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Everything posted by blutach

  1. Give it the flick, is what I say. Regards
  2. Or you can clear all on exit - see the settings (events tab). Regards
  3. You were right on the first time. MBI discs are crap. Go get some Verbatims or Taiyo Yudens. Regards
  4. You do know that you can remove the funny messages and put your own sounds in? See the settings. Regards
  5. We are not "associated" with them (how can we stop or even monitor their actions?). They scam people using ImgBurn as a product. People who are too dumb to google and find out that the product has, is, and always will be, free. So, sorry to say, but they get what they deserve. Regards
  6. blutach


    We had power issues but because of the reverse reason - it was +43C here for 4 days in a row! Regards
  7. More than likely 0 bytes. I tried to overburn a DVD not long ago and it failed miserably. If your centent is a video, shrink it with any6 popular transcoder/encoder. If just data, split it over more than 1 DVD (2 x DVD5s >> 1 x DVD9) Regards
  8. This just in from Seigfreid ..... Regards
  9. Almost certain that your normal DVD player won't pay HD content. What is confusing is why, on this animated DVD, you'd bother with HD. The SD DVD would be just fine. Regards
  10. Which we'd ignore!!! It just seems to me there is an increasing number of threads of "I can't copy (insert name of game or DVD) with ImgBurn". Regards
  11. Why is it that people still think this is a program to copy protected discs? Maybe we need a warning on installation that ImgBurn does not do this and is primarily a burning program. Regards
  12. These are NOT Verbatim DVDs. Verbatim discs are MKM-00# (dual layer) or MCC (single layer). Also, update to 2.4.2 (edited earlier post). Regards
  13. Have you tried: 1. Looking for a firmware update? Perhgaps your drive doesn't like those (rather lousy) discs. 2. Getting better discs - we only recommend Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim media. Regards
  14. First, update to version 2.4.2 (edit) Next, throw your really crummy Ritek discs away and get Verbatim, +R, 2.4x, MKM-001-00, Made in Singapore See http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000 Regards
  15. READ BIT AT TOP IN PINK - WHERE IT SAYS POST A LOG Help --> ImgBurn Logs Regards
  16. blutach

    step 7

    Sorry for you wolffey. Perhaps googling the product you're interested in next time will bring up the official site (I guess you clicked an ad somewhere). Regards
  17. Funny thing is the game worked. Do I have to verify that the disc is good? I think I waited too long after burning to verify. After burning my disc ejects and then I am supposed to put it back in to verify but this time I waited awhile. Verifying is ALWAYS a good idea. Just tick the verify box and ImgBurn will open and close the drive after the burn and begin the verification. And you might think the game works, but when it tries to read those bad sectors, I suspect that it won't. Your drive took forever to initialise itself for the read after writing. Regards
  18. blutach

    step 7

    What I winder is why he comes here? What's it to do with ImgBurn? When I saw the title, I though he only had 5 steps to go! After reading the thread, I'm convinced of it!! Regards
  19. When Ner0 start paying us to help with THEIR crappy problems, we'll help. Geez! Regards
  20. You need to preserve the DVD structure. Use VobBlanker - splitting guide on site Regards
  21. The check for RC is simple, as it only means checking one byte in VIDEO_TS.IFO. However, this does not mean that there won't be RCE (which is based on commands in the PGCs) - in fact, there probably will be RCE. This would require ImgBurn to parse the IFOs and interpret the commands, which it doesn't do. So, having the RC in the log is ony half the issue and may not be 100% useful. Checking on PAL and NTSC should not be difficult, but note that I have seen DVDs (not commercial) with both PAL and NTSC material. The user can find out all this info for himself in any IFO editor - eg IfoEdit or PgcEdit. Regards
  22. They're getting tested, no fear. Regards
  23. You can say that again. And good luck with your projects! Regards
  24. Is the original region coded for your region? I mean, did you buy it in a store in your country? Maybe the PS2 doesn't like RWs? Regards
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