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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. Try a lower speed, if that fails, get some different discs.
  2. Can you actualy set it to DMA in the BIOS? Or is it greyd out? Did you delete the controller in device manager? As per the FAQ? Or did you just try to change it in the properties of the drive? I don't believe changing the drive will fix your DMA problem.
  3. I don't think you're right with this one spinner. But I agree with this one.
  4. Why indeed? Why did we have Beta and VHS back in the VCR days? Allmost history repeating itself.
  5. I agree with spinner
  6. This is very good media, there is not much better around, go ahead and buy them. There is no 'better', just different format, both good, just make sure your drive/standalone supports the format you choose.
  7. Kenadjian


    Thanks for the update Kev.
  8. Kenadjian

    Housing Prices

    Ahh, thank you.
  9. Yeah, I think that would be a very dangerous option.
  10. Kenadjian


    Hey MJ, we missed you man, where the hell are you? Hope you're ok.
  11. Kenadjian

    Housing Prices

    Fuck DB, you're at it again, what the hell does that mean?
  12. Kenadjian

    Housing Prices

    Simply called the TAX DEPARTMENT. On average, 200 to 300K, (in Melbourne) but if you move closer to the city, anything up to 5 to 6M, and you've got the Sydney bit right, you'd strugle to get any kind of housing for under 500K. Most housing in Australia are stand alone, with front and back yards, however this is getting smaller and smaller every day.
  13. Too bloody close mate, 1 point win, can't get much closer than that, last time that happend was in 1966 with my beloved Saints.
  14. You won't be dissapointed. Make sure it's the +R DL verbs, not the -R DL's. Also don't forget to change your booktype to ROM for best compatibility.
  15. Kenadjian

    LG GSA-H22N

    Nice one mate.
  16. I reckon it might be age related blu. But honestly, is a one second skip/pause worth all this trouble? When you read all the shit involved about this subject, it's bigger than Ben Her.
  17. A couple things to try. Give your drive a good clean and lower your burn speed to 2.4x, that's for the first part of your log. Also from your first log, see if you can change the book type to DVD-ROM, this will make it more compatable with stand alone players. Now for the second log. ImgBurn does not support multi session. Hope this helps.
  18. I really don't understand all this plava about layer breaks, I've NEVER experienced any pauses skips at these points, seamless or otherwise.
  19. Can you copy and paste the info from the right hand pane please?
  20. I really have to learn to type faster.
  21. As the boss suggested, try some of the older Verbs.
  22. You can also do a verify with ImgBurn on the source media, chances are it will fail to read the sectors, which means as the boys said, crappy media.
  23. I'd say the first one fixed the problem, I can't see the second one being a problem. Lightning may throw some more light on it for you. Why don't you move all of them in one directory and see if it still works? I'm sure it will.
  24. How big is the total content of the directory?
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