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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Not the highest quality brand out there. Try to find some Verbatims and see if those works, if you still get issues, it might be time to get a new writer.
  2. Look in the BIOS settings. It should normally be set to IDE.
  3. Curious. Are you running Vista or XP?
  4. I guess this is also your thread: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?p=568132 Looks as it's Nvidia drivers based. I think the ImgBurn author knows more about this runtime error.
  5. Nero InfoTool should show you this info. http://www.nero.com/eng/support-nero8-tools-utilities.html The writer, was it installed when you bought the computer or do you have installed it later?
  6. The 'Program Memory Area Update Failure' error is wrongly not reported by all programs. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=7860
  7. i'm using memorex, my friend says they work fine for him. i'm pretty sure its something with my drive, but i cant figure it out Your friend might have a more recent writer that likes new media codes better?
  8. That your writer is noted as connected through (Fibre) sounds not right. In most cases the default Windows chip set drivers are the best to use. What mother board do you have installed?
  9. Might be that the writer is either dying or needs the laser head to be cleaned. If it even got problems with Verbatims - there is something not right with that burner. Nice to hear that you liked Sweden. Welcome back!
  10. Have you been able to burn without issues before with ImgBurn?
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum, yodachaos! As being an elderly woman, I have some problems to read the text in such a small picture. Can you post the log instead? Just copy and paste it as you do in a word processing program into a posting window here. You'll find the log saved here: Main Menu -> Help -> ImgBurn Logs
  12. Tried to burn any more discs after the one that failed?
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum, Toddy! Home made stuff is not copy protected, so no need to use that program. Not any other program running that is still open that 'holds' your files on the D: device? The drive 'D:' - is that your source DVD disc or your hard disk?
  14. I have one, but it was some years ago since I used it. A nice writer/reader for its time. The issue might be that newer media codes are not fully supported in the original firmware.
  15. AUTO is if you have set a certain write speed with the feature 'Automatic Write Speed'. If no value is set - it will go for MAX speed. You can read about it here: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=4249
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum, crazybrain18! Tried to burn at 4x speed?
  17. Discussions about copy protections are not encouraged here due to the laws in the country that hosts the server and ImgBurn can only deal with unprotected stuff.
  18. is there nothing else I can do? what if the verbatims don't work? You writer is a bit old and a new writer has better support for new media codes, than your current one. It's also ages since an updated firmware was released for that writer. The lifespan for writers are not very long.
  19. Cynthia

    Vista rebooting

    Ultimate: Administration tools -> Logbook In the control panel there is also a tool/icon named 'problem reports and solutions'.
  20. The reason for the writer to go for 4x, even if you want it to go for 2.4x, is that the firmware only supports that media at 4x. That Verbatim media - is it on the box labeled - Made in Singapore or Made in 'elsewhere'? That you have installed your friends writer in your own computer and that it fails, sounds as there is an issue with drivers or that the writer is connected to a plug that is not working well with writers. What model of motherboard do you have? Most times the Windows default drivers works best. Your friends writer has a later firmware. http://se.lgservice.com/index_b2c.jsp
  21. There is a link in this thread. http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=44813 If you get a nice writer, either with direct USB connection or put a regular SATA/PATA writer in an USB cabinet, that should solve your issues.
  22. Could give it a try. Slimline writers seems to be very tricky to burn DL media.
  23. Those that's shipped with a Macbook seems to have a firmware like 'AP12'. Was the writer shipped with your Mac or you have installed it afterwards?
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