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Everything posted by blutach

  1. Is your problem similar to this? Regards
  2. Maybe when he does, he'll stop yelling at us. These folks who complain so loudly are the ones who rarely reach into their pocket for even a tiny donation for all LUK!'s hard work. They just order him around as if HE owes THEM something!!! (now that's a laugh). Regards
  3. Happy birthday spinner - my, you ARE old!!!!! (But wise, too!!!) Have a great day mate. Regards
  4. Another mighty changelog boss! Thanks for everything. Regards
  5. And where exactly on the Official ImgBurn website does it say it can copy PS2 games? Regards
  6. What did you type in as the offending letter? Regards
  7. Yes, but Nero was a stupid coward who let his city burn to dust. LUK! is a whole lot smarter than that! Regards
  8. Why don't people just leave the settings on default? They really are for advanced users. At the very least, if you don't know what you are doing, don't do it! Regards
  9. Ner0 blew it after if you ask me. Regards
  10. See if you can get an internal burner - your troubles will disappear. Regards
  11. A little bit of searching will find literally hundreds, if not thousands, of references to ImgBurn being a burning program. So stop being so damn lazy. (Looks for dipstick emoticon) Regards
  12. I've been meaning to ask this for some time - why do people think their problems with DVDFab, DVD Shrink, ConvertXtoDVD, DVD Flick etc etc etc have to do with us? Why not go to the forums dedicated to those software instead of bugging us here, where we expressly do not discuss those software? People listen up - ImgBurn is a burning program! It burns what you tell it to. You got garbage in; well tuff luck, you're gunna get garbage out. Regards
  13. You can't. DVD files are not made up that way (chapter by chapter). Best you buy good media to begin with. Regards
  14. Ask a stupid question .... Regards
  15. I'm with you on this one. I think IMGBURN should expand to re-authoring as well OK then - hypothetically. What would you pay for this feature that you need so much? That might get the author's interest. Regards
  16. The horse can't feel it spinner; only us! Regards
  17. Or Paragon HD Manager (there's a free version out there somewhere). Regards
  18. How are you almost sure of this? Have you taken a survey? And you are suggesting that the program be changed to NOT reflect the standard. That is ridiculous. A simple mistake was made in the guide; that's all. It has been corrected. Don't make a federal case out of it. Regards
  19. Hey boss. I just wanted to ask for the 10,000th time, because I am too lazy or stupid to search, when multi-session is gunna be introduced. I promise I'll be a good boy if you'll just introduce this. Nag nag nag nag nag. We outa ban the bloody word multisession on this forum. FGS people - ImgBurn does not support multisession. Period! When it does, you can read about it in the changelog - if you can be bothered, that is. Regards
  20. I'll fix the PDFs. Regards
  21. Is this his signature? If so, it is very apt. Regards
  22. And don't forget the keyboard shortcuts. They're in the mode menu. Regards
  23. Took the words outa my mouth LOCO. Happy birthday volvo! Regards
  24. Thanks Oily - Your mom says hi, btw!!! And cynthia, it took a whole lot less than that to outdrink me But Shamus is a real pro when it comes to drink! Regards
  25. I'm no better drinker than I used to be mate! You'd still drink me under the table!!! Regards
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