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Everything posted by Altercuno

  1. Altercuno

    Movie Chat

    Thanks I was cringing in places, but an 18's bound to have some hard stuff. Its good to find films that are really good that have been missed. Seen The Boondock Saints?
  2. Going to give Ubuntu a try soon. It'll run off a cd which could be useful if windows crashes & soon Vista's going to be unavoidable, so I may go dual boot as you have, but with Vista. Ps. I agree with what you say about Imgburn
  3. Altercuno

    Movie Chat

    Thought it would be good to have a movie thread where we can talk & recommend stuff. No talk about ripping or downloading, please. Looks like being a good summer with Spider man 3, The Simpson's Movie, Shrek 3, Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End, Resident Evil: Extinction, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Transformers... Watched The Generals Daughter (18) last night. Slow to start, but very good...
  4. Here's some trivia I found for this ep...don't think it has spoilers, but if you haven't seen the ep, it may be best not to read... Dr Who Trivia Edit: Changed long post to link. Sorry about that...
  5. Yeah it was good laying the groundwork for the second part. Martha's arse was prominent as I recall. A gif would be cool... I recorded it on hard drive. If you have probs pm me an addy and I'll post it...
  6. Its a valid point about colours - any colour used might work against anyone with Dyschromatopsia. I also feel that LUK's right about smilies giving it a teletubby look. On SVP they rate products like: 9.8/10. How about something like that which could even distinguish between the same ratings on excellent to help the user choose?
  7. Good find jack...very impressive. I can vaguely remember the ep. City of Death is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts from September 29 to October 20, 1979. The story is set in Paris, and was the first Doctor Who serial to feature footage filmed on location outside the United Kingdom. With Tom Baker & Romana...
  8. Brown eye, surly? Its hard to say how shocking that cover is. Absolutely shocking. Couldn't believe it, felt like complaining to them, but there it is right in your face where anybody could see it - the price. 98p for the Radio Times? Makes your blood run cold doesn't it...? Strange they spoiled the surprise like that...
  9. Didn't send you a take down notice, did they...?
  10. That brought to mind this story I read recently... Everything taken including kitchen sink perhaps you read the same story polo... its worth sorting out kirk, cos I know here in the UK a boundary change becomes law after, I think, 7 years. So if somebody moves their fence onto your land its theirs in 7 years...
  11. Thanks jack, just checking it out...young, dumb & full of cum looks quite interesting, or squirtwoman 2. Ah found it...DDD for $16.45...hhmmm... Dr Who looks good...looking forward to it
  12. Just tried to order it off LoveFilm, but no luck. Could be they don't do adult stuff, or its not on Dvd... life's a bitch and then you die...
  13. You seem to have got them all. John Simm plays a character called Mr. Saxon in the last episode of the present series. "Mister Saxon" is an anagram of "Master No Six"[6]; previous appearances by the Master were concealed by anagrammatising the name of the actor playing him. Like your animated gifs. Jo Grant & Liz??? - Liz???
  14. And Brenda Bristols, of course...
  15. The time war could be something big that's being led up to...loads of hints and bits of info since this new Dr Who started...kinda like Bad Wolf only bigger. The Dr has been described as 'The killer of his own kind' by the Beast in The Satan Pit...surly they're gonna put that right...
  16. Its gonna be The Master anyway. Pity if it is as no surprises there...
  17. Think you're reaching a bit there db. Here's a recent pic of Carol Ann Ford. Don't think she's gonna make it into the Eye Candy thread...
  18. ...no need to make an ass of yourself...
  19. Unbelievable. I like the last paragraph...test drive 5, get one free...
  20. I don't like Nero either...first thing I do with a new system is uninstall it, but its there at No 4 along with McAfee...
  21. Thought this was interesting... 20 most annoying tech products
  22. There's one for over ?2.4 million. Perhaps they don't need the money. Still, you could always send your chauffeur down to get it...
  23. Sounds to me like you hit rock bottom with that...
  24. Altercuno

    DVD Ram

    Sorry for the long delay in posting lfc, I didn't see you'd posted. No, I didn't format the disc. I selected an iso, clicked on burn and a msg came up saying I was going to overwrite the information on the disc, or some such, and I clicked ok and burned it. As it worked for you I'll try again. Must be me. Mates machine is...Panasonic DMR-E75V. Its a Dvd/Vhs combi model. Thanks for your help, time and trouble... Regards
  25. The old classic... what's up?...worn out the tape...
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