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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Dell computers. What utter garbage. Dell, Compaq and HP have to be the *worst* suppliers of PCs on the planet. My old HP Pavilion was the worst piece of crap I?ve ever had the misfortune to use. The 3 Compaqs and (now only one) Dell that I have here are frustrating in the extreme. Shit drivers, shit hardware and shit case design (and all bought cheap at auction btw). By comparison, the PCs I built myself are easy to work on, have better hardware and are cheaper than the equivalent ?store bought? PCs. I think the package deals is what attracts buyers to spend their money on these things. Buy a HP and get a free printer etc etc. It?s a shame they don?t know how to build a decent PC. <Dell bashing mode off>
  2. Yup. That?s a wombat. Ugly fooker, ain?t it? Their looks do improve a great deal depending on how you view them. On a kebab or in a stew they look fabulous. Wombat and celery stew. Mmm..... stew.
  3. It?s eating a clothes peg......... which shows you how bright they are. Still, the one thing it has going for it is that it will never believe itself to be smarter than it is...... which places it alot higher in the gene pool than most of humanity. It makes decisions based on what it knows. Humanity, (a substantial part of it anyway), makes decisions based on what we?d like others to think we know. It might be eating a clothes peg (which proves that it isn?t that smart) but I smoke a pack a day. I know that it?s harmful yet I continue to do it. Which animal is smarter, I wonder. <philosophical mode off>
  4. It's true. No man can resist a freshly shampooed wombat.
  5. I know how I'd react - what's the catch? By the time the person offering me such a generous sum had finished with all the questions I'd need answering, the value of it would have depreciated by half. On a side note: my workplace (don't ask) routinely gets "baited" with sums of cash, phones, cameras etc by the security side of the business just to see if anyone takes it.
  6. The red ferret page is working fine. It's a drink cooler - coffee warmer type thingy. The filtered one you're referring to will have to wait until you get home as I don't want to spoil the surprise.
  7. I wonder why it's called an X-Ray? Are you supposed to drop your genitals into the tray and give them a quick zap? In any case it's just what the world needs - microwaved testicles.
  8. Just to be a wet blanket, stories of Symantec being vulnerable to security breaches have been floating around for a few months now. It's no less excusable but it's not breaking news. What has me really concerned is that these vulnerabilities *have* been around for so long. The fact that they're still being reported is very worrying. Can anyone spell H.A.C.K.E.R.S.W.E.T.D.R.E.A.M.?
  9. If you grab yourself one of THESE and one of THESE and obviously one of THESE you'll never have to go anywhere.
  10. Open the settings and de-select the circled flag.
  11. Mine was an oasis. Mrs Shamus now wants to re-do the kitchen. Dunno what the fcuk for. She never spends anytime it in. It's like having a surgeon attach a third testicle. You'd never use the bloody thing. <shakes head in a non-understanding women way> LOL!! It's one of them things that gotta be done. You'll be able to make it an experience. For example, you could sit your date on the seat and yell "By the power of Greyskull" and really live in the moment. Seems fine here. GMT -8 hours? You must be in the US or Canada. GMT +10 here.
  12. A person can never have too many skulls. It's heavy too. I guess around 15 - 20 pounds. Dunno. The shop where she got it over here in Oz had craploads of the things. Craploads? LOL!! I kill me. I really do. Sounds like a top idea. I dunno why she wouldn't like it. It's not as if it's out in the open or that you're going to invite friends over to see it. It's just a crapper cover.
  13. Eugh !! You must really like the knocker if you're gonna do that to it mate !!! I never said I was picky. That she is. Particularly in men.
  14. For a user new to DVD burning I'd have to recommend a Pioneer drive like the Pioneer 110 or 111. Why? Because there's no fcuking around with booktypes. That alone is a major benefit. With a Pioneer you burn it and it works. It's that simple.
  15. Ain't it a pisser? *groan* Also got a skull door knocker that I'll get around to mounting on the weekend hopefully.
  16. I love skulls. I've got skull ashtrays. Skull candles. Skull oil burners. Skull t-shirts. A skull keychain. (You get the idea). Recently, Mrs Shamus spotted something she knew I'd like. Check it out.
  17. While I think of it (yes, I know it's 2 weeks later. I'm a bit slow), grab a program called Bin2ISO. ImgBurn will happily burn the converted format. Download it here: http://www.codeproject.com/tools/Bin2Iso.asp
  18. Do you have the latest firmware for your drive? It's v.A105. Your log will tell you what version it is. Or post it here and we'll tell you.
  19. Funny....... my burns at 12x and 16x (many hundreds of them) work fine. Restricting the available burn speed on a capable PC with a good drive with decent media is like placing a rubber band on your wedding tackle before going for a leak. It'll still work but the process itself is slower and more painful than it has to be.
  20. Burning is the easy part....... usually. Even crap media like CMC burn occasionally. Regardless of how many of these things you've already burned, INFODISK media is garbage. I suspect that most (if not all) would have failed to verify after the burn. A "power calibration" error is a dead giveaway for either a fooked drive or shit media. Deleting or uninstalling the IDE controllers won't make a rat's arse of difference when the media is rubbish. The end. When you go shopping next time get some "Taiyo Yuden" media. Your problems will dissapear.
  21. Bad media. As bad as it gets really. Try this: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
  22. Prison is a lot like boxing - both have an endless stream of men wanting to punch you around the ring.
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