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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. I thought Elf labour was now being closely monitored in Lapland db ?
  2. I have an 80gb Maxtor HDD that I installed at the start of this year - no issues with it all, when I read up about it, it was getting good reviews as well..... Funny how opinions vary so much eh ? Guess it goes to prove the old saying "Opinions are like Arseholes - everybody's got one !"
  3. As I said I have never tried overburning but my experience of blank DVD media is that even supposedly decent media can be ropey right at the edge and for that reason I have never tried it.
  4. Replying to your offers of help would be a start !
  5. Hey grampaw - you have a PM !!
  6. I haven't seen any problems on these films - please can you post copies of your ImgBurn logs for each film as these will help us see what the problem might be...... Here's an example of one I made earlier....
  8. You got it !!
  9. You did and thanks - but sadly I am beyond help in another sense !!
  10. Fair enough - I am lazy and just buy 80min CDR's !! Did you get my PM Lightning ?
  11. Yeah I can see that it means less compression but presumably its going to need A1 media to lessen the risk of a crap burn ? I use TY's but never even considered overburns.... Regards
  12. Never had anything other than NEC drives - looking at getting the ND4550 now..... anyone got that yet ?
  13. You really are a CunningLinguist corny !!
  14. :& No thanks....
  15. You never get a succesfully completed verify ? Have you got an ImgBurn log you could post ? Also what media ID is on those discs your using ? The log will confirm it if you can post one of the failed to verify ones up !
  16. In which case the purpose is being served admirably !!
  17. I was at work Shamus - so couldn't show the graphics, tried to explain it instead !
  18. drinks and a riot !! I will to that !!
  19. Not sure if this will work but maybe if you open ImgBurn and select the "Generic burner" in the drop down menu, then right click on where you can see the drive. From here select the "Firmware Update" option from the context menu and left click that. This should open the www.rpc1.org site and if your lucky it should check to see whether there are any firmware updates for your drive. If it finds some it may tell you who makes that Generic burner...... Its worth a go anyway and if your firmware is out of date you can update it at the same time ! Regards
  20. Me either, perhaps I should get some crap discs so that I could check that in future - bloody TY's they just don't cut it for testing......
  21. Why would you want to ? Excuse my ignorance but isn't it better to use Shrink or similar and not risk a crap end to the film ?
  22. I am always confused mate......
  23. Somehow I don't think that will be a problem zacoz !!
  24. Well that made me laugh ! Makes a change from the NZ shagging sheep I suppose !!!
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