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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Mmm - I wonder if this is a gimmick. That said I thought that about those "run-flat tyres" and now they are available here as well..... Good spot MJ !
  2. Yeah of course - will try and do it tomorrow mate
  3. I agree !!
  4. Ah I just checked and you have a post count of 8 but there are only 7 viewable when I click your profile - I guess something inappropriate was posted......
  5. I didn't realise any were missing - was there any "improper" content in the posts ?
  6. I was planning to use the same BenQ but it will be used in between !
  7. I have kept all my test burns on a spindle and intend to re-scan them in 6 months time to see if there are any differences and then again at 1 year mark etc. I am sure corny and the boss have kept theirs as well, it will be easy for us to just add the recent scans to the existing posts and spot any differences.... As for the RiDisc Extremes - I had a lot of trouble with those here in the UK and stopped using them. I think Shamus' supply is obviously of a higher quality than those available here.....
  8. I think the problem here is that they are promising all things to all people to keep themselves in peoples minds. I bet even now they haven't decided on the final specs HDD etc... As for GT4 you're right mate - that game put me off the franchise, I can't bring myself to finish it - what a cock up !
  9. Sony Delays Playstation 3 Launch The release of the much awaited PlayStation 3 (PS3) games console has been postponed until November, Japanese electronics group Sony has announced. Technical hitches related to the console's Blu-ray disc drive had forced the delay, Sony said. Sony games chief Ken Kutaragi said they were still finalising agreements on disc copy protection technology. Sony had been aiming for a spring launch for the successor to best-selling PlayStation 2. The news was announced at a hastily-convened news conference, after reports of a delay appeared in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan's main financial daily newspaper. The reports had triggered a 1.8% drop in Sony's shares to 5,470 yen ($46.56; ?26.67) on the Tokyo market. The PS3 is one of three new gaming consoles promising cutting edge processing and graphical power. Sony has said the console will ship with a 60 GB hard drive and will play games created for both the PlayStation 1 and 2 at higher resolutions than the original. No potential price was given for the console. It will compete with Microsoft's Xbox 360, which went on sale late last year in the US, and Nintendo's Revolution, which is due later this year. Worldwide release So far Sony has dominated the market for home consoles, with its original PlayStation and PlayStation 2 having sold more than 200 million units. It had originally planned to release its new machine in the spring. But instead it is now talking of a November release in Japan, the US and Europe simultaneously. In the past, Sony has staggered the launch of new consoles, with Europe coming a belated third. "We are absolutely delighted that we will be able to bring PS3 to gamers in Europe and Australia before Christmas," said David Reeves, head of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. "This is an exciting first for Europe, and is a huge endorsement and vote of confidence in the strength of the European market and its importance globally." The delay means Sony's machine will not be in the shops in the US and Japan until a year after the Xbox 360, giving Microsoft a valuable lead in building up its market share. A problem with the launch of the console could be a major setback for the company which is struggling to revive the performance of its consumer electronics division. In an effort to revive its fortunes the firm has undergone a major restructuring drive involving 10,000 job cuts and 11 factory closures. Sony's performance in the $25bn games industry is set to be one of the key factors determining the success of the firm's turnaround this year.
  10. I bought the BenQ DW1655 for its scanning ability, I loved my NEC4550 but was disappointed that it couldn't do the PIE/PIF scans - sounds like the latest model is going to try and fix that.
  11. I used to use G05 for ages when it first came out and my NEC2510 loved them, then a year or so ago the drives kept crapping out when using that dye. So I switched to Taiyo Yuden TYG02 dye and have had no problems since.... All things being equal you should be able to burn at the max speed on those discs if your burner is up to it. Have you checked for firmware updates ? Shamus posted a snazzy little guide to firmware updates here: - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...6175entry6175 Give it a go and see - without an ImgBurn log I can't tell whether yours is up to date. If it is and the problem still persists check out the FAQ section and look for the post on DMA
  12. No worries - the name on the discs is of no importance compared to the media ID - any online retailer worth their salt will disclose that if requested.
  13. I don't want to worry you but the media ID on your discs - CMC MAG has a very very poor reputation. Personally speaking I wouldn't recommend that dye to anyone, I always use quality dye like Verbatim MCC or Taiyo Yuden dye for the best results. Did you buy these in a store ? If so most won't advertise which media ID is on the discs - far safer to buy from an online retailer who advertises the ID's. Not sure whether you have tried these people but www.meritline.com seem to be pretty good and they sell Taiyo Yuden discs as well.
  14. Could you possibly post a copy of the failed ImgBurn log ? That will tell us more about your set-up and also the media.....
  15. Good work chewy
  16. I agree with LUK! above, that Media ID is not the best, I would be surprised if you had any problems with the Taiyo Yudens - I have been using the TYG02 dye for ages now and no issues at all on either my BenQ or my NEC burner.
  17. I assumed you had were the subject of this topic !!!
  18. They really don't seem to know their arse from their elbow at the moment do they ??
  19. <trip> Whose dummy is this spat across the topic ??
  20. You know me so well Shamus - I could have been on a one way ticket to fooksville there !!
  21. Well hurry up then !!
  22. I have not heard of these before Shamus - thanks if you have the time I would be quite interested.
  23. I think the boss was saying its to do with the problems in closing the disc polo
  24. I thought it was "Old Cornvoisier".......
  25. Yeah I am with Shamus on this one - altho it scares the hell out of me when are two eldest 12 & 10 surf on their own. That said we have both spoken to them and tried to explain the dangers of certain sites, unexpected MSN contacts etc, hopefully they will be sensible.... I guess in a way its like when my parents used to let me play out all day in the summer hols - we used to go off exploring and always used to come home. As kids you just don't see the danger, as parents you have to hope that they don't run into trouble....
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