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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. The current US president comes to mind....... he?s as dumb as dogshit. A classic example of surrounding yourself with people who are smarter than you.
  2. It just adds more capability to your machine. Media Player Classic, for example, might look a bit cheap and nasty but it?s a brilliant player that?s faster than just about anything else available. It?s also small, uncomplicated and takes advantage of the dozens and dozens of codecs in the K-Lite pack. One of the most handy tools installed is a program called GSpot. If you ever get a video file that won?t play, load it into GSpot and it?ll tell you what codec you need to play it.
  3. Who knows what caused it then. What I?d suggest is downloading a set of tools called the ?K-Lite Codec Pack?. It?s a collection of free codecs, players and other bits and pieces that?ll play almost any format. Once you?ve installed it, try playing the DVD on your PC using the included ?Media Player Classic?. You can download K-Lite from the link below: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_Lite_Codec_Pack.htm
  4. It?s not an ImgBurn problem. More likely a problem or deficiency with your player not being capable of playing a specific audio format (such as DTS sound which many players don?t support). Assuming you haven?t removed the original 2ch/5ch soundtrack from your disk, hit the audio button on your DVD player. You may have set DTS as the default.
  5. Perhaps. Not many people would be priveleged to the motives behind his and her charity work but credit is due all the same. They?ve allocated (given) a staggering amount of money for their charity. Something like $5,000,000,000 has been commited to charitable works, all of which is dispensed and handled like a business. A very business savvy and intelligent couple who might be doing what they do just because they can.
  6. As cunning as a shithouse rat, as we say over here. The way he runs he and his wifes? charity is brilliant. A model of how all charities should be run. Very, very efficiently. Credit where credit is due. P.S. Windows sucks.
  7. I?m curious. Do you have your burner and HD sharing an IDE channel? Burning 16x for DVDs is something like 22 MB/sec. If your burner and HD (source and destination) share an IDE channel it means that 22 MB of data a second has to travel from the source drive down the ribbon cable to the cpu and then back up the same cable to your destination which can cause all sorts of problems. Sort of like forcing water through a hose in two different directions at once. As suggested above, slow down your burn speed to 4x and see what happens. As for Nero, nobody really uses it around here because it isn?t needed and it?s just something else to go wrong. <Buffer underrun mode off>
  8. Hmm... a company called Gigastorage Corporation with it?s name on a 700MB disk doesn?t fill me with much confidence.
  9. Hmm.... that?ll work as long as they don?t figure out that they can just use a different browser or that the fake proxy only stops them from using port 80 which is HTTP. They could still send and receive emails, chat via MSN (or whatever) and anything else. (They could do it anyway with the solution I posted as well as it only works on port 80 with Internet Explorer). I?m surprised Windows doesn?t have the facililty to block users from accessing the net in any way with many more ?family groups? going online these days and not just geeks. There IS commercial software available to do this type of thing such as Browse Control and it?ll make changes to your system policies as the solution outlined above but has a pretty interface and alot more options to block selective ports on a per-user basis. In an ideal situation, your friend would have her own PC and her kids another. A cheap KVM switch would allow you to use the same keyboard, monitor and mouse for both if space is tight. A secondhand PC for the rugrats would be a cheap and simple solution. A different option might be to go for one of those monitoring programs like CyberSitter or NetNanny (all of which I detest with a passion, particularly those backed by fundamentalists such as The Net Authority ). Anyway, my point being that instead of blocking the internet altogether, they would be able to use it in relative safety and learn from it. Coaching works better than banishment. Afterall, it?s the way forward....... apparently. <Pro evolution mode off>
  10. This might help. http://www.jsifaq.com/SUBU/tip10000/rh10092.htm
  11. Unfortunately........ no. I think the only cure is beer, bonking and then more beer. Perhaps beer, more beer then bonking then beer? Or beer, beer and then more beer. Personally, I vote for option 3. *hic*
  12. Which window? If it?s a ?Windows? window, hit F5 to refresh to see if it?s actually still there. If it IS still there, another program is using it (which stops you from deleting it). More info, please. What tools are running etc..
  13. ElbyCDIO needs to be installed (adding it to the registry) before it can be used. There is no expiration on the ElbyCDIO device, just the trial software that installs it. Most problems people seem to have using SPTI is that they aren?t using an account with admin privileges. SPTI needs admin access to function. ElbyCDIO does not.
  14. Or a space race. Both the Americans and the Russians stole technology from the German V2 rockets to launch satellites and various other things in the ?50s.
  15. Have a search for ?Phil Zimmerman and PGP? and see what the agencies mentioned above are capable of. I remember this particular clusterf*ck very well.
  16. Will it? So..... for the info to be imported into the registry the name of the regkey has to be one validated (a namecheck) by ImgBurn? The key will import but ImgBurn won?t see it? To work the exported key would have to remain as is? Perhaps in a seperate folder if you wanted multiple regkeys for different settings? And there I was thinking I was a clever bugger. Fcukit.
  17. Fook me! Talk about a fashion faux par. I will now beat my head against my desk in an effort to expel the demons that now haunt me after seeing this.......... tragedy.
  18. I think I?ll stick with DVDs for the time being.
  19. Who the fook knows? Queensland (where I am) doesn?t have daylight savings at all. 2 of the reasons given when the daylight savings debate raged 10 or 15 years ago was that it: A:- Causes curtains to fade B:- Stops milking cows from sleeping
  20. I?m not quite sure what you mean here but if you wanted to have different settings available, I think it would be easier just to export the regkey. e.g. Let?s say you would like to have VERIFY enabled, the sounds turned off and EXPORT GRAPH DATA turned on just some of the time. Other times you want verify disabled, sounds on and no graph data. Open the settings and enable verify, turn off the sounds and check export graph data and quit. Then open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ImgBurn and export the regkey somewhere (like the ImgBurn folder) and rename it to imgburn_verify_nosound_graph.reg (or whatever). Open ImgBurn again and turn off verify, enable sounds and uncheck export graph data then quit. Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ImgBurn and export the regkey as something like imgburn_noverify_sounds_nograph.reg. Now if you want different settings you can add the contents of these regkeys to the registry by double-clicking on them. You could even add them to your quicklaunch taskbar for easy access. It?s probably not the most elegant way to do things but it works.
  21. I can?t see why you?d want to. Running 2 or more copies works well enough but I don?t see why you?d need two versions ?installed? to different folders. Besides, even if you did manage to install 2 copies of the program, both are going to use the same registry key for your settings. Care to elaborate?
  22. The space might not be a space. I know the old Amiga used to be able to generate a non-space that looked like a space by using an invisible character generated using alt+space (I think). I don?t see how or why a manufacturer would do it though. L_UK?
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