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Everything posted by polopony

  1. start buying oars lots of oars and we'll take turns beating the drum
  2. I guess I get 2, one in OZ today and one here tomorrow
  3. GOOGLE BLU RAY forum that will put you where you might get some help/answers. I dont know of anyone here who has a BL burner except you and maybe LUK
  4. see above, I have issues with even thinking about spending that kind of money for one plus the media cost ,I'm still not happy with the cost of Dual Layer media
  5. Now that's funny....... if it wasn't for the lunacy around here it would really be crazy ,its not necessary but it sure helps
  6. we've all made mistakes that makes go not enough people get back after asking their questions they just abandon threads and we never know if they sorted it out or not ,if you stick around you'll learn lots of stuff I know I did if I could only remember it
  7. Now... can you remind which dye type I should be looking for that has the best results of the Verbatim DL disks. just buy Verbatim DL's they dont have a bunch of different dye manufacturers making them, I think its MKM and burn them at 2.4
  8. polopony

    asf files

    while he didn't post I did see he was lurking about a while back, he was browsing the forum
  9. it'll be out in around that or sooner is my best guess
  10. before you get into a discussion about this drive MURRAY in his other post corrected himself the drive is actually a Sony 120 this is from his other post its in support "Well, I have just discovered that my unit is actuall a DW-Q120A,arrrrr. I need Pyr2 or pys3 but I can not get hold of it anywhere tried the The Firmware page but Sony do not have it"
  11. Well, I have just discovered that my unit is actuall a DW-Q120A......arrrrrr....I need Pyr2 or pys3 but I can not get hold of it anywhere...tried the The Firmware page but Sony do not have it......... H one of `the members CraigOsborn has the same drive and nothing but problems with it you can read the thread, look for his name further dowm the this page
  12. Tax his land Tax his bed Tax the table At which he's fed Tax his tractor Tax his mule Teach him taxes Are the rule Tax his cow Tax his goat Tax his pants Tax his coat Tax his ties Tax his shirt Tax his work Tax his dirt Tax his tobacco Tax his drink Tax him if he Tries to think Tax his cigar Tax his beers If he cries, then Tax his tears Tax his car Tax his gas Find other ways To tax his ass Tax all he has Then let him know That you won't be done Till he has no dough When he screams and hollers Then tax him some more Tax him till He's good and sore Then tax his coffin Tax his grave Tax the sod in Which he's laid Put these words upon his tomb "Taxes drove me to my doom When he's gone Do not relax Its time to apply The inheritance tax Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax CDL license Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Dog License Tax Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax, Fuel permit tax Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon) Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Interest expense Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) Liquor Tax Luxury Taxes Marriage License Tax Medicare Tax Property Tax Real Estate Tax Service charge taxes Social Security Tax Road usage taxes Sales Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax School Tax State Income Tax State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Telepho ne federal excise tax Telephone federal universal service fee tax Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax Telephone state and local tax Telephone usage charge tax Utility Taxes Vehicle License Registration Tax Vehicle Sales Tax Watercraft registration Tax Well Permit Tax Workers Compensation Tax Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What happened? And I still have to "press 1" for English! *?*??`?.??.???`?-?-???`?.??.???`*?
  13. polopony

    asf files

    thanks polo..worked like a charm... and thank you Movie Junkie happy listening
  14. why add things to IMGburn that are not necessary you can reset DMA in the device manager
  15. if the players are that old and the time to convert AVI's is pretty long then its a better idea to spring for a cheap player the inexpensive players seem to handle every kind of playback, in the long run it will save lots of time if you keep having to convert AVI's
  16. polopony

    asf files

    www.dailysofts.com maybe on the right side under 'Download Categories" click on converters then click on #1 converter 108 looks like it might be what you want
  17. what have you done what proccess what steps more info
  18. nice call ,this is Google SAMSUNG's Digital World - DVD-ROM Drive | SH-D162CAwaken your senses Reading multiple DVD formats (DVD-R, DVD-RW & DVD-RAM) Samsung's DVD-ROM Drives also come with stabilised DVD playback and Dynamic ...
  19. If you're using Nero to burn then you're in the wrong forum dont ya think
  20. If I was buying one today I think I'd get a Pio 111 also , we see good results from them
  21. congrats LFC good things happen in threes so maybe the girlfriend isn't really preggo after all .You should call the number and tell them you'll come to the main office to claim the prize just after you get back from the funeral see what they say
  22. doing a Google search for that drive reviews showed that only 53% thought it was an excellent drive and there were lots of cons I/O errors ,cant read ,cant write ,you've tried different media from worst to best with the same results I'd RMA the drive and get a new one or abandon it and get something different, as a last resort you could try using + media maybe some Verbatim and even if that bombs out too the discs wont go to waste if you get a different burner. I really think the drive has problems
  23. polopony

    What is this

    M$ motto if we cant really fix the current OS then we'll release another and try to fix that .Can you believe that people waited on line from the night before to buy a copy ,talk about not having a life its pathetic
  24. I meant me
  25. I still know how to do it
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