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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. LUK! lives in Lapland......
  2. How do Nav discs get knacked when they are only in the nav players all the time ? It's not like with DVDs getting ejected all the time and kids playing with them is it ?
  3. lfcrule1972

    need a brit

    Deffo www.svp.co.uk Chewy, they show all the Media ID's when you're buying and their customer service is second to none. Have used them for years with no complaints whatsoever.
  4. Who knows ? The mighty LUK! has never been seen by anyone who lived to tell that tale....
  5. I don't know, volvo looks very like this: Personally I don't mind that at all !!
  6. I am giving it a whirl now donta, I am sure it will be fi........ <click>
  7. Will be interested to see if that works MarkC - the disc looks pretty knacked to me
  8. I don't see how they can without the PTP media ?? I don't doubt the boss on this one either
  9. I have never seen this before and wasn't sure who "Ross" is but it made me laugh http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=pa_7...zGOwI2bq2uce7KZ
  10. Problem is a huge discount on a pile of crap isn't really worth anything - perhaps you could ask your Store Manager to get decent media like Verbatims into stock ?
  11. I think they are all made in the far east mate, we are referring to the place we bought them from - So US Verbs were bought on the link above and UK Verbs were bought here probably from www.svp.co.uk
  12. That's the funniest thing I have read this morning
  13. 1 in every 3 Americans is diabetic ??? You're kidding me right db ? Sorry I missed the road kill sex with frozen peas video volvo, don't suppose you have a copy anywhere ? Actually I know you do cos I saw one of your logs where you burnt it to disc !! Ok you tried to hide it by changing your name to mine but I am wise to you now !!
  14. Check out Drives/Media section of this forum and look up the tests with lots of different CMC dyes - Whilst the graphs are pretty colours, red isn't a good sign in the quality scans As volvo said they are amongst the shitest dyes out there so get the Verbs MCC or Taiyo TYG dyes instead.
  15. It could flag up another volvo spilling arror !!
  16. Corny's guides are very helpful for Build Modes too
  17. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1779 http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1778 These should help
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