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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. I had TRIED to get someone other than Sony to replace the entire motor/laser assembly in my PS1 when it needed it AGAIN after they replaced it BEFORE. So, the place I sent it to for my past... certain needs... stayed in business long enough to get it and go outta bidness! Then, someone buys them up, they contact their old contacts, I get in contact with them, they contact with me to tell me they've made contact with my package, which was never opened, I ask them to send it back to me... and the new guys just as quickly disappear into the night!
  2. Udder nonsense! A good teat gag is always worth another pull!
  3. The Idiot's Lantern is the one that most recently aired.
  4. Teats all that I can do! I can but try and do my breast.
  5. Areola you crazy? With puns like these, you'd better duct!
  6. Oh, don't you start nipple and diming me!
  7. Yeah, that did the trick. I knew there was a COPY that could do this. There is a slight pause where the two files merge, but, hey, I can live with that. I'm just trying to fix the problems the initial fucker created splitting this thing in the middle instead of at a more logical sequence break a few SECONDS earlier...
  8. I'm only using the software YOU recommended above! /b! THAT was the switch! I tried a copy X + Y Z earlier but all it strangely created was a 21 KB resulting file. I forgot about the binary copy. I'll try that. You got to have the + in between the source file names there, Shamus.
  9. Typical fuckers... The two source files are MPG... so, goddamn naturally, it won't write out a joined MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 file! Returns some useless fucker error about how the files have disconnected, whatever the fuck that means. So, the only options are AVI and WMV. AVI appears to be WAY too large to even complete, and, I'd just bet WMV won't convert back into the proper file type I need.
  10. Well, it's definitely fucked up in one aspect: it apparently was not programmed to make sure there's enough space on the target drive and to just keep running forever if space runs out. That's precisely what it's doing right now. Maybe should reboot and see.
  11. Well, the NTFS idea seemed to work. It's at about 10% now, but, at nearly 5 GB, and there's only about 1 GB free space left. My guess is the conversion from MPG to AVI, because the two source MPG's together are only between 800 and 900 MB total. But, what good is it it if takes 10 times the space to even test IF it works right...
  12. Oh, it may not necessarily not work. Just be stupid. I notice that though it still says 7%, the target file file size is 3.99 GB on a FAT32 system. My guess is the app is "crashed" because it doesn't check for a proper filesystem on the target first. Although, I am still a bit worried. Why should 2 430 MB MPG files become a 4 GB file? Unless it is reauthoring them into a different file type. Anyway, rerunning it on my singular NTFS partition just for things like this.
  13. No, doesn't look like it's going to do the trick. Appears to be stuck at 7%. But, I'll let it go while I'm sleeping and see if it gets any further. If not, I'll just know it's stuck.
  14. I think this was asked once before. So, just tell me again. What can/what is the way to merge two MPG files into one?
  15. Honesty is the best policy for getting your ass kicked.
  16. Ah, I can remember far better times... well, more deluded ones, at the very least, when Burgess Meredith was the commercial voice over announcer for Busch Gardens Tampa Bay nigh on 20 years ago.
  17. Now, how is that being a wiseass? Wiseass implies you're trying to one up me after being one upped already. All you're doing here is proving that you had somewhat advanced knowledge of the son of Monsieur Jean-Bastiste Francois Joseph de Sade and Madame Marie-Eleonore de Maille de Carman. And, yet, despite such a rich history of nomenclature, he was played in a movie by someone with the name of Nick Mancuso!
  18. Was watching Heartland on Fox News just now. They ended with a DID YOU KNOW?! type of montage of so called trivia that basically everyone knows or can figure out from the basic clues. You know the kind of thing I mean. Anyway, because it was Veterans' Day, they had a montage of actors and celebrities who had served in the armed forces in some way. One of them was Charleton Heston, and, Fox TRIED to show a clip of him from Beneath The Planet Of The Apes. UNFORTUNATELY... what they showed, instead... and, I had to laugh... was a clip of James Franciscus instead! Now, James had been hired to star in Beneath because of his somewhat similarity to Heston when Charles said he didn't want to star in the sequel. But, COME ON! Who was asleep at the fucking wheel down there on Fox's Heartland?
  19. Well, I may be flabbergasted over it, but, Sci-Fi Channel actually is, apparently, airing the Director's Cut version of the remake of Dawn Of The Dead. That it managed to get a passing TV cut is even more jarring in that Romero's never can. Which just goes to show what he's always said about his name always causes censors to be harsh on his work because his name is on it.
  20. And are routinely saved by gangs of 4 teenage, good looking boys and 1 girl who band together to pilot machines that merge into one giant robot.
  21. I remember catching the music video for that song once, and only once, on late night Sunday MTV on some show about either independents or British music. Or both.
  22. You meant that happened in something other than a Dalek story?
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