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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Just say this posted by Blu......... Thought it might be interesting reading for anyone. http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MJ All the best.
  3. not going there........
  4. Groundrush: Note to above post. Track Density: The number of parallel recording tracks per inch on a magnetic or optical surface. Linear Density: The measurement of the number of bits stored in one linear inch of a track (storage channel) on a disk or tape. Google is my friend.........
  5. Groundrush, I'll give this a shot, Track density is how many bits of information can be stored on track on a DVD while Linear density is how many of those tracks our on a DVD per inch. Please don't take this as absolutely correct. One of the other Betas or LUK himself would know for sure perhaps...........
  6. #39;( #39;( Oh great Ken, here I was thinking of following in your footsteps..........
  7. lfc, Grain just wanted to be doubley sure Morphus got the message.........
  8. Pat, I guess you could use other programs to burn to DVD, but I've always found that imgburn does the best job by far. Quality of burn plus its funtionality, in my opinoin puts it way ahead of the rest. Plus imgburns support is the best with problems being answered and corrected usually right away by a team of highly educated and dedicated personal. For DVD's not being a good medium to store stuff on, well maybe if you use a cheaper media to save a couple of cents, that might be correct. These cheaper media tend to become unreadable quite quickly. A higher quality media such as TY's or verbatim should provide you with a safe storage mecca for years to come. . But like everything in this world, nothing is forever................
  9. Shamus.......... Love that Pic......... Pat, if after your first round of putting ISO files on disk, it did a finalization of the disk, you won't be able to add any more. Thats the reason for disc not empty message.
  10. Except if your db................ KABOOM..... MUSHROOM CLOUD
  11. Thanks Corny................. Vacations can be killers.......... really should try to get more sleep.......... #39;( #39;( Going on to third week and am thinking I should go back to work for a rest..........
  12. Sorry mate, didn't have the exact right smilies to post............. you would have understood my warped sense of humor then.............
  13. lfc, you be nice to Corny, he might like being a patient tied up....................
  14. Tizz, Any questions like this please post in img support. To answer your question. Open img burn>drive>erase>full . At the end of process you should get a complete message and your disc will be formatted. Any other probs creep up with this post back in img support.
  15. check Pm db............ Hang on...... http://www.aptprojects.com/html/old_threed.html Maybe the above will help you out................
  16. Its Sunday, well here still anyways, Guess the Boss is just bumming around today..........
  17. lmao2k................... Unbelieveable, a wombat website...........
  18. Whew........ was just about to load up a beta of vista on another puter to see if the problem could be duplicated. . Might do it anyways and run imgburn and see what pop ups. @ Bex, cannot you not be administrator account like Xp. Haven't run vista yet so don't reaaly know whats happening with it.......
  19. Thanks Bex, don't know if any of the guys noticed that yet. Welcome to the forum.......
  20. No must be a error......... Shamus needs help.................
  21. Tizz, is this the hub you were mentioning: http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage...oduct_Id=158932 I think will suit your needs fine. I'm not too much up on this so hopefully Kenadjian or Chewy will be along and he will be able to tell you for sure. Just have patience grasshopper and we'll have you up and running
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