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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. The CUE file probably doesn't need to be in the same folder. The CUE may be picking up metadata present in the audio files you added.
  2. You can rename the CUE file but it won't set the name of the CD in the CD Text. You will need to set the Title for the Disc or Session, I forget which one. I set it for both the Disc and the Session just to make sure. To burn the actual CD, in Write mode, load the .CUE file you created as you would an ISO/image file. When you do the actual burning part, the Audio CD is created on the fly; an image file is not created first to HDD. I don't know why this is, but that's how it behaves in ImgBurn. This Guide should help you with further questions:
  3. It seems you're trying to create an ISO for making Audio CD's. ImgBurn doesn't do that. If you create a .CUE file with ImgBurn to make an Audio CD, it burns it on the fly. It doesn't save to ISO first and, in fact, it can't. ISO isn't a viable format for Audio CD. It looks like you're creating a data disc with the folder of the WAV files in it as the root directory contents. What you want is the Create CUE file option. It's under Tools. You can then add the .WAV files for creation. BTW, there's no need to convert MP3 to WAV first when creating an Audio CD in ImgBurn. ImgBurn will support MP3 files for creating Audio CD's.
  4. According to what I looked up, MEI-T02-001 are BD-R made by Panasonic/Matsushita. Recordable DVD discs made by Panasonic/Matsushita were some of the best quality you could get. So, it would probably be the case that you're using quality BD-R. Sometimes read issues happen, but ImgBurn "recovers" from them. These are usually cased by a drive being picky with that particular manufacturer's process for discs. The one time I had this happen with BD-R, ImgBurn tried the read again during the Verify and it was successful on the 2nd attempt. I then did a variety of read tests on the data and it seemed to just be a hiccup. If you're really concerned, see what happens when you create an image from these same BD-R that return the "read errors." See if you get more read errors. If it completes read, it's probably fine. If it doesn't, then, of course, it most likely isn't. And, if you're really concerned, since it appears it might be a Blu-Ray movie you made, try playing all of its contents. If they play without read errors, skips, pauses, pops in audio, pixelation in video, then the disc is most likely okay.
  5. I can't answer the buffer question (Typoed bugger at first! ) but I can answer the Pause one. The pause function is a sub feature of the red cancel button. When you press the red Cancel button during a burn, you're offered 3 choices: to Cancel, to Pause, and to Resume. However, it is NOT advised to Pause a write function as most of the time, writing cannot resume properly and you've effectively wasted a disc. I believe if you select the Pause function, ImgBurn tells you it may not properly resume writing.
  6. You know? Years ago, I predicted the death of single layer recordable discs with the advent of DVD DL recordable discs. My reasoning was manufacturers would just make the one more expensive medium since it can be used for both sizes of discs. How wrong I was.
  7. You're going too off track here. The Boot files are not found on the "visible" CD. It's actually in a "hidden" area of the CD only visible when you boot it. So, you must use the Extract Boot File to get access to it. With the XP CD in the CD drive, point Extract Boot File to the CD drive with the drop down interface. Then press the blue floppy disk icon. This will extract the boot file you'll need to add to the Boot Image field. Also note that tutorial you're following doesn't cover XP. It covers Windows 7 as the earliest version it works with. So, things won't be the same. Also note, I've NEVER gotten ANY boot discs to work with ImgBurn, so I can't be of much help.
  8. Yes, if you have a bootable CD with Windows XP on it, like an installation disc, put that in and point the Extract Boot Image to the CD drive, which you appear to have already done. Then press the little blue floppy disk icon to extract the boot image from the CD. I haven't done it a while, but I believe the boot image file will have an extension of either .IMA or .IMG. You will need to save this file to somewhere on a media like an HDD or flash drive. Then, use that file in the Boot Image field.
  9. I think you first need to use the Extract a boot image feature from that screen. You will need a bootable XP floppy disk or CD inserted and use that feature on that drive. Or maybe using C: might work. Then, put that extracted file into the Boot Image field.
  10. Another option is Macrium Reflect, which is what I use.
  11. If the contents fit on a single layer disc, why are you using DVD+R DL?
  12. Oh, it's not a DVD Video disc? OIC now. According to that screen shot, you are making a "data disc." There's no VIDEO_TS folder, so it's not a DVD Video Disc. Layer breaks only apply to DVD Video discs. So, yes, you won't see that layer break info for a "data disc." Technically, everything other than an Audio CD is a "data disc." DVD Video discs are just treated as discs with data, although they have specialized data for specific hardware players to play back.
  13. What I do is start the Build operation, which prompts me to set the layer break information. I usually use that window as I've never manually edited the layer break info before.
  14. So, you have a copy someone made from an original and that's what you're trying to duplicate? With that copy you have inserted in a DVD drive, open ImgBurn and choose Create an image file. There's a pane of information about the disc on the right hand side of the top ImgBurn window. Is that the information you copied and pasted before in your previous reply? If it's not, copy and paste that info from the right pane into a post here. I would think if worse comes to worst and ImgBurn cannot copy the disc, you can try something else. In Build mode, drag and drop all the contents from the source disc into a new Build job and create a new ISO that way, bypassing the copy operation. Try burning that ISO and see if that works. If that doesn't work, then ImgBurn may not be able to natively handle that disc. You could try using Windows itself to burn the ISO to a disc or some other burner application and see if you get any better results. Alcohol has a free version that might be able to image that disc and burn the copy. Haven't used that in some years, though, but I do know there are certain Playstation 1 discs Imgburn cannot image with the combination of some hardware and Alcohol worked.
  15. BD-R DL have a high failure rate, even when you use the good stuff, and depending on where you live in, what part of the world, Verbatim recordable BD-50 (That's another name for BD-R DL.) are known to have a high failure rate. Many drives simply don't like BD-50 recordable discs, even when they do support them. I've never actually used one except for BD-RE DL, and they would die after a year, even after only 1 write. And that's on the LG WH16NS60; the LG WH16NS40 was one of those drives that would fail 9 times out of 10 to write to BD-RE DL.
  16. A DVD-9 is a double layer DVD disc. For recordable discs, it's usually a DVD+R DL, but there are also DVD-R DL, but I don't think they may make those anymore. What you posted from that log of information is you're using a DVD+R DL. As LUK said, you actually tried burning this image and it said it wouldn't fit? If it did say that, then, there's nothing you can do with that image as far as burning it. It's not a type that you can compress. A car navigation disc most likely doesn't have a VIDEO_TS component you can shrink. It's most likely a data disc, and not a DVD Video. If it's an ISO image, double click on it like you would any file in File Explorer to navigate its contents. If there's a VIDEO_TS folder there, you might be able to get around the size issue, but compressing that might cause the disc to not work. But, if there's no VIDEO_TS folder, which I doubt there is, there's no need going any further.
  17. Yeah, it's things you only learn over time with experience. Just because a disc completes write doesn't mean it completed it correctly. Cheap media may appear to work but you may later encounter read errors or, over time, the disc dies sooner, like within a year, than it would normally. Now, I'm not familiar with Blu-Ray video recorders, but your device may actually make CRC's as part of how it writes. It shouldn't, but you never know. It is a bit unusual these discs play but throw up CRC errors when you attempt to read them on a PC drive. However, stand alone playback devices are more forgiving of errors versus a PC drive. If you can, try reading these discs with a different BD drive on your PC. Like maybe a USB BD drive. It could just be your PC BD drive doesn't like that kind of media used. A different drive may have better compatibility with that kind of media. Another thing you can try. Have you tried copying the contents from one these BD discs in File Explorer to a temporary location on a hard drive? IF you still get errors or are unable to complete the copy for CRC's or other reasons, then the problem lies with either the discs or the drive or a combination of both. If you CAN copy the contents to HDD, then repeat the Guide steps, but use the folders from the HDD instead of from the discs themselves. I believe, though, the problem is a read one, reading from the discs, and, therefore, predict the copying to HDD will fail, too.
  18. Are you getting CRC (cyclic redundancy check) errors on the reading or writing portion? If you're getting CRC checks on the reading portion, then you've got either a problem with the disc source you're trying to copy or a problem with the hard drive you're making this ISO file to. If you get CRC checks on the writing portion or Verify portion, you're probably using cheap media. We'd need to see the Log output of the Write operation to tell that. Cheap media could also be the reason for CRC checks on reading from a disc.
  19. Try this Guide; it should be what you're looking for:
  20. Topless? Or wearing CD/DVD/BD discs on her chest?
  21. That is most likely because of a baseline change in the installer. No updates to ImgBurn itself have been made since 2013's, however the installer itself has changed. OpenCandy used to be bundled with the installer, but with the closing of its parent company, OpenCandy was removed. At least, I THINK that's how it is.
  22. ImgBurn cannot do what I think you want it to. What I think you're asking is you want to burn something like an MPG file to a DVD and have something on your PC automatically play it when you insert it on your PC. IgmBurn can do the copying to disc, but the actual AutoPlay would be some kind of setting you have to set in your Windows settings. Or create an Autoplay.inf file that automatically launches and burn that to disc, too. What you MAY be asking, though, is you want this MPEG2 video file converted to what is called a DVD Video disc. DVD Video is a standard DVD disc that plays movies. You can set Autoplay settings to automatically play DVD Video discs upon insertion in a PC drive. But, ImgBurn can't convert a raw MPEG2 video file to DVD Video. You'd need something like ConvertXToDVD to do the conversion from MPEG2 video file to what is called a VIDEO_TS folder. Now, if you have a VIDEO_TS folder already, ImgBurn can create a DVD Video disc for you automatically by just adding the VIDEO_TS folder to a Build job.
  23. I haven't bought any in years, but the best ones back when I was buying them were Verbatim that were sold from Japan. However, they seem to have a fairly high rate of failure over a short period of time, e.g. like a year. But, at least, they weren't CMC. TDK also used to make a pretty good BD-RE 50 near as I remember. But, I'm pretty sure those were in Japanese packaging, too. All of these I found on Amazon.com.
  24. Do you mean over burn instead of over write? I don't know what the cut option would be. You could have a DVD-9 that is basically absolutely full and won't fit on a DVD+R DL. If it's a DVD Video disc, you could try using DVDShrink to compress it down a little bit so the image will fit on a DVD+R DL.
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