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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. True - you have to run like crazy when you take the PC you want !!!
  2. Different players cope with the formats better than others. We have two Sony DVD players (both about 3 yrs old now) and they play PAL and NTSC without any bother. We also have a standalone DVD recorder made by Panasonic (3 months old) and that too plays both formats, a friend at work has a Samsung and that doesn't...... It's annoying but a bit of Google research should allow you to get a player that can cope with both. Then you need to hope your TV can display both formats !!!
  3. They have heard of R&D and also quality dye, they just can't be arsed with it and turn out cheapo shite that frustrates the hell out of it's users.
  4. I haven't had the time to uninstall this yet but will do soon, I have another alternative program to use recommended by a friend
  5. Please can you post the full ImgBurn log and also the exact error message for us ?
  6. Hopefully with decent discs as recommended by the boss you won't get these errors.
  7. I prefer the Pioneer DVR111 to my BenQ now lmao2k, it's also far better IMHO than the last NEC I bought which was the 4550A. The BenQ is still very useful tho cos of its scanning qualities but I might (when I can snaffle the cash away from the Mrs) get one of the new 20x Liteon's to try.... Never tried a Plex either but would like to....
  8. I think ISOPuzzle does this already..... It's had a few mentions in the forum already by one of the members: http://www.softpedia.com/get/CD-DVD-Tools/...IsoPuzzle.shtml Note: It's still in development too so you could help them out with it !
  9. If you are in the UK/Europe we recommend SVP: http://svp.co.uk/products-list.php?cid=86 The Pioneer DVR-112 looks good as does the new Liteon 20x DVD drive altho SVP don't stock it yet. If you are in the US try www.meritline.com
  10. and I thought you were just pleased to see me !!! My favourite episode was probably "White Hole", it was just so random and funny with the time jumps causing the crew, especially the Cat to repeat themselves, it was in Series 4 and I found the summary below... Mmm Polymorph was a cracker too tho !
  11. I have ImgBurn running on default settings and whilst I have never burnt an XBox360 game all my films have worked fine, I have burnt 6 in testing the last release on both a BenQ and a Pioneer drive.
  12. A mini guide might be the answer boss As Altercuno said, it's not hard to use but maybe people don't understand how it's set up ?
  13. As donta said we cannot discuss the circumvention of Copyright protection in the forum.
  14. Either of those that donta recommended, if you want to do disc scans etc get the Liteon if you just want a top burner and are never going to use the scan stuff then get the Pioneer, I have one and it's a cracking drive.
  15. lfcrule1972

    need a brit

    Hillbilly Math I believe !!
  16. Ah it was Fred 2 I remember as your other avatar !! Reminds me of a presentation I did at a previous company. I was co-presenting with a colleague from HR using his laptop for powerpoint. Anyway I went first and had 30 slides in just over 40 minutes, when I finished my colleague stood up to do his part on Human Resources etc. His presentation was 30 minutes and only 5 slides, after he reached the 5th slide he kept talking to the attendees and I was sitting at the back making notes for my next presentation. After about 5 minutes I heard a sharp intake of breath and looked up to see that his "specialist" screensaver of all the Simpson's characters in a cartoon orgy had appeared !! Left him with some explaining to do when we got back to the office
  17. jmet !! jmet !! Whare are you ???

  18. @Altercuno - I have them all on DVD all 8 series even tho the latters ones got a bit tired ! @kirk - help yourself, ah you already have !! You used to have another one with Betty and Fred which is the one I was looking for but this was the closest I could find at work the filters etc....
  19. Also it could be that Crocodile Dundee is so old (or crap) that it has no copy protection on it....
  20. I didn't think CD's varied much on quality when compared to blank DVD's. I have used all sorts from Verbatim to OfficeDepot discs and all burn and play back ok in my experience.
  21. Thanks for coming back to us !
  22. Still using Verbs tho isn't he !!! So there back at you !!
  23. and those discs are crap !!
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