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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. No one is saying that LUK! doesn't know how to do that - I think given the agreement he made when DVDD was shut down its probably more a case of not wanting to go down that route again.......
  2. Bwahahahahahaha ! That was the latest security message from dbminter inc.
  3. There have been many similar requests since Lightning UK! launched ImgBurn, if you have been around since the early days of this forum or if you read some of LUK!'s previous responses you will note that ImgBurn is always going to be an "Image Burner" and nothing else. DVDD is sadly deceased and with it the ripping part of the program.....
  4. I have those discs boss - if you want some let me know ! @Shamus - thanks fella !
  5. Thanks for the advice Shamus - I have MSN Messenger disabled on my PC tho.....
  6. Like Sony do with the PSP You might be running firmware 1.50 but if you want to play Liberty City Stories or other new games you are forced to update to firmware 2.0 which is on the Liberty City Stories UMD disc. Just think all those firmware up/down grades, wonder if Sony will pay for the odd PSP that gets bricked when the power is interupted mid process ?
  7. I am happy with my TYG02's that burn at 12x on my new NEC.....
  8. You need to "throw Nero wuffly to the flwoor" if it tries anything like that Chewy !
  9. Hey Shamus - thats a nifty little guide with pics for updating firmware - is it ok if I link to it in my sig (below) ? If not post here and I will delete the link fella..... Regards
  10. Believe me its a whole lot easier for ImgBurn to do what it says and that's burn Images........ Copy protected or not reading is not what this prog is about - if you have something else that you use best to stick with that.....
  11. Oh isn't that clip from Under Siege with Steven Segal ?
  12. Yeah happy Birthday Kenadjian - funny I thought you were older than 52 !!!
  13. Hiya Chewy.... Over the years LUK! has added so much to this and its previous incarnation that this program really is the mutts nuts !
  14. lfcrule1972

    Happy Xmas

    Hiya snazz - happy Christmas to you mate !! I use the TYG02 discs from SVP, full face printables - not a bad burn mate !
  15. Are you corny ? or what ?
  16. Did you post your error in the forum ? Copy paste the exact message there and tell them what you were doing for some help
  17. Well seeing as I want a PS3 its gonna be Blu-Ray for me !!
  18. Silly ! Its a beer can holder
  19. db=zacoz ???
  20. Check out your first post on this - corny told you what to do in that ! http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&show...findpost&p=5974
  21. There is plenty of demand for them judging by my PM inbox zac, I notice you have sent me 7 requesting the above title !!!
  22. I would have no problem with Mr Fixers Av shoving it in my face mate oh and lmao2k that wasn't directed at you fella - your arsehole..... er advice has always been spot on !!
  23. Helped me too - thanks boss !
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