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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. <queue Spice Girls> Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha. 7am. I really should go to bed.
  2. You forgot DMA issues, dodgy IDE controllers, 40wire ribbon cables on 80wire controllers, optical drives on RAID/SATA controllers, faulty firmware etc. etc. but not a bad summary. We are well aware of what causes buffering problems, the author of this software in particular. The original poster is also computer literate so stating the obvious causes of buffering problems is pointless. The countless variants of drives, media, background processes and other hardware are the source of the majority of problems we see here. By all means. Unless you have a question.
  3. Don't get the -R/DL. I've just had 3 failures out of 3.
  4. Like that rather unfortunate rash I had after ......... er........ stroking my wombat. I asked some of the guys and DB said he'd had the same problem after ........ er........... stuffing his Pooh Bear and suggested cold cream applied with a chilled teaspoon. Worked like a charm. Thanks, DB.
  5. Google is your friend, my friend. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_whispers
  6. I can?t wait for them to start building burners. That would be fabulous.
  7. Shamus_McFartfinger


    Happy birthday, you old fart! :beer:
  8. Clear the CMOS then like I described above by pulling the battery out etc. At least then you can start figuring out where the problem is. It can?t hurt.
  9. surely you're not calling yourself a half wit I was wondering if anyone would pick that up.
  10. Have you tried resetting the BIOS to default by using jumpers on the motherboard or clearing the CMOS by disconnecting all power, removing the battery and then hitting the power button (which drains the last of the power from the capacitors which clears the CMOS?)
  11. Thanks, Ken. I?ll file this one away until I run out of Riteks........... which may take a while.
  12. Too late now, mate. The credibility you've built up for yourself has been dashed by the image I have of you prancing around your lounge room wearing nought but 3 pounds of gold chain around your neck and a pair of undersized spandex trousers. Bopping along to the funky sounds of Saturday Night Fever whilst combing your chest hair and strangling your gonads with a pair of sequined tights just ain't normal. I must now beat my head against the wall and listen to my favourite ABBA album in an effort to exorcise this demonic imagery.
  13. LOL. I was way out. It's 50%. http://www.usavotenet.com/turnout.htm
  14. I didn't think it was that high. I thought it was more like 30%?
  15. I think the latter. Agreed. I know the Oz government were thinking of adding a tax on media (Canada and Denmark has this, I believe), but I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened here...... yet.
  16. I know Richmond. (Well, I know of it anyway ). I'd appreciate the link.
  17. Below is an example of the shit local stores have for sale. Needless to say, I don't shop here. http://www.gamedude.com.au/static/prod_lis...condgroup=DVD_R
  18. I bought a new case yesterday which I'm going to transfer my Athlon 3200 into. Anyway..... I went and bought a "Cooler Master CMStacker" type thingy with 11 drive bays in it. Pretty cool case. Now I need to track down some 3.5" to 5.25" adapter plates for the HDs that'll be going in it. I found a review of this thing if anyone's interested. http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/other/dis...-cmstacker.html
  19. Nope. Australian money. In US currency they are $4.40 each. Sucks huh?
  20. The biggest problem over this way (my opinion) is actually finding the damned things. Almost every media seller that I've seen in the last few years has crap like Princo, CMC, Longten etc stacked to the ceiling. I've given up finding Taiyo Yuden media anymore and am plodding along with Ritek G05s. Finding DL Verbatims was just dumb luck.
  21. Which is probably why old firmware for these things is everywhere. I actually saw the $ony PSP for the first time yesteday. It's an impressive little beastie. The resolution from that little 4" (?) screen is stunning.
  22. $500? Unless you're getting some whizzbang new fangled connection with state of the art hardware that's bundled with other services like cable tv, mobile phone or landline deals, I think they're pullin' yer puddin'. An ADSL modem/4-port router is only worth 50 bucks these days, less in US dollars. What sort of hardware are you looking at?
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