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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. All these puns are making me hungry.............. guess I'll just nipple away on some chips here..........
  2. Just trying to milk the thread for all it worth db.......... Don't think I could ever kep up to you db when you get on a roll.................
  3. Just trying to keep abreast of things..................
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE !!! All the best to you Grain.
  5. Package will be arriving shortly Shamus.......... Take 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night...........all will be well.......
  6. The ipod is a brand of portable media players designed and marketed byapple computer. Devices in the iPod family provide a simpleuser interface designed around a central scroll wheel (with the exception of the ipod shuffle). The standard iPod model stores media on a built-inhard drive, while the smaller iPod shuffle and ipod nano use flash memory. Like most digital audio players, an iPod can serve as an external data storage device when connected to a computer. An mp3 player is a small unit maybe the size of a flash drive that can hold upwards of 350 songs in mp3 format. The bigger the mp3 player gigs the more songs you can store on it. Usally comes with earbuds to listen with.
  7. and help with buttons ,snaps and zippers ,handcuffs and such
  8. Thanks Boss, After following Shamus's link have fiqured out its what the girlfriend does everynight on the phone for 3 hours with her girlfriends.............. Gossip......... did you hear about........ you know what so and so did........... this store had big sales...... etc etc.............
  9. I really hate to appear slower then I am but what the hell are Chinese Whispers............ Chinese Checkers ?
  10. Hey a2j3, Welcome. Just wanting to make new arrivals feel welcome . Give them a guiding hand so to speak..................
  11. No worries man......... just off to the medicine drawer again......................
  12. Not to piddle on your parade angel, but you'd have some trouble with this size file. (It won't fit) I personaly would not go beyond 4.35GB and that's with good media. Is that the same thing as peeing on your party............... Think I know where PA got that from Ken, SL DVD = 4.7 GB. options in shrink also show that even then I choose custom and lower it more, Like staying away from edge burning............. just in case...... .
  13. Defenestration, Cornys app goes way back, back to an old forum we were all on............ #39;( . I'm sure he could find a better animation for it but it just wouldn't be Corny anymore then..............
  14. PPPuuurrrrrrrrrrrfect PA...........
  15. kevdriver


    Geez lfc, sorry your birthdat was such a drag........................... Glad you a good time...........
  16. Undertaker, If that burner came with a Dell computer it probabley is a rebadged Benq 1640. You may have to crossflash it with Benq 1640 firmware. Cd freaks forum has info on how to do this. Be careful though if you crossflash incorrectly you can cook the burner.
  17. Hey Farmer, glad you got back. As corny has mentioned what files are you trying to burn? vob or an .iso file?. Imgburn has its own burn engine ( same one used in DVDD. ) Maybe try not having DVDD running along with imgburn, just use Imgburn and see what happens. This is just a long shot though without having a log to view. About the wombats and celery, don't mind us, we just like kidding around but the guys do seriously know there stuff when it comes to trouble shooting.
  18. kevdriver


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LFC...... Allthe best mate
  19. Hank Williams????? Hey Spinner, Hank Williams song Yes. Also done by numerous other artists. Elvis, Johnny Cash, even B.J.Thomas............... @lfc.............. who me !!
  20. You do a stinky again lfc............... here ya go...........
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