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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. lfcrule1972

    G5 MYM

    and me !! You promised to puke down the back of the suite for me !!
  2. lfcrule1972

    G5 MYM

    Hey MYM !!! Well done fella - great news, I see that once bitten twice shy doesn't apply here then eh ? Seriously I wish you and your obviously mad lady a very happy future together !!!
  3. Dr Who with adverts ??? That's just wrong.....
  4. Hey MJ - I wouldn't say I know more than you mate !!
  5. Well I am a convert to BenQ with my DW1655 - I will be looking to update with another BenQ when the time comes - that said you have the same drive don't you Grain ? Therefore the NEC should be a good bet - I think db has one, previously I have only had NEC's and never had a problem with any of them.
  6. Oh God - this is my only sanctuary from her filth !!!
  7. Believe me the latest beta is being tested right now !!!
  8. Erm well personally I have never shared any oil, of any kind, with my male friends.... However if you're ok with it kev I might consider it !! ha ha
  9. You're a good sport Kev !!!!!
  10. I used a modded fw up until a few weeks ago when I did some of the media tests. I remember setting the DVD+R type to DVD-Rom and it worked fine
  11. I might be wrong but can't Shrink do this ? Ages ago I seem to remember fiddling around with Shrink to see what it could do and I thought you could take 2 iso's on your PC and join them ? Don't take my word for it tho - I might have been and just thought I had done this !!
  12. Hey kev - I found a new av for you mate !!!
  13. Mmm I have seen that site used before to prove these e-mails aren't all they are cracked up to be.....
  14. I did think that ImgBurn might want to pad or fill the second layer but couldn't see a problem with that. As it appears the player never needs to go to the second layer in grampaw's burn anyway
  15. Did you use the NEC tab in ImgBurn to change the bit type ? Perhaps you could take us through what you did and then copy paste the error message in your reply ?
  16. I think MJ has a point - you should try and get your money back ! That said, if you can't I would try and burn them as a single layer disc, I would take the ISO image that fits a DVD5 and just use ImgBurn to burn it ! I haven't done it myself but I can't see why it wouldn't work, its only like using half of a DVD-R isn't it ?
  17. So is ken !!! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha Must be something to do with old age !!!
  18. Whoa !!! Huge pic of ken in the Oldies 500 !!!
  19. You could look for firmware that has the riplock removed I found this on the rpc1.org site - not sure if any of these have the riplock removed though... http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2126 Also this is in the forum section - another member has requested a riplock removed firmware.... http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?p=182472#182472
  20. We can only make suggestions based on the information given - when you see Ritek DL I always think poor DL media. When I see CMC MAG as a media ID I think there could be problems.....
  21. Barney is the spawn of the devil tho db !!
  22. Personally speaking I wouldn't use CMC MAG media for any backup that I intended to keep......
  23. I will test the latest beta tonight - I have to say that some of the posts here look f'in ungrateful to me ! LUK! works his socks off for this program and includes whatever features he can when asked to - as polo pointed out you don't get that kind of service for programs you buy !!!! Come on guys - chill out and show some patience.....
  24. Another Ritek DL bites the dust.....
  25. Do you? D?oh! Actually I think for the beta's Lightning UK! removed the "edit" tag when we change our posts !! Edit @ 7:56am - see nothing here !
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