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Everything posted by spinningwheel

  1. Munkee, welcome to the Forum. You're using the best media available now, however the newest firmware available is 1.29 so I would suggest that you upgrade before trying again. You're erroring at the beginning of the disc, so I'd try another one, possibly it's a duff disc.
  2. Deeb; Gasoline, diesel and powdered detergent....no double boiler, no bathtub...just
  3. Lemme guess..canabis???
  4. OK...OK...so there's two......
  5. Jay; It's my understanding that the program locks the drive so that it's not inadvertently openedduring a burn and thereby creating a coaster. If the program you are using then 'locks-up' or crashes, it hasn't released the lock on the drive and a reboot or openiong it manually with a paper clip through the hole are the only options I am aware of.
  6. All you can do is try until you run out of discs and have to buy some new ones ...I'd suggest hanging them in the yard to scare the birds and getting some good media though .... it'll help keep the frustration level down Sorry, but I don't see a problem in your log, maybe someone else will
  7. Start ImgBurn>right click on drive>click on "check firmware" thingy on the bottom of the menu. You'll be taken to RPC-1 and see what firmware is available for flashing your drive.
  8. Newest firmware is YYS7, so you're a few behind. A quick check on the net shows this media to have very mixed reviews . Get some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim DataLifePlus discs and save the aggravation...
  9. bongiobul...Welcome to the forum Can you post a log of the failed burn?
  10. Errrrmmm...so you like to sneak up behind sleeping folks then polo?????
  11. Just to add to what corny said. Just because a cd or other media is not copy protected does not mean that you own intellectual rights to the data on the disc and ripping it is not what we are interested in here. Not all that well I'm afraid ...use the search function and look for 'ripping' and all should be clear to you.
  12. I can't see it from my work computer, I'll have to get I.T. to update Flash... #39;(
  13. #39;( Man...what happened to Basic??? #39;(
  14. Thanks Polo, I couldn't figure out what the hell db was on about.....
  15. WTF????
  16. Did you upgrade your firmware as Shamus suggested?
  17. 3458 registered users, a zillion downloads of the program...... and 1 guy with an esthetics problem....I wonder if Nero would offer to change their splash screen looks for an end user???? What a Boss
  18. Agreed, that's all I use with the Netgear wireless and I've not had a problem. Both laptops are logged in by MAC address and nothing else can/has gotten in....
  19. At least we know one of them did.......
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