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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Then your problems will continue. The reason Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are expensive is because they are quality media. Put it another way, none of the beta guys or L_UK use anything except Verbs or TY. That should tell you something. CMC MAG media really is garbage. Dual layer +R media needs to have its booktype set as DVD-ROM. What this does is ensure the burned disk will work in a normal DVD player. As you're lucky enough to have a Pioneer drive you don't have to worry about it as the bitsetting is done automatically. Most other drives need to have this set prior to burning. DVD Shrink doesn't correctly set the layer break. Why would it? It was designed to compress video to fit onto a single layer disk.
  2. Nero is a noobie tool. It packages everything into a simplistic, bloated tool. I'm not denying that it's useful but it's more suited to beginners who want to throw a disk in and hit a button. ImgBurn is more suited to users that are reasonably computer literate. It's small, fast and well supported with options available that you can't get elsewhere. As for burn results, that's down to your media and your drive. I would guess that crap media is responsible for three quarters of the problems we see here. No software, no matter how brilliant it is, can turn a crap disk into a good one.
  3. A double post. Happens to me all the time. Your answer is here: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=2742&hl=
  4. The game doesn't ring a bell at all. I reckon the best platformer on the Amiga was Turrican II. What a great game! I still drag the a500 out every now and again to give it a whirl.
  5. Possibly just a malfunction with your media. Were you able to retry? Also, update your firmware as yours is pretty old. Grab the latest from here: http://www.liteonit.com/DOWNLOADS/ODD/SHM-...re/DR16MS0P.zip
  6. Re: Commodore 64 Err.... 64k. Otherwise it would have been called a Commodore 640.
  7. Computer gear is shitloads cheaper these days, huh? Just look what you can get for $2500 these days. My first computer (an Amiga 500) had a single floppy drive, no harddrive, 512k RAM, an RF modulator so you could use it with a telly and 4 floppies of crappy software all for the bargain price of around $1300. The CD-ROM I ended up buying for it later (an Amiga A570 for the curious - which I still have) was almost a thousand dollars. A half meg RAM upgrade - $300. Second floppy drive - $250. Great games machine though. <snippo> You say that but........ has it really improved that much? The floppy drive has been around in one form or another for 40 years and we still can't do without them. The capacity of HDs has increased but we're still using the same technology as 20 years ago. Also, the way in which your average PC works is still the same. By that I mean that everything is still chucked at the CPU for processing. The Amiga was different. It allocated specific tasks to specific chips before sending the output to the CPU. (I can't believe it's been 15 years since they went bust). *sigh* I found this on FARK. A favourite site of mine. I also find interesting stuff on "TheOnion" and the "Landover Baptists" sites. Whitehouse.org is another goody.
  8. And it all comes with the throbbing power of that 16MHz 386. What a machine. What's really scary is that not much has changed. Back then it took 3 seconds or so to load up a picture viewer and display a .gif file or whatever. These days it still takes 3 seconds to load up a viewer and display a picture.
  9. http://www.maj.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=874532
  10. Nowhere is particular. A mate of mine emailed me the dog the other day.
  11. If you composite in an image of a mouse doing something here, I'm off! :& Did someone mention a mouse?
  12. LOL. I went and got another beer and you beat me to it.
  13. ImgBurn likes to have exclusive access to your drive (which is a good thing). As WMP is also a burning program, it stands to reason that there's a conflict if both are running. You can turn off the exclusive access thingy in the ImgBurn settings but it might be a better idea to get an mp3 player that doesn't interfere with your drive. I still use an old version of WinAMP because it's fast, flexible and doesn't cause problems with other software. You can find it here: http://www.oldapps.com/download/?get=/winamp291_std.exe
  14. There's a couple of differences. Obviously, the biggest difference is your DVD capacity. Also, with single layer media there's no layer break to worry about nor any bitsetting. Essentially, data is data. Building a DVD image (regardless of its size) is done the same way.
  15. Sounds like a top plan. You can never have too much HD space. You're welcome.
  16. Correct. You only need to change the output from HD to DVD.
  17. Silly question. Why not create a Hotmail account and use Outlook to retrieve your mail from there?
  18. Unfortunately, you've hit upon a problem that isn't uncommon. The trouble is that because you have more than 2 drives (and I'm guessing no SATA drives), no matter how you have them configured you are always going to have a problem with at least one of them. If your HD has its own channel and your DVD drives share a channel , you will obviously have a problem moving data between the 2 DVD drives. The reverse is also true. If one DVD has its own channel and a DVD and HD share a channel, you will have problems moving data between the drives on the single channel. That's what this "Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level" is telling you. Without adding more hardware I don't see a solution. Looking at your original question, you might want to invest in an external HD to store your ISO images instead of burning them onto disk for storage. The technology is dirt cheap these days, you'll save money on media and they'll always be accessible and easy to find. If your PC supports USB2 then the drive will also be blindingly quick. 30MB/sec easily.
  19. It depends. It could be that your source and destination drives share an IDE channel which creates a data bottleneck. For this reason, your HD should be on a separate channel (connected to a different ribbon cable) to your DVD drive. This is what I'd check first. It could be that your DVD drive has slipped back into PIO mode. This can happen if your drive has trouble reading a disk. There's basically 2 modes in which your drive communicates with your PC - PIO and DMA. DMA allows for much faster access speeds. An undocumented feature of WinXP (and Win2K) is that if a drive drops back into PIO mode in an attempt to read bad media, it can often stay like that. Even worse, if you check the DMA settings of your drive it can report that all is well and that DMA is enabled. The simplest fix is to open the Device Manager and uninstall both IDE controllers and then reboot. Windows will then reinstall the drivers in DMA mode at startup.
  20. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1780
  21. Politicians in Oz really are a pack of dickheads. I should pick up my things and move to the USA. The laws might be just as silly but at least I'll be able to sell my dog for a fortune.
  22. A noble goal. Also, nobody is going to jump up and down about most topics here. I just wanted to let you know that laws or policies regarding copyright do not encompass all users in all countries. For example, the laws regarding copyright in Sweden are diametrically opposed to those in Australia. Users in the USA have different laws again. 15 years ago it was easy to answer questions such as yours because most people still used Bulletin Boards (BBS's) which meant most users of a BBS belonged to a single country where a single law dictated the answer. The internet (particularly the world wide web) changed all that. Now we have to answer questions predicated by conditions set by UK law. Technically, this is a UK forum even though it's hosted in the USA. Therefore, we have to do our best answering questions in a way that relates to UK law and the UK itself, which is 10,000 miles from where I'm sitting. <long, boring answer mode off but reserved for later use..>
  23. If you tried this arguement in an Australian court you would lose. That's a guarantee. Fair Use as you know it has never existed here and going by the changes the Federal Government is trying to push through parliment, I doubt it ever will. We do have something similar called Fair Dealing which is a veritable minefield of legal jargon which you can find here: http://www.ag.gov.au/agd/WWW/rwpattach.nsf...Paper050505.doc
  24. Post the log from ImgBurns' bottom window so we can see what's going on, please.
  25. Jason: You're both right and wrong. You're right about the media. It really is garbage. Buffer underruns used to be a problem back in the bad old days but not anymore if you have BURNPROOF enabled. Before the advent of Burnproof (deleloped by Sanyo), drives starved of data would continue writing zeros onto your blank disk effectively making it useless. Burnproof allows the drive to pause while it waits for more data to burn, regardless of how long it has to wait.
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