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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Thanks Shamus. Are there places you would recommend? Not unless you're in Brisbane. Try Google. (city name + computer auction)
  2. That's a possibility. ZoneAlarm could also be blocking ads, cookies or javascript which the originating site might use and is most likely harmeless. It's important to note that your router allowed traffic from the website in question because you asked for it, not because the router is faulty.
  3. Just for laughs, how large is the file you wish to burn? What is the size according to its properties?
  4. MJ: Depending on what sort of system you're looking for, you might want to try something like an auction house or clearing house for ex-government PCs. I've bought loads of stuff over the years including PCs, printers, monitors, servers etc etc that's dirt cheap and works perfectly from places like this. With the start of the new financial year, many businesses offload their infrastructure/assets as part of their contract with hardware suppliers and vendors. It's a great time to go shopping.
  5. You've obviously sent a request via your browser to view this website and the requester above is telling you that there's a communication problem between you and the website. Something like this: 1. You send a request to view a page 2. The website acknowledges your request and attempts to send what you asked for 3. Your firewall responds to something in its configuration to block part or all of that request 4. The website continues trying to satisfy your request by re-sending the data you initially asked for 5. see step 3 6. see step 4 etc etc ad nauseum Honestly, I don't think this is anything to worry about.
  6. I'll be ready as I've been in training.
  7. LOL! I don't suppose you know who edited my quote, do you?
  8. Without resorting to commercial software your best bet (until ImgBurn 2 arrives) is a freebie called Folder2ISO. It will scan the contents of any given folder and its subfolders to create an ISO image but it can't do *.bin files like VCD. I used to use this program now and then. Find it here: http://www.videohelp.com/tools?tool=Folder2Iso EDIT: I have a nagging suspicion that Folder2ISO doesn't create compliant DVD images. It'd probably work fine as just an image file (for streaming to an XBOx, for example) but I probably wouldn't burn the created ISO onto disk.
  9. AHH! Now I'm with you. ATM ImgBurn doesn't have this facility. The good news is that ImgBurn V2 will have........ sort of. It won't work with any copy protected material like the various DVD rippers available. As for suggesting software that can get around copy protection, I suggest Google. We can't discuss it here. Is there anything else we can help you with?
  10. I'll testify to that. I don't trust a man who can't hold his liquor.
  11. You've lost me. Do you mean create an ISO from a DVD or burn an ISO stored on a DVD? ImgBurn happily burns images from virtual drives. As long as the file format is supported, it doesn't care what medium the source is on. It would help if we knew what you were trying to do.
  12. Just to add to what written above, this is the sort of info you're looking for in the right hand window. Notice that the media doesn' t support 1x burning (highlighted in red). If it doesn't support 1x, you can't burn at 1x. PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 1.58 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-R Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 2,298,496 Free Space: 4,707,319,808 bytes Free Time: 510:48:46 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: RITEKG05 Recording Management Area Information: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Book Type: DVD-R Part Version: 5 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 0 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0
  13. While on the subject of passing out betas, I remember a beta being given to a user who was having problems with his particular drive. This user then thanked the author for his trust by placing it on the peer-to-peer networks. Once bitten, twice shy etc.
  14. Happy birthday, mate!! :beer:
  15. I don't know either of these 2 guys but I do have the original Transformers movie. What sort of movies would you like comic book writers to write?
  16. You poor, bewildered, old sourpuss! Myself and Mrs Shamus are going to see this tomorrow....... <checks time - hmm... 4am> make that this afternoon. I reckon movies like these are great. Pure escapism. Isn't that what comics also offer?
  17. No release date has been set that I'm aware of. Unlike commercial software houses that have fixed schedules, it'll be ready when it's ready. As for aquiring a beta version, I suspect your chances are somewhere between slim and none.
  18. Honestly, I haven't had the opportunity to sit down and have a a good play with it. .......... <cough> The one thing that Opera has been lagging in is a good ad blocker. I have Opera 9 installed but as yet haven't looked at the new goodies it has. I shall endeavor to have a fiddle after work tonight. Thanks.
  19. I am shocked that Sony might launch the PS3 with a crappy component - that's just unbelievable....... Why not? Microsoft did it with the 360 and its overheating psu.
  20. Spinner, grab Mozilla and see if you like it. It's faster, more flexible, has more bells and whistles (like a cookie manager), tabbed browsing etc etc. It can also import your IE bookmarks. http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ Opera is brilliant as well. http://www.opera.com/download/
  21. 11. - Thou shalt not use a shit browser. Repent, Spinner! Repent!
  22. Way too much money. When you break it down to what you get for your money you get a Blu-Ray player and a game console. Gran Turismo 5 ain't worth a thousand dollars.
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