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Everything posted by spinningwheel

  1. Ritek discs are problematic at best and bad at their worst. Ritek1 has very mixed reviews; try a better media. We recommend Verbatim DataLifePlus or Taito Yuden branded media mostly. Also your firmware is not listed on the rpc1.org website, you may want to flash to a current firmware.
  2. XrX ca; I read the post and went in a different direction when I was thinking out my reply. Good idea.
  3. I believe that creating a table of speeds for each disc would be an impossible idea. Too many burners multiplied by the many disc makers/rebadgers/mid's would really be an overwhelming database. Since not all system drive combinations yield the same results I would suggest that you make a table in XL or some such program and track the results from your own burners using various mid's?
  4. Hmmmmm...registration dates have been corrected..... =))
  5. It all depends on the mid and country of manufacture. Stick with Verbatim DataLifePlus or Taiyo Yuden abd you won't go wrong with the media. Then, if the firmware is the newest the odds are in your favor. However scrap drives do come in new boxes as well... Then you answered your own question from above... ... but I'd still get good media and see what happens next. 50 or 500 discs that are crap are just that, the only difference is the frustration you are willing to accept by having 50-60-70-80% failures.
  6. Could be???COULD BE????
  7. OH MY...might as well get it over with.... then I can relax knowing that I got my 5th square......
  8. Why track this????? Only 1 left to go....
  9. Happy Birthday PM
  10. gar; Besides your discs being one of the worst available, upgrade to firmware 1.06 since you are running 1.05 now.
  11. Please post the whole logfile.
  12. spinningwheel

    CMC MAG's

    I don't think quality is of concern for them since they are rebadged by just about everyone and HP is their US frontman....
  13. spinningwheel

    CMC MAG's

  14. But they are dedicated to the dupe task and not to an operating system
  15. Nice thoughts db...
  16. If he didn't have a latching surge supressor in the line prior to the cpu he's pretty well screwed. The energy released within the system should have fried the mobo and the power supply, which is only a fancy, fan cooled, transformer, before it found its way to ground.
  17. Sure you do, sometimes it's just the slightest hesitation, sometimes it's an actual freeze, sometimes it's seamless and you see nothing. Depends a lot on how it was mastered, what studio put it out and the quality of your playback machine. As far as time, that will have to be answered by someone more technically inclined.
  18. ALWAYS the best advice...
  19. Did you try following the directions in the FAQ? No, a clean reinstall of the OS won't affect the firmware of the burner...sorry.
  20. *nuclear rant mode...on* I believe they went ahead with the test in order to show the UN, and it's new South Korean President, that it doesn't give a shit about what the World, the West and the Chinese, who told them not to test, think. They're going to keep jabbing away, pissing off the rest of the world, until they either get whatever it is they really want, or until someone shoves a boot in their ass and they calm down. I don't believe they are stupid enough to try to launch any nuclear payload anywhere, nor do they currently have the ability to do so, but I do believe they are like a spoiled child that wants to play with the big kids and gets all riled up when they won't play with him. The bigger picture is that the assholes now have the ability to set up shop and sell their limited quality nuclear devices to other non-nuclear countries that have a lot of oil $ and not much more sense than that of the North Korean leadership. *nuclear rant mode...off*
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