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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. It's not that it has 2 videos on it. It has more than 1 track. I was thinking, when you first posted, you were probably trying to copy a DVD made with a DVD video recorder like one Panasonic used to make. Those cannot be copied with Read mode. You will need Build mode. First, put the disc you want to copy into a DVD drive on your PC. Next, in File Explorer, copy the AUDIO_TS (If it exists.) and VIDEO_TS folders to some temporary location on your hard drive. Then, in ImgBurn, go into Build mode. Drag and drop the AUDIO_TS folder (If it exists.) and VIDEO_TS folders into a Build job. ImgBurn will then ask you if you want to set the necessary attributes for playing a DVD. Accept ImgBurn to make these changes for you. Then, build the image file after you've done this. Then, in Write mode, burn the image file you just built in Build mode. This guide should be the one you're looking for:
  2. Possibilities: 1.) The disc itself has a bad sector at that part near the end of the disc that's trying to be read. Have you tried reading other PS2 discs and see if you get the same behavior? 2.) Some drives just have certain problems with some discs. For instance, back in 2001, I got a CD release of the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy complete (At the time.) radio series. The CD's played fine in my CD player; I listened to them in their entirety before trying to make copies. However, one of the discs in my PC drive simply failed to read properly. And it, too, failed near the end of the read process. However, when I got a different PC CD drive, I tried reading that same disc again later. That time, it successfully read and copied the disc. The copy played. So, if this is the case for you, I'd try seeing if another DVD drive would read your PS2 game disc.
  3. I believe that UME DID for DVD+R DL is not M-Disc. I believe that DID is for BD-R, but I'm not sure. Anyway, there are some questions about whether those are quality Verbatim discs or not. They're Chinese made, so who knows? I'd be willing to bet the problem is those UME discs. MKM is the only DVD+R DL quality disc. Try the Verbatim DataLife Plus (NOT the Life Series you find in stores.) or AZO DVD+R DL discs and see if you get better results. You'll only find the MKM stuff in online stores.
  4. They do! Cool! I had never heard of them before until the Macrium Reflect tech support board. Pretty handy little feature.
  5. Do Mentions work on this board forum? Meaning if I add an @ next to a user name, they'll know they've been Mentioned to bring their attention to a particular post? Thanks!
  6. That will help some, but we'll need more. Post the log of the entire burn process, including the failure. Under Help, choose the ImgBurn log option. The folder with the log opens. Open the .LOG file, find the part with the failed burn, and post the entire burning and failing process log. Say, in your Avatar, is that Hank Henshaw, the Cyborg Superman?
  7. As far as I know, Handbrake doesn't create Blu-Ray Video compliant discs. It creates containers, which is most likely why your Blu-Ray doesn't play. It doesn't have a BDMV and CERTIFICATE folder in its root. Just a container file. Check in File Explorer and see if you just have a single file in the root directory of your BD disc or if you have the BDMV and CERTIFICATE folders there.
  8. Well, you can shut me up if you get some Verbatim BD and see if you get the same results with ImgBurn. If you don't, then you know it's the Riteks.
  9. Another thing DVDFab isn't doing that ImgBurn might be is it might be failing at Verify on ImgBurn. Discs can complete writes but still be unreadable. That's why I'd be interested to see an actual read test from a DVDFab disc that completes. Load ImgBurn in Read mode on one of these DVDFab discs and see if you get read errors. I would lean more and more towards trying Verbatim BD over Ritek's. See if you have better results.
  10. I'd be willing to bet that even though DVDFab finishes, the discs aren't good. Just because a burn finishes doesn't mean it finished correctly. Have you actually tried playing ALL the content from one of these DVDFab discs to make sure?
  11. One possibility is a BD drive has 2 lasers. One burns CD and DVD and the other burns BD. What may have happened is the BD laser has died, but the DVD laser is still working properly. I've seen both cases where on a BD drive, DVD burned fine but BD didn't and BD burned fine but DVD didn't. Which meant one of the two lasers had died. Maybe that's what has happened in your situation, since you say DVD is fine but BD is not. I also see your BD discs are Ritek. I'd agree with Ch3vr0n that could be the problem. It could also explain why DVD works fine but BD isn't because the DVD's may not be Riteks. Try using Verbatim BD and see if you have better results. I also see you're using a Pioneer BDR-212. My 212 died a few weeks after I got it, which indicates to me, it's the typical junk Pioneer makes now.
  12. I don't think ImgBurn is exactly what you're looking for. "Cloning" a hard drive is a specific operation where you make a backup image of the source drive sector by sector and restore that image to a new location. ImgBurn doesn't do that. It's more of a file backup operation, which some cloning software does. So, ImgBurn won't do precisely what you want. However, you can use it to backup things like My Documents or other user data and restore those files from optical disc, but I don't think that's what you're looking for. My application for cloning hard disks is called Macrium Reflect.
  13. Now, THIS is interesting... About a week ago, the tracking number I was given for the replacement said the package was in my state. Now, for the past few days, the page doesn't load! Says server cannot be found. In addition, the btrak website isn't responding! They were never answering their e-mails before, only answering to queries sent to them on their website. So, they've effectively taken my money and run. Well, I'm giving it until Wednesday to arrive. I've been more than patient and waited long enough for nothing to arrive. After that, I'm protesting the charge with Paypal. If they say it's been took long, I'm taking my complaint to my credit card company itself.
  14. Really, it won't matter. Unless you're writing directly to disc, Build mode will create an ISO, anyway, which must be burned. And reading a disc to ISO means you've already got the disc burned/complete to begin with. However, if you're just trying to make a copy of a disc that already exists (And isn't protected.), just use ISO Read mode. It's easier.
  15. Yep, there's your problem. Just as I thought. I 09:49:52 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: CMC MAG-D03-64) You got the Life Series Verbatim, which is the CMC junk. Don't use those. They will fail 9 times out 10. Don't get the Verbatim you find in stores. Get the DataLife Plus/AZO/MKM series you only find in online stores. Those are the good Verbatim. There is only one quality brand of DVD+R DL out there, for now, anyway. And that's the DataLife Plus/AZO/MKM series.
  16. The most likely cause is you're using Verbatim Life Series DVD-9's. If you bought them in a store, they're Verbatim Life Series. Life Series is the CMC junk Verbatim makes. The good Verbatim stuff is the MKM DataLife Plus series you only find in online stores. Post a log of a failed burn. That will tell if you're using the right Verbatim or not. Since you've tried both burning an ISO and creating a new disc from Build mode with the VIDEO_TS and get "burn problems," that indicates the discs being the problem. Or the drive. Or a combination of both. Also what "problems" are you running into when burning? Probably a failure to Write/Verify at the layer break, a common problem with CMC media.
  17. I don't think I did a Christmas quote last year because I ran out of songs. But, here's a spoken word piece to make up for it. It's called Christmas Countdown by Frank Kelly. Day One Dear Nuala, Thank you very much for your lovely present of a partridge in a pear-tree We're getting the hang of feeding the partridge now, Although it was difficult at first to win its confidence It bit the mother rather badly on the hand But they're good friends now and we're keeping the pear-tree indoors in a bucket Thank you again Yours affectionately, Gobnait O'LĂșnasa Day Two Dear Nuala, I cannot tell you how surprised we were to hear from you so soon again and to receive your lovely present of two turtle doves You really are too kind At first the partridge was very jealous And suspicious of the doves and they had a terrible row the night the doves arrived We had to send for the vet but the birds are okay again And the stitches are due to some out in a week or two The vet's bill was 8 but the mother is over her annoyance now And the doves and the partridge are watching the telly from the pear-tree as I write Yours ever, Gobnait Day Three Dear Nuala, We must be foremost in your thoughts I had only posted my letter when the three French hens arrived There was another sort-out between the hens and the doves, Who sided with the partridge, and the vet had to be sent for again The mother was raging because the bill was 16 this time But she has almost cooled down However, the fact that the birds' droppings keep falling down On her hair whilen she's watching the telly, doesn't help matters Thanking you for your kindness I remain, your Gobnait Day Four Dear Nuala, You mustn't have received my last letter when you were sending us the four calling birds There was pandemonium in the pear-tree again last night and the vet's bill was 32 The mother is on sedation as I write I know you meant no harm and remain your close friend Gobnauit Day Five Nuala, Your generosity knows no bounds Five gold rings! When the parcel arrived I was scared stiff that it might be more birds, because the smell in the living-room is atrocious However, I don't want to seem ungrateful for the beautiful rings Your affectionate friend, Gobnait Day Six Nuala, What are you trying to do to us? It isn't that we don't appreciate your generosity But the six geese have not alone nearly murdered the calling birds But they laid their eggs on top of the vet's head From the pear-tree and his bill was 68 in cash ! My mother is munching 60 grains of Valium a day And talking to herself in a most alarming way You must keep your feelings for me in check Gobnait Day Seven Nuala, We are not amused by your little joke Seven swans-a-swimming is a most romantic idea but not in the bath of a private house We cannot use the bathroom now because they've gone completely savage And rush the door every time we try to enter If things go on this way, the mother and I will smell as bad as the living-room carpet Please lay off It is not fair Gobnait Day Eight Nuala, Who the hell do you think gave you the right to send eight, Hefty maids-a-milking here, to eat us out of house and home? Their cattle are all over the front lawn And have trampled the hell out of the mother's rose-beds The swans invaded the living-room in a sneak attack And the ensuing battle between them and the calling birds, Turtle doves, French hens and partridge make the battle Of the Somme seem like Wanderly Wagon The mother is on a bottle of whiskey a day, as well as the sixty grains of Valium I'm very annoyed with you Gobnait Day Nine Listen you looser! There's enough pandemonium in this place night and day without nine drummers drumming, while the eight flaming maids-a-milking are beating my poor, old alcoholic mother out of her own kitchen and gobbling everything in sight I'm warning you, you're making an enemy of me Gobnait Day Ten Listen manure-face, I hope you'll be haunted by the strains of ten pipers piping Which you sent to torment us last night They were aided in their evil work by those maniac drummers And it wasn't a pleasant sight to look out the window And see eight hefty maids-a-milking pogo-ing around with the ensuing punk-rock uproar My mother has just finished her third bottle of whiskey, On top of a hundred and twenty four grains of Valium You'll get yours! Gobnait O'LĂșnasa Day Eleven You have scandalized my mother, you dirty Jezebel, It was bad enough to have eight maids-a-milking dancing to punk music on the front lawn but they've now been joined by your friends the eleven Lords-a-leaping And the antics of the whole lot of them would leave The most decadent days of the Roman Empire looking like Outlook I'll get you yet, you loud bag! Day Twelve Listen slurry head, You have ruined our lives The twelve maidens dancing turned up last night And beat the living daylights out of the eight maids-a-milking, 'Cause they found them carrying on with the eleven Lords-a-leaping Meanwhile, the swans got out of the living-room, Where they'd been hiding since the big battle, And savaged hell out of the Lords and all the Maids There were eight ambulances here last night, and the local Civil Defence as well The mother is in a home for the bewildered And I'm sitting here, up to my neck in birds' droppings, empty whiskey And Valium bottles, birds' blood and feathers, While the flaming cows eat the leaves off the pear-tree I'm a broken man
  18. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is not all PS discs can be read to image files with ImgBurn and certain hardware. I've encountered a few in my collection that couldn't be imaged with ImgBurn. I had to use Alcohol 120% to read those to image files. I believe there's a free version, though it lacks all the features.
  19. That's not the log. That's the information that shows up when you first start ImgBurn. Apparently, if you're getting an invalid image message, you're not even generating a log because no actual operations have been performed. With an invalid image loaded up, ImgBurn won't proceed to do anything and thereby waste a disc. Did you make this image or download it from somewhere? What's the image file name? It has to end in .ISO, .MDS, or .DVD. And those last two generally only matter if an image is split up into multiple parts. My guess is, particularly if you downloaded it from somewhere, the image file is corrupt/incorrect format.
  20. What you set and what you get are not always the same. Discs are rated for minimum and maximum write speed strategies, determined by the flags on the discs themselves and the firmware in your drive. The bottom line is, you may have 16x write rate, but not get 16x. And, the opposite also happens. You may get a write rate set to a slower speed, but only the minimum allowed speed is used for that media/firwmare combination.
  21. That worked, thanks! I've rarely used Device Manager for anything in the past and didn't even think about trying it.
  22. Is there any way to "hide" drives from ImgBurn's view? I have an internal optical drive that really can't be used anymore. I removed it from Disk Management so it doesn't show up in File Explorer, but it still shows up as a drive, sans a letter, in ImgBurn's view. I was wondering if there was a way to convince ImgBurn to ignore this drive. Short of physically removing/replacing the internal drive. Thanks!
  23. Yeah, what you're looking for is to avoid CMC. What you want (In most cases. Not all drives work the same way, like the WH16NS60 BD burner.) is Verbatim DataLife Plus discs. Or, as LUK said, ones listed as AZO. DON'T get the Life Series Verbatim you find in stores; those are CMC. The DataLife Plus/AZO discs are only found in online stores like Amazon.com.
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