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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Not asking you to create another coaster, just to check your existing file without wasting another disk. DVD Shrink will howl and complain if something isn?t right with the ISO (which is a good thing). Tell it to output the files to your HD somewhere.
  2. I have almost the same drive (TS-H552U) and it mis-reports the supported speed of the media as well. It?s not a very good drive IMO.
  3. FWIW, I also use w2k, Pioneer 109 and Verbatim -R media. No problems with that combo here.
  4. Welcome. A good drive. Good media. Recent firmware. You?ve burned images both before and after this failure which means all is working as it should. I can only summise that the failure can be placed at your source file. If it were me, I?d probably run the ISO through DVD Shrink just to check its integrity.
  5. You can put them basically anywhere you like. If I have alot of files to add to an ISO, I prefer setiing up my files on a HD with a file manager first and then adding a single directory (including its sub-directories) using build mode within ImgBurn. I find it quicker and your files go where you want them to go. You?re welcome.
  6. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,20623973-2,00.html There's no accounting for taste October 21, 2006 12:00am THE US has banned Vegemite, even to the point of searching Australians for jars of the spread when they enter the country. The bizarre crackdown was prompted because Vegemite has been deemed illegal under US food laws. The great Aussie icon - faithfully carried around the world by travellers from downunder - contains folate, which under a technicality, America allows to be added only to breads and cereals. Australian expatriates in the US said enforcement of the ban had been gradually stepped up and was now ruining lifelong traditions of Vegemite on toast for breakfast. Kraft spokeswoman Joanna Scott said: "The (US) Food and Drug Administration doesn't allow the import of Vegemite simply because the recipe does have the addition of folic acid.'' The US was "a minor market'' for Vegemite, she said.
  7. Time to chuck in my 2 cents, for whatever little it's worth. a/ That's a given. Afterall, nothing is free when the work of others is sold as part of a commercial package. b/ I'm in 2 minds about this. I can certainly see your point of view and I respect that. However, potential users of your software package should also know that you or your organisation are not the developers of this part of your package and they should be informed as to where this software originates. c/ Something I've just thought of :- Hypothetically, if a deal is done between yourself and Lightning_UK to include ImgBurn in a commercial venture, are you guys going to be the ones supporting the ImgBurn end of the package or are your customers going to flood this forum looking for advice on why their crappy CMC MAG media is failing? LAME is a project. It's not an opinion given to a piece of software. <Opinion mode off. Please insert 2 cents to continue..........>
  8. As far as your drive and media is concerned, they don't care what's being written as it's all just data. A 4gig movie ISO is no different to a 4gig ISO comprised of .doc files or jpegs in that respect. Compression or the lack of it doesn't have anything to do with it.
  9. ImgBurn doesn't have an error rate. That's down to your media and your drive. The error is just reported. You can't ask the software to fix a hardware problem.
  10. WOW has been compared to heroin for its addictiveness over here. Dunno how true it is as I've never played it.
  11. It's not the wrong firmware. It's just an older one and hasn't been updated at rpc1.org
  12. I haven't heard from Snazz in ages. G5 is quiet these days as well.
  13. First thing is to get rid of BlindWrite. Next, hit control-alt-delete to bring up your task manager and check if InCD is running and kill the process if it is.. (It's Nero's installed packet writing software). Next, try a burn with ImgBurn and post your entire log so we can see what else is happening.
  14. Yep. DG834 v2. Does this help?
  15. Corny: Best wishes to you, my friend and have a great day. May the beer flow etc and so forth... On his 43rd birthday, the husband (ready for a bit of slap and tickle with the wife) rolled over and started whispering sweet nothings into his wifes' ear. The wife was non-responsive and said "I have a headache". The husband (thinking quickly) said "No problem. I've just sprinkled my wedding tackle with aspirin. Would you prefer to take it orally or as a suppository?"
  16. Correct, my English friend. Try "No! Flash". I think you'll like it.
  17. My apologies. I didn't check the validity of the link. After quite a bit of searching I finally found the damned thing. Grab it from my webspace @ http://users.tpg.com.au/adsldxhe/dr16hs0d.zip Depends. Every hardware vendor is different. Try the link above to see if you need it. InCD (technically) doesn't have to be removed/uninstalled. It just needs to be prevented from starting. A decent registry cleaner like RegCleaner (my favourite) can do this job easily. http://www.worldstart.com/weekly-download/...-cleaner4.3.htm You're not stupid. A stupid question would be one that is easily answered by reading the FAQ or asking a question that has been asked 50,000 times previously. We're here to help. We're not here to ridicule. As long as InCD isn't being loaded at startup or by opening Ner0, everything will be groovy. Apologies aren't needed here. As I said, we're here to help you. 1. Updating firmware these days is simple as most come with an .exe file of some sort. (Having just checked this one, it does as well). 2. Just kill it at startup.
  18. You're probably right. (Not that we're biased at all) Before ImgBurn version came out, we were burning like madmen trying to break it with various old and new burners, operating systems, weird image files, flogging source drives to death and then queueing up a burn (starving destination drives of data and causing buffer underruns) and the like. (I even created a 400gig ISO to see if it'd fall over during the build stage, which it didn't). What I'm getting at is that if there's a problem with ImgBurn, we'd likely have found it before it was released by The Great One. If you need help with other things outside the scope of the ImgBurn forum, drop a line in the chat forum. That's what it's there for.
  19. I've been banging on about Pioneer drives for ages and I still prefer them as there's no fooking around with bitsetting on +R/DL media. That alone has to be worth something.
  20. Very true, my friend. Still, I just checked the 4 ports you mentioned above on a non-firewalled linux box through a Netgear DG834 and all returned as stealthed.
  21. Welcome aboard and all that. Get rid of InCD for a start. All packet writers like InCD cause havoc with your drive. More specifically, they cause havoc with other programs trying to access them. Secondly, get some decent media as OPTODISC media is garbage. Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are what we recommend around these parts. Lastly, the newest firmware for your drive is v.HS0D which you can find here: http://www.liteonit.com/DOWNLOADS/ODD/SHM-...re/DR16HS0D.zip
  22. That's the one. I blame the beer on that mistake. Haven't checked it yet. Haven't even plugged it in yet. I have a small amount of reluctance to use it as I have a funny feeling it won't connect to my ISP. (I can't find LLC mode). If so, that'll be absolutely fantastic. Another $200 gone swirling.
  23. Cracked a darky? got the shits with - got pissed off at - got annoyed with etc..
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