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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. I'm not surpised at all. I always Verify. Because, you never know when that one burn will burn but fail to verify. And, you'll be glad you had it done when it does. However, by the same token, I've seen burns that burn and verify and still failed for whatever reason. For instance, a burn can complete and be just fine, but, if the contents weren't created right for whatever reason, the disc may not be "good."
  2. I never realized it when I made that comment! It would be perfect Torchwood fodder! Here in the US, Cartoon Network's Adult Swim kind of plays loose with the words. One week on Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - 2nd Gig (I swear, that show must hold the record for longest title.) Batou says, "SHIT!" completely unbleeped when a suicide bomber detonates himself inside their helicopter. The next week, he's bleeped for saying the same word... but, to make up for it, the next week, he's allowed to say it TWICE in the same episode! Of course, this is the same network that allowed him to say prick last year! And then again in this year's finale. You know you're dealing with a finely tuned mind who gets to say things like, "Hey, you're that prick!"
  3. And, remember, you're only as old as the pain feels.
  4. The way I see it, it's not going to matter. You're going to HAVE to install it at one point because Big Brother Bill wants you to and will make sure something happens to make you. Oh, and, how convenient, that Microsoft's little every 2 weeks e-mail thing just happens to come out and just happens to state, out of the gate, that IE 7 is out.
  5. On his 43rd birthday, Corny rolled over and started whispering these sweet nothings into his wife's ear: "Not tonight, love. I have a headache."
  6. Wow... just amazing... Wednesday, in Florida, an 81 year old man was apparently stabbed in the chest by a stingray... OUT of the water! It seems that a boat struck a stingray in the water, flinging it out of the water and onto the chest of a man on the boat. The stinger also stabbed him, yep, you guessed it, right in the heart! Steve Irwin may be able to rest better knowing that his unfortunate accident might very well have saved another man's life. This victim did not remove the stinger, waiting for medical help to do so. Now, whether the victim here did that for the reasons that he knew killed Irwin cannot be said yet. If ever. But, by leaving the stinger in his heart for medical personel to surgically removed, it saved his life. They went in and pushed the stinger out by basically continuing the same direction of penetration. By pushing from the opposite direction of Irwin, i.e. by not pulling out the stinger put pushing it on the rest of the way through and out the opposite end of the heat, it prevented the stinger's barbs from latching onto flesh and pulling out any tissue. This reduced the amount of damage to the heart, which was also clean breaks in the tissue and far easier to repair, which was what fatally wounded Irwin.
  7. Yet, there is actually a city in Onatario, Canada called Swastika.
  8. Bollocks Of The Daleks - Episode 1! Well, the do have all those balls on their bases.
  9. For anyone who is a glutton for punishment, the final build of Internet Explorer 7 is apparently available. But not from WindowsUpdate just yet. It must be downloaded from Microsoft's IE site.
  10. Yes, the Doctor has stated he's 400, 750, and over 900 years old, depending on the writer. The Master thing in Five Doctors is a valid point. However, it could also be written off as just something that CAN be done but necessarily isn't. e.g. a sort of "for the rich only" status. Hence, only the President and the higher ups can offer access to the technology. Although, it seems to be relatively to easy to get, since the Master, himself, gave himself a new regeneration without anyone's aid.
  11. Cracked a darky? In this country that means... well, can't really say what that means. What's it mean there?
  12. Anyone else who uses/is familiar with Panasonic's DMR line of stand alone DVD recorders is welcome to chime in if there's an answer to this. I was wondering if there's any way to read in the information of unfinalized/non-closed session DVD-R's (Or DVD-RW's on some models.) without finalizing them. i.e. take an unfinalized DVD-R/RW to a PC and read in its data without finalizing the disc? Saves time, if possible, to do it that way. Otherwise, with -RW, it can be read it, finalized, and then read on the PC. DVD-RAM is different because it uses .VRO which can be read in, but, only by a select few applications, and hardly any of them read the stuff in correctly. Thanks!
  13. Yeah, it could always be worse. In Germany, it is a criminal offense to just even say the words hail victory. Say "Sieg heil" and you'll get 3 years in prison. Just for saying some words!
  14. Now, here's the weird thing. The instructions for the Bellamy salute actually seem to indicate that you are supposed to have your palms up, as if you're lifting the flag by sheer force of will, radiated out from your upward palm. Also, it seems that it really did start with the hand over the heart, and then went into the other gestures. "Begun with the right hand over the heart during the phrase 'I pledge allegiance.' The arm is then extended toward the flag at the phrase "to the flag" and remains outstretched during the rest of the pledge, with the palm facing upward." Other versions also also began with the right hand in a military salute of some kind. There doesn't seem to be any solid, consistent information... probably because the real answers don't look nice. Because in that photo above, it is obvious that the palm is facing down, not lifting the flag, and thus, is a Roman/Nazi salute.
  15. You something else that's kind of scary? Is how the salute has also been adopted by Hezbollah...
  16. This makes me wonder. Is there an equivalent of the Pledge Of Allegience to the flag of the United States of America in England? Is there a daily morning ceremony where kids in Britain in school have to go through with the British flag? Part of A Levels? If so, what's it called and what are the words? I've always been a little uneasy about the Pledge. I'm not against it, but, I just find it a tad confusing. It seems a bit hypocritical to go through a sort of memorized Catholic mass type of procedure every morning to pledge your allegience to the government when you're given the freedom, supposedly, to do what you want. I mean, it's a sort of indoctrination. However, it's not forced to do, so, that's why I don't have a problem. But, just try NOT saying it. You'll be so ostricized by teachers and other students you might as well do it. And, of course, my merely discussing topics of debate like this in today's current political and ruling environment in my country makes me a target as a traitorous anti-American giving aid and comfort to the enemy, obviously.
  17. Anyway, yeah, from 1892 until 1942, we Nazi saluted/Roman saluted the American flag as part of the Pledge. We adopted the hand over the heart because it soon became too associated with the Nazis to do the old salute. But, it's kind of hard not to be chilled slightly when you see that photo of kids Nazi saluting the American flag, isn't it?
  18. It did when I put it in, but, I've deleted it since then. I completely misread, well, everything. Please stick with my edited version of the post for a correct one.
  19. ACK! I completely misread it! Forget what I had previous said in my original version of this reply here and have conveniently deleted it. Right hand lifted, palm downward, to a line with the forehead and close to it means that photo at the bottom. It is poorly worded, but, the bit about close to it is throwing you, and at first me off. The last bit about close to it means the tip of the line with the forehead to the top of the fingers. A better way to have said the whole thing is the arm is held extended outwards at a 45 degree angle.
  20. That last image was the photo that reminded me of the whole Bellamy salute thing.
  21. Well, it had been established that Time Lords had 12 regenerations. But, the Master was able to circumvent it, so, the Doctor will, too, if he is popular enough. Plus, it is not entirely established if the Doctor is telling the truth or not. If Hartnell was the First, as the flashbacks from The Brain Of Morbius seem to indicate other regenerations before that one. Which I've always found it interesting about the First Doctor. How did he manage to live to be so old if he's regenerating every few years?
  22. I just now realized. The Cybermen just turned 40 years old! They'd better start replacing the parts by now, I suppose. Which also means that we are approaching the 40th anniversary (the 29th) of a Doctor Who staple: the infamous regeneration. With a Doctor rapidly running out of regenerations himself.
  23. Oh, man, I had forgotten about this! This absolutely FLOORED me the first time I learned of it! Even I had forgotten about it until I stumbled across a photo. It is conveniently left out of discussing the history of saying the Pledge Of Allegience in American schools, that's for sure! From 1892 until 1942, we used to "Nazi salute" the American flag when saying the Pledge! Called the Bellamy salute after the guy who initiated it, we used to not say the Pledge with our hands on our hearts. From 1892 until 1942, we used a Roman salute. (It's actually called a Roman salute, but, most associate with the Nazi's for their use of the Roman salute as a military greeting, as its original intent in Rome.) Actual notes, apparently, distributed to schools on what to do: At a signal from the Principal the pupils, in ordered ranks, hands to the side, face the Flag. Another signal is given; every pupil gives the flag the military salute -- right hand lifted, palm downward, to a line with the forehead and close to it. Standing thus, all repeat together, slowly, ?I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.? At the words, ?to my Flag,? the right hand is extended gracefully, palm upward, toward the Flag, and remains in this gesture till the end of the affirmation; whereupon all hands immediately drop to the side. So, the time I actually DID Nazi salute the American flag during Pledge in German III class was legitimate, I guess! I wasn't Nazi saluting the American flag; I was Bellamy saluting it.
  24. Actually, it doesn't surprise me that the beta team members would have more replies. We have to help answer questions. Plus, if that count of posts also takes into account the posts we make behind everyone's back plotting a total Liberal domination of the world under the guise of testing the software then, we would have higher posts because we have to post logs, disc results, error checks, etc. amongst ourselves and feedback with the master of the bolts. Admittedly, I am surprised someone topped the commander in chief, but, not by much.
  25. Didn't think about that! Once it starts, it can't be stopped save by purposeful, entire program abend.
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