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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Plus1, go here for new firmware: http://www.cdr.cz/dvd_rekordery/son...22a/BYS3WIN.zip Hope this is what your looking for and solves your problem.
  2. kevdriver


    Ken lfc Corny & Jill MJ Thanks for the wishes peeps, Birthday is not till the 12th but for you guys It is the 12th already !! Always nice to be remembered by your Brother and Sisters in arms...... . Oh yea, not to rush this age thing, 46 is the correct number here................... Once again thanks for the good wishes guys @ gals.
  3. I'll look into it Monday. ............ Will Call.you....
  4. Good price for that media............ Too bad bestbuy Canada didn't have the same deal......... #39;( @MJ, still have to pay duty even on gifts...........
  5. Xenaya, Try deleting Imgburn and downloading a fresh copy. This sometimes will cure your mentioned problem. As long as your burner is showing up in your device manager, and it must be if its working correctly for other apps, then a fresh reload of imgburn will allow it to refind your devices ( cdroms, burners, etc.) Don't get fustrated, even seasoned pros have their problems with computers.......... #39;(
  6. I imagine I would be given a hard time of it if I did use BENDER in the wrong context in England. In Canada and the U.S. as well, going on a BENDER simply means getting and staying drunk for a couple of days. @ lfc, no worries mate, I 've been called worst............. Uchmay uchmway orstway........... I nowkay ouyway issmay irkKway lotaway.............. #39;( #39;(
  7. #39;( #39;( Guess I'll be more careful when I tell the guys at work I went on a BENDER for the weekend...........
  8. johnny201, Sorry once again, Hope to see you back here again though.........
  9. johnny201, unfortunately I can't really go any further with helping you on your problem.' at least on this particular problem. Your best bet would be to use google and I'm sure you will find your answer. For legal reasons we have to stay away from any connection to copy protection removal. Sorry !
  10. anksthay, eednay acticeprway orfay uresway, utbay histway ouldcay ebway unfway...........
  11. Fteraay uchmway nsultatingcoway I ownway derstandunay hatway hetway ellhay siay eingbay aidsway. I thdrawwiay ymway ostpay # 18. I ikelway histay , ownway hattway I nowkay hatway neoway siay ayingsway.......
  12. Holy crap, that guys a real daisy in the field................
  13. Yea right on .... what the others said......... I think.......
  14. johnny201, could be your trying to burn an unsupported file with imgburn. Go to tools> settings> open general tab and on right you'll see list of supported file associations. If you see the extension of the file your trying to backup, make sure its checked off, if you don't see your file extension then thats the reason for the unsupported file message. If thats the case you will have to change the extension to one that imgburn supports. In your case yours should be .ISO
  15. There you go Tizz, If you still want a google search, just type in something like CD or DVD jewel case covers freeware, becareful though because freeware search still may bring up shareware downloads ( free for a certain period then you have to pay)
  16. Tizz, just one of many available. http://www.snapfiles.com/Freeware/system/fwprintertools.html 3rd or 4th from top.
  17. kevdriver

    4th July

    To all the Team who are from the U.S and members, HAPPY 4TH JULY............. You guys all have fun and take care Oily
  18. 01001110011010010110001101100101001000000110110001101001011011100110101100100000 11011000110011001100011001011000010000001011001011001010111001100100000010010010 10000001100010011001010110110001101001011001010111011001100101001000000100100100 00000011000010110110100100000011000110111001001100001011000110110101101101001011 11100110011100100000011101010111000000101110001000000010000001010100011010000110 00101110100011100110010000001000011011011110111001001101110011110010010000000100 00001000000010000100100001001000010010000100100001
  19. Would never have fiqured that one out......... At least Nano now has updated firmware for his burner and might start using better media.
  20. Exactly Nano, As Shamus just posted, try using better media, these CMC's are the pits mate, you'll get them to burn then you won,t. Log file appears to to say that your burner can't read the media correctly. You've updated your burners firmware so get better media and try burning at 4X to start off and see what happens.
  21. Nano. settings > click on I/O tab > click on debug mode, doing it this way remember to go back and uncheck the debug mode box after you've finished the burn. Also during a burn I believe you can hit F8 to enable debug mode for that burn. As for updating your firmware, its not hard, just make sure its the correct firmware for your particular burner.
  22. Nano, This can be caused because of a compatibility error between your burner and the media you are using to burn to. CMC MAG *gag choke*, are by far the worst media out there. Try using Verbatims or Taio Yudens if you can get them, both top quality media. This isn't the only answer just one possibility. You may also want to slow your burn rate to 4X with mag blanks.......... Just noticed, you should check for firmware updates for your pionneer burner http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?cate...p;manufactor=25 Yours appears severalup dates behind.
  23. kevdriver


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cynthia........... All the best.
  24. db, you been over medicating yourself again mate.................... #39;(
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