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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Laughing Man, No matter what the packaging states on burn speed of medium, your burner must sense that its safe to only burn at certain speeds and which is what Img is reporting in her log. Another possibility is that the packaging is mislabeled, but I rather doubt that.
  2. He had to have meant the +R format guys, -R just doesn't take to bitsetting very well.........
  3. chueco111, Here's a link for you. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php. Just make sure you flash with the proper firmeare update if you find one...
  4. chueco111, Welcome to the forum. If you don't see your burner in the book type tab chances are it doesn't accept book typing, much the same as pioneers drives. Yours might book type to DVD-rom by default as the pioneers do, but this is just a guess on my part. Always keep your firmware up to date.
  5. BelowSky, Thanks I think................ I'm sure the Arthor will be pleased. Never heard Img described quite like that but its a thing of beauty for sure.............
  6. and her devilish sister.................. always has to know what the other one does...........
  7. yea, well, ummm, errrr , was showing off for some * cough cough * lovely company last night lfc Wanted to show my eloquent side........... shame she had to leave this morning............... .
  8. Dell1405, Kind of a touchy thing this is, Lots of posters compare Img to other programs that can clone this and duplicate this. Trying to answer there questions is hard because those "other" programs include processes which we are unable to discuss on this forum. Searching for answers is best for those and then returning to IMg forum for any answers to problems using Imgburn to burn. Its fustrating for us as well..... .
  9. Hope he didn't use the rescue disk.
  10. How far back did you restore to drstratts? Maybe you went back far enough so as to restore to a time where you didn't have these items installed. Just wondering out loud........... Blus' pretty accurate about these things.
  11. It does DellE1405...................
  12. shinyrory, As Corny said it has nothing to do with region protection ( in what country the DVD will play in ), Region 1, Region 2 etc etc, but about the format the movie was made in....... NTSC or PAL. Each of these formats have different characteristics and cannot be played on stand alones that recognize only one of these formats whether it be NTSC or PAL. Computer drives will usually play either NTSC or PAL.
  13. Yes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1ST EVERYONE. As Groundrush said, lets hope there will be many more to come.
  14. csh379, We can't help you with that part of the question. Img is strickly a burning program. Perhaps a quick search would yield you answers and you could return to Img burn to put the image on disc.
  15. shar, TDK used to be very good media back in the 70's and 80's. Their cassettes and VHS blanks were excellent. Like many others they have put profit ahead of quality and now as a result all their current media including DVDs' are not very good anymore.
  16. errrrr, db, think I'll come up there for a visit mate, hit a couple of bars with you, meet some people............. you know......... Get you out for a bit............
  17. Froggy, It is the media.Img completed the burn cycle, but because of the bad media, it couldn't read from the disc suffiently enough to complete the verify process. Verbs are the way to go .
  18. shar, CMC MAG really suck for media. Your burner is probabley having difficulty writing to it. That could be the reason for your lousy scans as well. Try Verbatim or Taio Yuden media.
  19. MrLearner, (Disc ID: CMC MAG-D01-00) (Speeds: 2.4x) Write Speed: MAX This might be a problem right off, CMC MAG, terrible media dye, try getting a verbatim DL and try the burn again.
  20. Mr Guttz, are you sure that portable player is compatible for playing RW discs? I think it might only play DL and SL -R or +R discs correctly. What does the manual say, any mention of RW discs or just ones with the DCD Video emblem, which might mean it won't reconize the RW's your using.
  21. Random, Yes, you will either have to buy DL discs to achieve your goals or compress the image so it will fit on a SL disc, a subject which we cannot get into on this forum I'm afraid. A search will help you I'm sure.
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