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Everything posted by Grain

  1. Grain

    Editing out TV Ads

    DVDShrink will also work in Re-Author mode.
  2. Grain

    Fly in my Coke!

    I spilled a coke on a keyboard once, fuckin awful. Good luck on the clean up ROBAK.
  3. I can't be bothered to contest my banning at AD, fuck em all and the donkey's they rode in on.
  4. Thanks!
  5. Grain

    Ban Kirk?

    I've heard they taste no different than any other
  6. I'm blind! the horror......
  7. Grain

    Ban Kirk?

    I think an anti C&W signature is required by kirk for 1 month
  8. Discrimination!
  9. Yeah, whip out the "just fucked my sister and drove over my dog" please.
  10. I personally think it will remain a niche market until HD-TV's become far more widespread than they are now. With a regular TV, they can't use the lines of resolution that a regular DVD puts out, let alone hi-cap HD discs. We'll see it in console game machines, a few consumers who like to ride the top of the trends, and of course computer use. If the respective electronic companys don't play their cards right, IMO it could end up like SACD and DVD-A, a small little market that can barely sustain itself. Your normal consumer will not rush out to replace the many dvd's they've bot. I suspect a lot of members here will be interested in it, but I really think we'll be a minority. My 2 cents.
  11. Grain

    Thanks lfc

    AHA Evil Grain is free ! The boundary's between time and space have been torn forever!
  12. Glad to have you back safe & sound JMet. Don't envy you cleaning up the dogs!
  13. I have only about 10GB free right now, I'll get it up to 40GB before running. Thanks All!
  14. I have a 200gb sata HDD in dire need of defragging. What I noticed is that the worst files/folders are ones in which I have video data. If I defragg., do I risk the chance of losing data from these folders? Or will defragging simply re-arrange the data back into it's proper place? Thanks
  15. re. love it or leave it, trying to remove the Pledge, et al Don't forget, my American friends, that the ability/right to question your respective authority's, their acts and decisions, or lack thereof, is what makes you American. You were founded by the search for true personal freedom's, among other things. To deny that right to some of your CITIZENS, whether you agree with them or not, is to deny what you stand for. Let them have their say, however stupid, and then let democracy take it's course. *EDIT* to all the good people & friends on the Gulf coast, please take care.
  16. People actually pay cash money for "virtual" weapons and what not, for use when playing WOW online. More of a Far Cry man myself.
  17. Grain

    Download problems

    Yes, yes it is.
  18. Thanks for that info. I've been quite satisfied with Mozilla since I started using it, my only somewhat serious complaint is one you raised earlier, of multiple tabs spilling of the side of the page into some other strange and scary universe.
  19. Did somebody say wombat?
  20. Does she use IE?
  21. What if when poor media is inserted in the drive, ImgBurn kicks the drive door open at say 10X normal speed throwing the disc at high speed into whatever happens to be in the way! It could have a simultaneous loud spitting noise.
  22. Ahh, Canada's National Anthem, brings a tear to my eye #39;(
  23. I would like to see more flashing lights and a gold font please.
  24. Grain

    Slow opening pages

    Nice and fast w/ Mozilla here in the Great White North.
  25. Grain


    Thanks for that .
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