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Everything posted by volvofl10

  1. I'd say media is your problem judging by the error messages "failed to write sector" have you changed brands recently ?, does it do this with other brands as well ?
  2. home made video burned onto disc wouldnt be copy protected ( i would of thought) so maybe this points at your drives ability to read . what OS are you using ? vista ?
  3. General message to everyone even if you've never had a problem with an older version before , consider that; LUK works his nuts off trying to improve the program and adds features to it the whole beta team burn hundreds of discs and spends loads of time trying to find problems with any new version before LUK releases it YOU as the end user should'nt suffer to many problems with any new release,and IF you do, rest assured LUK will be on the case ASAP as will all the beta team WE dont support older versions of the program, only the current version bottom line is, no one does all of the above just for the fun of it so take advantage and use the latest version
  4. me and the mrs took the kids to the mountains once, .......little buggers followed us back home though
  5. and VLC media player will .ISO as well
  6. i presume your trying to use single layer media ? use read mode and copy to your hdd then build mode and add 50% of the files ( use the calculator) and brun to a DV5 disc , then repeat with the other files Guides in the guide section
  7. and an even more Belated Happy Birthday from me
  8. volvofl10

    New Toy

    Bloody format wars , i "might" move up and buy a dvd player as its hard to find a stand alone Cd player these days
  9. BWA HA HA HA , depends what your eating , its a bit like a brazilian doesnt get in the way i spose /me wonders how no one else interpreted this the way i did ????
  10. with the right/decent media and a good external USB or Firewire drive you will burn discs all day at 8x , all the laptops ive had will only write at 4x max on the internal drive, but using external USB and Firewire drives i acheive 8x everytime, i dare say i could hit 10x if i bought faster media , and thats using -R taiyo's , if i went the +R route i dont know how fast i could go. but certainly above the 8x i get now
  11. Dont waste your money on the Imation discs !! the only dual layer worth using are Verbatim, eevn if it measn ordering online PLUS you will get a better choice of media from a reputable online media supplier as opposed to a local store in your area..................I've never seen taiyo yuden discs in a store yet
  12. if your PC is a dell , then you have the latest firmware on your burner, so that narrows it down to your drive just dont like the Ritek DL media as you said, its crap, you've just been lucky that your other drive actually writes to it. Suggest you get a verbatim DL disc and try it in the 4163b drive to confirm its the ritek media thats crap .
  13. what OS ?, xp or vista ( you cut the first part of the log file off) humour me, set the burn speed to 8x instead of max and tell us what happens
  14. Hey locoeng , whats a coaster ? is it one of these :
  15. volvofl10


    Happy Birthday mate
  16. does it do it with all media, or just the kind you used in the log above ?. could be the drive doesnt like the media you used above
  17. and if you slow your write speed down from MAX to say 12x , this will probably stop the info messages. in other words, your HDD cant keep up with the supply of data the writer is demanding
  18. v1.14 is 3 updates behind v1.20 , so yes, your firmware had a lot to do with it the ONLY discs to use for dual layer is quality verbatim with the Disc ID of MKM 001 I would say that verbatim E-media is probably a budget brand which is unlikly to have a good Ink/dye on it , hence the reason for getting Verbatim with Disc ID of MKM 001
  19. you cant beat a large pair of BUP' s
  20. Blame that Dr Who for all this, he started the time shifting thing jumping back back and forwards
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