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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Yeppers. 27k is mighty slow. A fooked driver, port or something like that. I think floppy drives can manage 21 or 22k/sec? Something like that anyway. RE: USB queue - Yeah. I wasn't very clear on that. Data sent to multiple devices on a single USB port will (should) be queued. There's no sharing like with a TCP/IP connection. It's just how it is.
  2. Horseshit. That's about the most stupid and ridiculous statement I've had the misfortune of reading. Is Nero a ripper? What about UltraISO? MusicMatch Jukebox? Do any of these programs remove Macrovision? What about ARccoSS? Doh! The way I see it, you have three (3) alternatives. 1. Understand what you're talking about. Confirmation of your naivety is not a requirement in this forum. 2. Learn to use the software and understand what it's capable of. 3. Don't use it. Simple. Let me get this straight. You're saying that ImgBurn is a ripper but it won't read protected disks. This devious program also has the ability to grab unprotected files from any source and copy them where you like? Even Windows Explorer does that. Get a clue before you hurt yourself.
  3. Me neither. I'd be fooked if I had to go back to using FAT32. Ugh.
  4. Just to add to what the guys have said, ImgBurn will only check for an update once per day, regardless of how many times the program is started. When you start ImgBurn, one of the things it does is check how long since it last looked for an update. This information is timestamped in a registry key. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ImgBurn\LastCheckForProgramUpdate). When ImgBurn is loaded it will check this registry key to see if it should check for an update. If less than 24 hours have passed since the last time it checked, it won't go any further. If ImgBurn sees that more than 24 hours have passed it will then ping one of 3 large websites to test for an internet connection before polling the ImgBurn server enquiring about a new version. Hope this helps.
  5. * 900KB/s is not 27KB/s mentioned in the original post. * If you're only getting 10-16MB/s across USB2 then something is wrong.
  6. No idea. I don't even know how old USB2 is (I'd look it up but I couldn't be bothered). I think you need to "accidentally" place the card in a microwave oven for a few seconds and remove any doubt on whether you need a new one or not. It should be there unless you're using some sort of dodgy driver (which is doubtful). I've never seen that message. I plugged an external HD into a USB1.1 slot without any problems. Slow as hell but no message. Doubtful as each has its own "channel". You'd soon know either way if you tried to print a document using a USB connected printer and copying a file to a flashdisk at the same time as one would fail. That's why USB hubs are useless. Sure, you can plug 4 devices into them but only one at a time will function. I'd still run SiSoft Sandra. It'll tell you what you have installed.
  7. Why not save yourself the stress and buy a PCI card that supports USB2? You could probably pick up a 4-port card for $20 or so. 27 KB/s is only just faster than a floppy drive. Do you have a "USB 2.0 Root Hub" listed in Device Manager?
  8. SiSoft Sandra @ http://www.sisoftware.net/ can do benchmarking tests for USB devices. Also, remember that hi-speed sometimes doesn't mean fast when referring to USB. Depending on who you talk to, Hi-speed can mean either USB1.1 (it's original name) or it can be USB2.0 (with other names like low-speed) made up for older components. Full-speed is also in the mix somewhere as another name for USB2.0.
  9. I tried this stuff out during testing and it worked fine at 15 levels. Worked fine creating huge (3oogig+) ISOs too. Takes a while though.
  10. What for? So you can wile away Saturday nights sipping a light brandy and loading up past burn graphs searching for the meaning of life?
  11. Photos of humping mice and a dogs' arse. Talk about classy.
  12. The build mode is fabulous. Damned handy IMO for an easy way of getting ordinary files onto a DVD for backup purposes.
  13. It's not something that bothers me a great deal. I store images until I get around to burning them because I'm a lazy bastard.
  14. Possible but unlikely from a reputable site. I could always host it on my webspace if there's a demand for it.
  15. There was a rumour a while back about DVD Shrink being hacked/modified/re-written to include ImgBurn in the available options but nothing seems to have happened as yet...........
  16. Imagine, if you will, this same situation had the gunman not been allowed to arm himself in the first place. Regardless of the hype, rhetoric and bullshit associated with the pro-gun movement, you'll not be able to convince me that firearms should be the province of any idiot who passes a dodgy exam and a criminal record check.
  17. No arguements here. What should scare the piss out of those living in ?The land of the free", would be an understanding of who is allowed (by law) to carry a firearm. If the same laws applied in apparent third world countries, like Australia, I?d be shitting broken glass. For example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_i...ates_(by_state) You can (by law) walk into a public school in Oregon with a concealed firearm? How fucking clever is that? ?Oh but our forefathers granted us the right to bear arms in The Constitution. It?s our right!? It may be your right but it?s still fucking stupid.
  18. As I?m feeling left out, I thought I?d also say that it?s a media problem.
  19. I hope you?re joking as this sounds like the sort of garbage that a ten year old would regurgitate, not something I?d expect from an intelligent, mature adult with the ability to draw conclusions based on research. I live in Australia. Would I not be more qualified than your friends to have an opinion on this? Secondly, in a single stroke you have painted all Australian towns and cities as equally dangerous which is ridiculous. You are comparing places like Cabramatta in Sydney (one of the most violent places in Australia) to the suburb in which I live in Brisbane (which is not). Would you say that Backwater, Arkansas is just as dangerous as Detroit because they are both in the USA? Even my airhead of a niece wouldn?t swallow that tripe. Ah yes. Instead of people beating the crap out each other to settle disputes, they shoot each other instead. A brilliant concept. Any supporting evidence to back this up?
  20. The funny thing about statistics is........... http://www.aic.gov.au/stats/crime/homicide.html EDIT: I remember the gun buyback scheme and a quick search on Google found that it was operating in 1996. Sorry, but the stats disagree with what you?ve quoted. It sounds like scaremongering rhetoric from the pro-gun lobby more than anything else.
  21. You buy your media from a chemist?
  22. Comodo can't be any worse than Black Ice Defender. It truly is garbage.
  23. Yeah but... (sighs and groans alot) it's just not DOpus how I remember it to be, I suppose. Sure, it can do ftp, play files, execute commands etc etc but it still doesn't impress me the way the old version (v4 on the Amiga) did. I still use Turbo Navigator for file management 5 years after the the developer pulled the plug. Fast, sleek and configurable - just like DOpus used to be.
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