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Everything posted by polopony

  1. those Sonys get very mixed reviews and drives seem to be picky as to whether they are compatible ,if the Yudens are hard to get then Verbatims are excellent and you can find them in stores
  2. polopony


    I can hear it now ,,sir put your hands against the wall ,do you have any weapons guns ,knives ,anything that might stick me or cut me on your person ,are you carrying a Flash Drive ". .They think making new laws will change anything ,do they think that the same people that didn't give 2 shits for the old laws will suddenly stop because theres new law inacted .They should be all taken out for a pee test to see what they're on its not reality for sure ,Years ago I read that if everyone was charged and jailed for all the things they do wrong then 90% of everyone would be behind bars
  3. how did you get the bike up to 600MPH the best I could ever do was 35MPH or so
  4. When I want to find something I use Google
  5. you mention a second computer does that have a burner ? As far as roxio CD Creator goes I've never used it ,if you have a file, image or whatever ready to burn to CD then can't you use Roxio or Windows movie maker .If you open the help file you wll get a step by step
  6. its really not coming from the software but the hardware IMBburn only "asks" if its ready if it was software everyones drive would say device not ready ,check your firmware first, look for newer (drives instructions ) you can right click on the drive in the destination box and from the menu look at the last line firmware update .You can shut down the puter re-start ,open IMGburn and go to tools ,settings and hit defaults and then insert the blank last after the "waiting for " What drive is it and who makes it ?
  7. open IMGburn and copy the log from below the main window copy and paste that will be a start,what media etc etc BTW you do know that the files have to be turned into an ISO image ? and have you read the guides?
  8. thats exactly what it means you don't have a dvd burner and cant make a dvd. DVD burners are cheap enough you can get one for $30 online but because you're in a hurry the price is maybe double at a store .They are easy to install . Burn to CD and see what you have cd's are what about a dime and it may be enough to see you through
  9. polopony


    saw this on the news they are taking this to extreme and dangerous levels ,will they be able to stop you on the street and examine what you have on your IPOD ,computer ,any storage device www.smh.com.au/news/technology/the-65000-question-do-you-own-an-ipod/2006/11/20/1163871308087.html
  10. no amount of boards would take the weight of that equipment, if you look at the flat bed trailer (1 st pic behind the rear tire) the last few feet is on a hydraulic pivot that lowers to form the ramp someone forgot to lower it and the operator drove it off the edge. I've seen stuff where the hydraulic ramp failed to operate and then they try to use boards or whatever is handy to off load, a disaster in the making .We were building a small medical center in lower New York and the truck driver did his best to dump a 28,000 pound MRI machine into a major street, the chains held, the rep from General Electric was next to me at the time on the second floor and when I blinked he was at the truck .I never saw anyone cover so much ground so fast he them proceeded to scream at the driver at the top of his lungs for what must have been a half hour
  11. that hurt, someone forgot to put the loading ramps down , not quite sure if its real or a photoshop thing though
  12. not you Tiger ,curious what country lets you copy protected stuff and besides you're from Liverpool not England
  13. Disc ID: MCC-004-00 these are Verbatim +R discs 16X Manufacturer ID: MCC 03RG20 these are Verbatim -R discs 16X DVD-R (Disc ID: TYG03) these are Taiyo Yuden 16X these are the best so if you are going to buy media Verbatim + or - available in stores and Taiyo Yuden available online www.newegg.com and www.meritline.com in thre US
  14. Sony stopped making drives a good while ago and outsourced them to Lite On .It goes back to Dec 03 when Sony announced that they would stop making drives .Lite On makes them and Sony puts their name on them. Lite-On IT has also begun OEM shipments of DVD burners to Sony NEC Optiarc, a joint venture of Sony and NEC. Lite On has also begun to make drives for BenQ . Its getting more confusing every day .Lite On released their new 20X writers .The numbers game is getting out of control, after much testing on this forum its proven that the best quality discs are burned at 12x or less and the %'s go downas the speed increases. I dont see them improving on blank media if anything they are moving to the new HD and Blu-ray discs and before long dvd's as we know them will go the way of VHS
  15. Wally is alive and well , heard from him recently
  16. BTW what country are you from?
  17. is it this one ISO only you cant burn ? The yudens are quality discs and mine burn to the absolute rim without failure if you think its too big compress it a little more and see what happens . even though it doesn't verify it doesn't mean that it wont play on your standalone OK you can look at the disc very carefully and see if theres any discoloration on the disc maybe little spots darker than the rest of the blank
  18. I 18:15:05 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: CMC MAG-M01-00) (Speeds: 4x, 8x, 12x, 16x) we see this all the time with CMC MAG dye they're not very good discs and while you had 15+good burns the next 15 can be bad with that media .We here only reccommend Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden discs its all I use and havent had a bad burn in a long time a couple of years at least .You can go to www.digitalfaq.com they have ratings for different media ,its not the brand that counts but who makes the dye on the discs
  19. like corn says write is to write an existing ISO image build takes your folder and and its files and converts it to an ISO before it burns
  20. if you had posted in Suggestions then you would have been told of its inclusion in the next version ,it was still a great idea and thanks for all the work you did
  21. OK everybody pick up your toys put them away and get ready for your bath and then its off to bed tomorrow's a school day
  22. I don't really understand why you have to be convinced to use IMBburn .Its about choices and having more than 1 . If you're happy with Nero and 120 then thats OK it fills your needs .The world will not stop if you dont use IMGburn and the truth of the matter is no one will care either way .If you cant/wont try the software thats OK too, its your choice. "The first line sounds like I'm supposed to experiment + find reasons on my own. Are there not actual reasons besides my own personal preference?" its all about personal preferance after all isn't it
  23. you better check again because thats not true, there are a couple of countrys where you can legaly make a backup for yourself but to add to the list you can't do it in the US either .We've been over this topic for years and are sure about it
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