You're right about being entitled to your opinion and I agree that you're probably frustrated also. But, don't forget, you're replying to the Boss and creator of the program; and you're doing it on the board that he supports with his software.
By posting electronically you have to pick and choose your wording since we can't see your facial expressions and read your body language. Humans communicate on many different levels at the same time and writing, for most of us, tends to imply more than what we 'say' in our choice of words. There was a time, long before television, radio, cell phones, when writing was an art and we had a universal understanding of the art. That time has passed us by and we now communicate on an international basis through electronically transmitted characters and tend to forget that we're not 'talking' to one another but writing thoughts down on a screen that we hope the receiver will understand.
I thought you were 'bitching' at the Boss also until I read your replies after the post and now understand what you meant.
We're not a bunch of hard-asses here, we come in to help, learn, suggest, try to break the program and generally have a good time for a few minutes a day.