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Everything posted by chewy

  1. chewy

    XP Stop Errors

    when I asked for an everest overclock report I was thinking memory issues, is that kingston value or hyperx? course that was before the part about you unloading audigy drivers?????????
  2. just verified, spti locked with my trick, must only work for older lamer programs
  3. I learned a new trick, YMMV, setup an admin account, install programs, create a new admin account, change original to limited. Enjoy OT: been trying for a year to get certain programs to work this way with WinXP pro so our DJ's wouldn't hose the computer.
  4. chewy

    XP Stop Errors

    http://techreport.com/reviews/2006q1/msi-k...us/index.x?pg=1 latest bios?
  5. http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/content/support/...html#fdvdwriter
  6. chewy

    anomaly with RW

    http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1545 I was tempted to blame the 2nd burn on corrupted firmware but suspect using quick erase after reading luk's logs with the other verb rw
  7. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16815108007 this card goes into a pci slot inside the computer and will give you 2 usb2 ports that can run external usb devices, should safely give you over 10 times as fast a speed as your present usb1
  8. how's it confusing? you have a usb1 computer which is limited to 900KB/s 4x dvd burning is 5MB/s or 5000KB/s with a desktop tower you can add a cheap usb2 card simple as pie
  9. much clearer now LUK! Thanks
  10. I understand the regedit how to remove part, but fail to comprehend how certain filters interfer in some cases but not all.
  11. recently started using this program to troublshoot burning problems http://www.bustrace.com/products/devfilter.htm for the aspi interfaces I kind of expected crapware to hose them, but it would seem that newer programs like sonic(or clones) are hosing the spti interface as well I have run into this as the fix http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben...14060&x=12&y=13 all way over my head!
  12. windows is written in G05 language, it selfdestructs in 6 months
  13. just a batch file right?
  14. chewy

    XP Stop Errors

    canada's a big open country, lots of elbow room
  15. chewy

    XP Stop Errors

    grain, post an everest overclock report quick txt http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4181.html --------[ EVEREST Home Edition © 2003-2005 Lavalys, Inc. ]------------------------------------------------------------ Version EVEREST v2.20.405 Homepage http://www.lavalys.com/ Report Type Quick Report Computer HOME-A4BAC1C55B (beast) Generator bob Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail) Date 2006-06-05 Time 15:29 --------[ Overclock ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU Properties: CPU Type AMD Athlon 64 CPU Alias Venice S939 CPU Stepping DH-E3 CPUID CPU Name AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3000+ CPUID Revision 00020FF0h CPU Speed: CPU Clock 2519.62 MHz CPU Multiplier 9.0x CPU FSB 279.96 MHz (original: 200 MHz, overclock: 40%) Memory Bus 251.96 MHz CPU Cache: L1 Code Cache 64 KB (Parity) L1 Data Cache 64 KB (ECC) L2 Cache 512 KB (On-Die, ECC, Full-Speed) Motherboard Properties: Motherboard ID 63-1408-000001-00101111-063005-K8T800P$A0036001_BIOS DATE: 06/30/05 17:34:14 VER: 08.00.09 Motherboard Name Asus A8V Deluxe (5 PCI, 1 AGP, 4 DDR DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394) Chipset Properties: Motherboard Chipset VIA K8T800Pro, AMD Hammer Memory Timings 2.5-4-4-10 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS) Command Rate (CR) 1T SPD Memory Modules: DIMM1: Micron Tech. 256 MB PC4000 DDR SDRAM (2.5-4-4-10 @ 250 MHz) (2.0-3-3-8 @ 200 MHz) DIMM2: Micron Tech. 256 MB PC4000 DDR SDRAM (2.5-4-4-10 @ 250 MHz) (2.0-3-3-8 @ 200 MHz) BIOS Properties: System BIOS Date 06/30/05 Video BIOS Date 04/08/11 DMI BIOS Version 1014.008 Graphics Processor Properties: Video Adapter ATI Radeon 9600 XT (RV360) GPU Code Name RV360 (AGP 8x 1002 / 4152, Rev 00) GPU Clock 500 MHz (original: 500 MHz) Memory Clock 297 MHz (original: 300 MHz)
  16. sony rootkit tribe will receive wireless commands from headquarters and disable all electronic gear
  17. my first and only bought new computer was an open architecture P133, I reloaded it(W95) a month or so later(course I crashed it). Started with barebones then went to full builds. Much easier to fix if you built it yourself.
  18. my suspicion is dell specs out a drive for low cost with new features and then doesn't back it up with firmware support
  19. do you think LG screws them up special for dell or dell does it on their own
  20. chewy

    chewy's crash course

    well my problem with dvdinfo and this machine must be related to the size of the disk a 4400MB burn I'm sure not going to waste any of these disks on discovery, saved for long term data archiving ]My Webpage[/url]
  21. chewy


    optimum standard setting for scan speed is determined by the point where errors quit diminishing as you lower speed, the object is to get a consistent scan at the fastest possible speed. 1X is best, but takes too long. It all a compromise.
  22. chewy


    there's a quick scan option with cdspeed but set the measure points for 50 in options under disk quality frank soy trick from cdfreaks or how to quick scan a 100 or so disks leave scan speed at optimum/standard setting
  23. chewy


    Scanning is a way to monitor integrity of a data bank, especially for idiots that built the bank with disregard for MID's. Tweaking cdspeed for more measure points in a quick scan is a good mass production tool.
  24. chewy

    chewy's crash course

    4th scan after reboot same thing, but scanned in nec 3550, matches cdspeed???????? Must be my benq and/or the dvdinfo setup on my other computer???? Uninstalling dvdinfo and reinstalling
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