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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Gratulera med dagen, Cynthia.
  2. Your point being ? I know that's how a drive works. My original post (if you actually bothered to read it) was about trying to improve the quality of a burn during times of high disk activity. The quality is dependant on the source, the destination and the media, not the speed at which it is written. If Burnproof is enabled (you have heard of burnproof, haven?t you), high disk activity hasn?t got a fucking thing to do with quality. (Anyone got some crayons so I can draw this clown a picture?)
  3. Let's just put things into perspective here. Nero is a commercial product. Commercial software is expected to have bells and whistles if a company expects to make any money. ImgBurn is the brainchild and hobby of a single (albeit talented) programmer wishing to share his gift with those of us lacking any programming skills whatsoever. This forum (again, because the author wishes to share) is available to one and all for the purpose of supporting those who use his software. It's not a forum dedicated to users for the sole purpose of telling the author how his program should function, the features that should be included or what compiler should be used. Many of us "users" have years invested in this (and the old) forum. We take no small amount of pride in being able to share what we have learned with others. We "old timers" take a dim view of new users wanting a grocery list of changes made to what is already a fantastic program. (Version 2 will be even better with 15 betas tested so far). FWIW, the current beta happily creates a 400gig ISO and also supports on-the-fly burning to +/- DL DVD. I humbly suggest that next time you think of something you don't like about the way Lightning_UK! codes, what compiler he uses, what the software should and should not do, contemplate it for a while before posting. Your constant demand for attention is really starting to fuck me off.
  4. Do you not find that the burn continues intermittently (ie. the LED on the drives flickers on/off) so, while it will finish the burn successfully, it will take a lot of burn cycles ? Not only do I find the burn continues intermittently, I expect it, regardless of the strain put on the source drive. Unless you have some way of prioritising a particular stream of data through your gateway/router/switch using IP addresses and a queue system of some sort, your hardware, by default, will try to satisfy all requests for data with equality - meaning that data will be handled via a cyclical or rotary type of arrangement. eg.. Point A is the source drive. If requests come from point B, C, D and E, all requests will be treated as equal and data will be streamed to these clients accordingly. Data might be sent to point B then point C then point D then point E then back to point B and so on. If no data (or all data) arrives at one of these points, I'd be asking myself where the problem is.
  5. I actually do this on purpose sometimes just to see how things are working with the s/ware. I start a burn from a network drive and then request the same image or another large file from the same drive using a few other PCs (Basically overloading the drive with requests).. It's guaranteed to empty the buffer and bring the burn to a complete halt. In this example, Burnproof does what it's supposed to do when the buffer empties. Incredibly, it worked fine last week, last month, last year, the year before that and the year before that and...........
  6. What really shits me is the marketing and hype that goes with these things such as: It's got a multi-gigahertz processor (So what? Tetris is one of the best games ever and it runs fine on a Commodore64) It's got 32bit graphics. (So what? The human eye can only see 10,000 colours of the millions available with 32bit). Can be networked to your PC for a real media experience. (So what? My old XBox does this already). etc (ad nauseum) To sell a 360 to existing (chipped) XBox owners, like myself, who are quite happy dabbling around with the software, homebrew games and other things, they really need to give me what us what we want, not what they think we want.
  7. I wouldn't have a 360 unless it was chipped. The "media centre" thingy on the 360 is a pretty poor effort compared to XBMC on the old XBox from what I've read about it. Also, I like running my XBox games from the HD. Not only is it faster but there's also bucketloads of trainers available for XBox games. I like being able to add software to the XBox or store/move files on a PC via a simple FTP connection. The 360 has a long way to go before it catches up with the flexibility of the original, chipped XBox.
  8. Happy belated birthday to you both. :beer:
  9. Okey dokey - I'm willing to look like an idiot in public. What instruction(s) is different on +R media/drives that won't allow test mode? Is it just a set of parameters in the firmware or is it the media? Why did they do this? Does this also apply to +R/DL or just +R? Inquiring minds wish to know.
  10. The window on the right hand side shows info about your drive and media. Just copy and paste it here so we can see what's going on. It'll look like this: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 1.58 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-R Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 2,298,496 Free Space: 4,707,319,808 bytes Free Time: 510:48:46 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: RITEKG05 Recording Management Area Information: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Book Type: DVD-R Part Version: 5 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 0 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0
  11. =)) not that picture again..... What picture?
  12. You're welcome. The new version of ImgBurn will be a brilliant tool. We've been playing around with various betas with the new functionality for about a month now (Lightning_UK! is a prolific coder ) and it works really, really well. On a side note, there are other options available to you for backing up valuable data. The most obvious is copying your files onto another hard-drive. If your PC doesn't have the capacity for another internal HD or you're not comfortable pulling your PC apart, then purchasing an external drive would be a wise investment. Also, if your files aren't that large, you could zip (and encrypt) them and upload them to a google email account for safe keeping. You could even email them to friends or family so they have copies as well.
  13. Not yet but soon. Lightning_UK! is furiously coding the next version as we speak. Stay tuned....... As noted above by Flawless115, ImgBurn (in its current capacity) only burns disk images. Again, wait for the new version. It has a great deal more functionality than the current public version. Yes and no. If you use *good* media, yes. If you use crap media, no. Afterall, if DVDs were not a very good way to store data, we would not have progressed from the humble VCR.
  14. I?ve almost given up looking for the bastards. Many suppliers seem happy just selling shit. Blutach (Hey Blu!) put me onto a place called PCX which has a pickup/delivery office on the east side of Brisbane. PCX Pty Ltd. 21 Pickwick Street Cannon Hill QLD 4170 (07) 3399 8631 bne@pcx.com.au www.pcx.com.au
  15. I'm guessing (only guessing) that the USB ports on the back of your PC are actually part of your motherboard. (Most modern boards have them included). Also, if I were adding a USB PCI card to a PC I'd spend an extra few dollars and make it worth my while by adding more ports like this one: http://www.expansys.com.au/product.asp?code=111297
  16. Have some confidence in yourself. I once threw a PC into my neighbours' swimming pool after it gave me the shits. 3 days later I retrieved it, dried it out and replaced the drives and PSU and it worked fine. PCs are more robust than people are led to believe. These things work with pretty much anything. Most of the time it's just a matter of screwing the card in as Windows more than likely will automatically install the drivers for it.
  17. For what it's worth, I'd install a PCI card instead of using a USB hub. The biggest problem with USB hubs are thay are exactly that - a hub - which means that they can only run a single device at a time, regardless of how many devices are plugged into it. e.g. If you plugged a printer and a scanner into a USB hub you would not be able to use them both at the same time as you still only have a single com port. If you install a PCI card, you get 2 or 4 com ports which are independent of each other meaning they can all be used at the same time.
  18. This looks awfully damned familiar. I had the same thing happen the other day with 3 different drives after changing media to Verbatim DL -R. In my case, definitely a media problem. I switched back to Ritek G05s and the problem dissapeared. Here's a log if you're interested.
  19. Or 10? You twisted my arm. The only time I won't be able to make it is the weekend of June 23-25 as I'll be falling off a houseboat somewhere around Tweed Heads. EDIT: Firey is coming to Brisbane? Cool! Keep me posted.
  20. @Les Bian WooHoo! As do I, my friend. You are overdue in Brisbane for another beer.
  21. Shamus_McFartfinger


    Happy birthday, mate!! :beer: 99 years old? You really are an old fart.
  22. Won't be this week as I'll be spending most of it at work. I might have to pinch Mrs Shamus' credit card and get them delivered...
  23. @ Leslie Not bad prices. Pretty good actually. Printable Verb +R/DL x 20 for $85 a tub. ( http://www.pcx.com.au/products/index.asp?s...a,DVD%2bR,8.5gb ) Ooh! They've got a shop in Brisbane. It's 25 miles from here but that's life.
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