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Everything posted by volvofl10

  1. NOTHING is free in the UK the "free to air" channels are not actually free , the law that determines there not free is ; if you have a television or a monitor that is capable of "receiving" TV broadcasts you MUST have a TV license ........... or we will make you watch the late night repeat show of eastenders for a month !!! Im not sure( in the UK ) that if you buy a TV card for your PC that the seller has to take your name and address now and pass it on to the TV licensing authority regarding time shifting, in the UK, you DO need a tv license for this as its still been broadcast and so is covered by the Tv license law, so sadly, its not free Im going to guess that a downloaded TV show will be governed by the law of the country it was first broadcast in, so some form of copywrite will exist. after all if you get a series of a show that hasent been aired in your country yet , The TV company that has the right to air it in your country would have paid a lot of money for that right.
  2. if the disc had been full , wouldnt your explanation slow the overall average write speed down anyway though when the buffers wait to be re-filled ? /me thinks it could be a "close but no cigar "one here
  3. Now thats what i call a genuine guy LUK could have easily accepted the offer of a large amount of money to buy one of these devices, but no, he declined, and sought someone who already has one and a remote connection and would then try to make it work with IB form there. Top man
  4. try one with out Burn Proof enabled , be warned though, it may result in a coaster . Burn Proof slows down the write process if it thinks the drive cannot work at the set speed for any reason . the I/O speeds and connections are the usual things to slow a burn down like Shamus told you earlier
  5. trust me this won't work. I tried it and got this error: "Unable to lock volume for exclusive access. Reason : Access denied" even without that error, imgburn doesn't have the necessary commands to control the robotic arm, hence the request to officially support this and other devices like this in imgburn. have you followed the ImgBurn FAQ about this error ? It's usually another running program that locks the drive
  6. interesting suggestion , everything news seems to be an RSS feed these days in the mean time, if you go to TOOLS > SETTINGS > EVENTS TAB and change "check for program update " to "daily" , at least it will give you a reminder when a newer version is out, and you will know to check out the news section on the site or forum
  7. im going to ask anyway , have you checked the blank discs before burning them o confirm its afetr burning the black lines show up ? also, your not using one of those press things to stamp a label on the disc are you ?
  8. and its like the car adverts , where our latest model does 99 miles per gallon as long as its downhill on a dry day with a gale force 10 wind pushing you ................oh and theres a letter Z in the months name id be happy to attain 11.3x regularly
  9. so .DVD is to an ISO the same as an .MDS is to an ISO and also similar to a .CUE is to a .BIN file
  10. LOL , well according to you Nero is the same then ??? ImgBurn isnt bothered what quality the media is , it works off what the drive reports back when a new disc is inserted . I however think that using cheap media anyway will come back and smack your arse for you anywhere between 1 day and 2 years depending on which poor quality media you used . If its CMC based you may not be able to read the disc within 1 day of creating it
  11. we took my mother in law to a sex shop to get her a vibrator after the father in law passed away. The guy behind the counter was ever so helpfull, showing her several different models. unfortunately she couldn't make her mind up as to which one to buy, then she suddenly shouted out " I'll have that red one on the back wall " at which point i died of embarrassment !!!! ................................................... the assistant was ever so polite the way he told her he couldn't sell her the fire extinguisher
  12. IB only burns the image you tell it to, any audio/video sync issues are either with your original source file or your dvd player
  13. volvofl10

    Oh dear LFC!

    funnily enough his Mrs said the same thing about him to me the other night and i dont think she was on about the open top bus
  14. was a bit worried that the BeeB couldnt finance a 6 episode series of a prime time show though ?. its a bit of a concern if thats the way forward , Given the Doctors on/off relationship with the BeeB over recent years i just hope overseas investment is'nt the way forward in there eyes , naturally the TV license will be reduced in cost
  15. volvofl10

    Oh dear LFC!

    i did think of him when i read it in the paper
  16. rather than starting a new thread , i thought id add it to this one . The USA is even getting BBC programs aired there before we get them here now !!! . the Current (NEW) series of "Hustle" on BBC1 is being shown on the AMC TV channel 2 weeks prior to the BBC showing it !!! AMC TV Not only do we lag behind in all the wonderfull technology in the world, we now make TV programs and show them everywhere else first as well .BBC = Bast*rd Bunch of C*nts at this rate the topic title may need to change to "BBC to air new Dr Who on the BBC after the rest of the world has seen it first"
  17. to make 8gb fit on a 4gb disc you need to compress it , use either recode or shrink . if this is not easy enough for you stick to files under 4gb Or buy a dual layer burner and DL discs
  18. Not strictly true , no laptop manufacturer offers region free firmware , and its the drive manufacturer you can trust , not the laptop manufacturer
  19. Jack just buy a cheap 8 in 1 USB card reader ( a fiver to a tenner) , then transfer to your PC
  20. to add to Cornholio's advice above: Any player will work , its about what media you use more than anything else. verbatim and taiyo yuden are considered to be the best discs for compatability amongst players . Pixellation on playback is usually down to the player struggling to read the disc quick enough, which is where poorer quality media shows itself up. Its not always the media though, it could be a signal issue with digital TV recordings. the only way to confirm this is to actually watch a lot of the programs live to see if its your digi box or aerial. in the event it IS your player though, the cheapest ones are usually the better ones to buy as they play most TV formats,a s well as MP3,DivX,Xvid ect ect. , and often region free as well
  21. well if you look for the guides section all will be revealed, HOWEVER , if its a shop bought or commercial disc thats copywrite protected we cannot help you , and your on your own. In the event that its a non protetced disc, post the log file for us to see
  22. whats the Error message and post the log file in here for us to see. have a read of the guides section to help you find how to use ImgBurn
  23. check out THIS from the FAQ page . make note of the bit about seeing what else has a handle on the drive................see if that helps
  24. you'd have to search on the net for the answer im afraid. we cant/wont/dont discuss circumventing copy protection in here. The board is run from a country where its illegel to copy these type of discs( even as a back up) even if you own the original shop bought one
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