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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Me too Grain - I told mine that if he didn't behave I would put him in a double case with a CMC MAG disc - boy did that quieten him down !!! ha ha
  2. I can't believe that Riteks are worse than CMC MAG shite...... I have Ritek G04's and G05's that are over two years old and they all still play...... I doubt CMC MAG will somehow in the same amount of time....
  3. lfcrule1972


    You live and learn - I didn't know that.....
  4. Quick kids - grab a free downloaded movie at McDonalds - oh and 2 stone into the process !!
  5. Nothing wrong with that - some of blutach's best forum posts have been made under the influence !! ha ha
  6. Ha ha - once you have done it a few times you won't even think twice about it !!
  7. What a © Jim Henson Productions
  8. Corny recommended that for me when my autoplay went south for the winter ! Worked for me and I never really liked real player either !! Once it was gone all went back to normal
  9. You might want to check that CAPS LOCK key as well Looks like your shouting otherwise !!!
  10. Multiple drives ? Time for me to update and get a newer NEC burner for that testing then !!
  11. I think from reading about this procedure you don't end up looking completelty like the donors face. The skin from the donor is peeled off and then placed over your face and thus will maintain your current structure - so if you had a big nose and deep set eyes you still will have after the procedure. In the case of this french woman I believe only the bottom half of her face, mouth and chin were replaced and the belief is she won't look much different to how she did before the accident. Although I understand this one might be noticeable in that she is white and the donor was black !!
  12. I use the full face printable TY's can't see any finger prints on them
  13. Ok - I am not the best at this but what exactly are you trying to do ? I would guess that "Medium Not Present" means that there is no disc in your drive...... thats when I have seen that message, either that or your drive is playing silly buggers. Did the BenQ drive come with that firmware - BSMB ? I checked at www.rpc1.org and couldn't see that one - check the link below, http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2053 Perhaps if you confirm what your doing, for instance, trying to write an ISO image to a blank disc etc it might be a little clearer....
  14. I can't see that
  15. Returning to your disc question - I concur with polo, the Taiyo Yudens are superb, I switched recently due to concerns with the Ritek G05s I was using. Since then I have had no hassles, every player I own loves em and they burn at 8x (I don't have a 16x burner) 99% of the time.
  16. ISO Read will not be a part of ImgBurn due to legal constraints placed on the author of this program. If you were part of the old forum you will know why the request you made is not possible.
  17. Nah you kiss away fella......
  18. Nah I am just plain lost now !
  19. Time to move Shamus !!
  20. Eh ? You don't understand which bit ? Basically the PS2 can be fussy about playing games that you have backed up, in my experience the best discs to use are the Taiyo Yuden dye ones - no probs with those whatsoever. Before that I used to use Ritek discs with G04 or G05 dye - they too are ok on the PS2. However I haven't seen G04 dye for ages and the G05's can be hit and miss on quality. The last 100 I ordered had way too many failures to verify and I sent them back. I have seen similar reports on other forums too.... Does that help ?
  21. Sorry..... Is this it ? http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&show...=findpost&p=968
  22. Who's Larry Flint ?
  23. :& What a brown nose jmet !!!
  24. What firmware do you have on that drive ? Follow the link below and see if its up to date. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=146 Also does Windows Explorer see the Pioneer ?
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