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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Feel free to attach the original ones that is missing from the Firmware HQ (or post links to them if they are to big to attach or send them in a mail to ImgBurn support), and they will be uploaded there.
  2. Burning is not very CPU intensive so in my ears it's the encoding part that triggers the heat issue.
  3. Perhaps the burn was not that good even if you got it through the verify part. Could run it in DVDInfoPro for a scan to see how good it really was.
  4. Shouldn't be any problem to burn HD Video to a DVD. Only issue might be if your video player doesn't support the format. ImgBurn doesn't convert it.
  5. Last firmware for that drive was released 2.5 years ago. I doubt there will be any new ones released. A new drive sounds as a good option if not post #4 works.
  6. Never looked how the discs looks when I used Ashampoo. Can only guess that it might be that it uses another write method like Incremental. That it jumps down so fast after the burn starts sounds as it's trying to find a better write strategy for those discs. Necs do have a habit of jumping down and up in speed during the burn as you can see in this picture. (The yellow line). But it should not be for a long period.
  7. In the write mode you can set the wanted write speed. Also look in the right panel for the supported write speeds with your media. Not all drives support 2x as write speed.
  8. And 2 and 2.4 are not supported speeds. The lowest one is 4x.
  9. It's already book typed. You have these speeds to try with: If all fails, then your burner simple don't like that brand of media (media code). Either switch to another brand (better) or get a new drive that likes those discs.
  10. For a high speed burner (can burn faster than 12x) you should be able to get up to 8x much faster on the burn. Look at the graph file how the drive performed during the burn. That should tell you more. What drive do you use?
  11. What do you mean with brand of those blanks? Are those real Verbatims? The brand on the package.
  12. It's not just the MCC code that is important, it's also who manufactures them. Different license plants have higher/lower quality on the final DVDs. IMHO the price relation shows the quality on the various brands. It's also very dependent on the burner you use. Some burners can do pretty good burns with cheap media.
  13. I have some Verbatims +R Advanced AZO+ and that is Taiyo Yuden media code.
  14. Same OS as you and I can't say I got any turbo speed compared to 32 bit reading from optical drives. The max reading/writing speeds from/to optical drives should be the same even if you use a 64 bit compiled version, compared to 32 bit.
  15. No. Perhaps the fake browser is more secure...
  16. It's free. I get the same Windows warning that the download page will hijack your computer.
  17. If it fails at 4x and 6x also, then it looks as your burner doesn't like that media code.
  18. Only God knows... But I guess the speed. To be sure that it was a good burn, you should also use the verify option.
  19. If the combination of media and firmware (= your burners internal tabel) can't allow lower speeds, then you'r out of luck. You can see the available speeds after the media code in the log. IMHO the best result is not always = lowest speed.
  20. Same issue if you try with 6x or 8x write speed and test mode not enabled?
  21. No. ImgBurn can't shrink/compress the files. So the size in is the size out.
  22. Not possible to add several disc images (ISO files) to one disc. Do the compilation in another program such as DVD Shrink. You need however first extract the images with a program such as http://www.7-zip.org/ . There should be plenty of guides on how to use the program on the net.
  23. Where do you live? Mail order is another option to get more drives to select from.
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