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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. Unless you have the original data on your HDD I don't see how this would be possible.
  2. Even though you are using the latest firmware for your drive now...it is still over three years old. Old drive and new media aren't getting along well, might be time for an upgrade in drives.
  3. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=youtube+to+dvd
  4. Yep, that would be a part of the problem...as LUK suggested only Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden.
  5. This must be one of the first PC's ever made.
  6. Give an inch and they will (try to) take a mile. There is a donate option that if everyone who thinks the program is the cat's meow would make a contribution maybe LUK would make a little dough...won't get rich, but would offset the long hours he puts in developing the program to make it better for all of us.


    Imgburn will not "rip" any protected content from any copy protected source...it will read unprotected content via "Read" mode and burn folders via "Build"mode or images in "Write" mode.
  8. Have you had a look at the detailed guides yet? I tend to think that freeware is usually better the the latter...have you ever tried to get support from Nero or other similar programs? You won't beat the support you get from this product on this site or other forums that stand behind this excellent program.
  9. I can understand the desire to try newer technology, such as DL media, but when most things fit just fine with little or no compression on SL media which is proven, cheaper and more reliable....I just can't justify the cost difference.
  10. I have almost completely abandoned Nero for other programs such as Imgburn and I'm not sorry at all...I think Imgburn is the best burning application available. It is feature rich and keeps getting better all the time. LUK puts a lot of hard work as do all the beta testers here to make it all the much better.
  11. I would give one of the Verbatims a try although I don't think this is Imgburns problem as much as the way you authored the video and menus
  12. Have you had a look at the "label" tab in build mode?
  13. Didn't realize that was classic southern rock
  14. There will usually be some loss of quality as the output won't be exactly as the source. I'd also recommend +r DL and advise to stay away from the -R's.
  15. See if this is what you are looking for... http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=126676
  16. Actually a new drive isn't much more than a spindle of discs and in some cases they can be around the same price.
  17. Yep...you might even fall down and skin your knees a few times too.
  18. Here is a list of your posts: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?act=Sea...sult_type=posts
  19. CMC's are known to be some of the trashiest of the trash, but some get good results from them. I'm quite suprised at the outcome myself.
  20. The % of the quality score doesn't mean as much as the amount of PIF's and PIE's you get...the lower these numbers the better. Blu can elaborate more on the "out of spec" comment he made earlier for the low down. All in all they don't look too bad, but you should scan at 4X with your lite on as suggested.
  21. slow apparently... But other than that all is well, waiting on 11 for my relief to come in.
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