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The 'Translations' Topic!


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This thread is for talk about translations.


Please don't ask for them in here, it's a thread to assist the people actually doing them.


The language files themselves are available on the download page of the main website.


PLEASE do not post translations in here (unless they're for 'testing'), email them to me. You can find the email address in the program's 'About' box.




The current base file is v1.0.0.7 (for ImgBurn v2.4.4.0) and you can download it here.


Below you'll find the 'differences' report (made in Beyond Compare) so you can see what's changed / been added since the previous version.


It's important that you use it to pick up on where the existing text for items has been edited. The DKLang program only makes totally new (or deleted) entries obvious.






Please Note: The differences reports must be done in number order! So if you're updating from, you need to look at the differences report and make the necessary changes before then looking at the one.

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The string in Row 422 in section frm.Main ��" Panel_ISOBUILD_FileSystemLabel.Caption:




Is that & character intended to be there?


I guess it's for the shortcuts (Alt Gr + X) function.


There are also & characters in the same section on rows; 389, 434, 436, 437, 438, 570 and 577.


Will it work in the final version - if we use that & character to create shortcuts in the menues/selections?

Edited by cynthia
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Yup, the '&' is for keyboard shortcuts - the character after the & is the shortcut key.


Borland kinda deals with them automatically in menus (makes them unique) but you can specify your own, as I have done there.


Unless you're lucky and the translated word happens to have the same character in it, it's probably safer if you leave the & out.


Where there are 2 &'s next to each other, that's where I actually want a real '&' character in the string.

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I would like to test the translated strings from time to time but the current ImgBurn version doesn't support it.

I only got the ImgBurn language file! So, I missed something or not?


An other question:

Some of the strings are "Unknown" - is this wanted / correct?


And my last question:

I saved the new language file in Unicode or should I choose Ansi?

Edited by Chaos
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I would like to test the translated strings from time to time but the current ImgBurn version doesn't support it.

I only got the ImgBurn language file! So, I missed something or not?


An other question:

Some of the strings are "Unknown" - is this wanted / correct?


And my last question:

I saved the new language file in Unicode or should I choose Ansi?

Hi! :)




The string "Unknown" is what the program shows in some areas in the program; in the burning window if there is no image file loaded.




When it's loaded - it shows the details about the file. So yes - they should be translated.





Edited by cynthia
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I would like to test the translated strings from time to time but the current ImgBurn version doesn't support it.

I only got the ImgBurn language file! So, I missed something or not?

The next version, probably, is the version that will support language files. It's due out very soon now. But I think LIGHTNING_UK wanted to get some translations ready for when the new version is released.

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And, I am sure the translators will be able to report any issues, update their files and post them once is released (I plan to work on the authentic Australian language file - "Ocker" - when I have some time - watch for it).



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Indeed, I'm not fussed about translations being 100% ready for when is released. The idea was just that I gave them a head start.


For the most part they can see how long the English strings are and how much space there is within the GUI. So if I've allowed room for 10 letters and theirs is 50, clearly we're going to run into problems ;)

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@ cynthia:

The string "Unknown" is what the program shows in some areas in the program; in the burning window if there is no image file loaded.

I should have seen this on my own if I had a look at ImgBurn.

Thanks for explainations.


@ digidragon:

Thanks for info but I thought / hoped that it will be possible to get a beta of the new ImgBurn to test the translation because most of the German strings are longer than the English ones - some of them almost 300%.



I would like to know how maintenance of the language file(s) will look like:

E.g. the language file(s) must be updated to fit changes of every new version of ImgBurn?

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With DKLang Translation Editor, if you open both the new .dklang file (as source file), plus your latest .lng file (as existing translation file), it will recognise which are the new strings and add them to your .lng file ready for translation.

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Thanks for answering my question about maintenance - sounds good.


DKLang Translation Editor is a big help.

Already translated a couple of other programs / tools etc. and translation of ImgBurn is very comfortable with it.


Will be context menu entries also be translated with the language file(s)?

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