARCH around and I'm sure you'll find your answers, To burn with Img, .ISO works very well. . Sorry I can't be of further help.
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