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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Can you also post a copy of these failed logs ? ImgBurn saves them for you and you can find them under the Help/ImgBurn Logs option Also are these XBox back ups with a fixed layer break ? If so you really don't need to do that anymore, you can just let ImgBurn do it's stuff and the succesfull back ups will stay play. This topic below tells you more: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...&hl=1913760 but this post by the boss is the clincher: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...ost&p=39518
  2. Shame I didn't queue in London for a PS3 last night, seems Sony gave away 100 ?2500 HDTV's to the loyal fans who did together with a fare paid taxi ride home.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6482789.stm
  3. If you don't like it (it really is just checking the internet connection) you can turn it off under settings, in other words ImgBurn will no longer tell you when an update is available and you will have to check manually
  4. lfcrule1972

    New TV

    I don't think you will have any joy with the credit card people mate, you have the tv and despite it being faulty they can't refund.
  5. According to your post above you are still on the original firmware for your drive 1.01, first thing I would do is update to 1.06 here: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2247 Then see if the disc is read better in the drive, from your disc info: Is never a good sign as to me that says the drive doesn't like the media for some reason. So upgrade the firmware to 1.06 and then see what happens
  6. lfcrule1972

    New TV

    Forbidden You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server. Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora) Server at forum.imgburn.com Port 80
  7. and their mum should receive their head in a box !
  8. I think the story was from the US bill, therefore it IS one of your psycho's !!
  9. lfcrule1972

    New TV

    What am I supposed to be test typing donta ?
  10. Could do with some of that in the office this pm - it's like a Morgue
  11. lfcrule1972

    New TV

    Don't use the speech marks mate - that is usually what fucks my replies up !
  12. Shamus you have missed the point mate, the film size is the same (approx 5-6gb) but now you get 20 hours of pointless extras in stunning HD quality
  13. Wasn't it 250 names for a penis ?
  14. The price of the drives is way too expensive at the moment for my tastes...
  15. Ah so you are in the PAL regions ? Ok that might help people decide. So no spare XBox360 for me then ?
  16. Sort of a refernece to the download culutre we live in. 20-50GB dl @ my present 4mb service for one file would be as much fun as watching paint dry. Burning these kinda files at 4-8x would be just as frustrating. The diffrence in quality between BR and HD isnt all that. You could always buy the films !!! I wondered if that is what you were referring to.... As Shamus said above the formats will take off cos people believe they need the latest of everything and that is what sells... The last part about the quality - I haven't seen either of them in person but I always imagined that they would be very similar (Blu-Ray and DVD-HD) ! It's all about the step up from DVD isn't it ? (Thanks Shamus, I haven't been called young in ages ! )
  17. Which programs ? If you pop one of the previously written discs into the drive and then open ImgBurn you can try to burn to them and see what happens. My guess is that ImgBurn will ask to format the discs and then you will be ok Should this not happen a full ImgBurn log together with a copy+paste of any error message will be really useful. Regards
  18. Thanks donta I guessed that would be the case unlike the PSP games which play from anywhere in the world.
  19. Why do you think that ? Perhaps I don't understand the question but similar to when people bought DVDs over VHS tapes it will be because of the improvement to HD picture quality. I am not sure where the broadband part comes into it nor the write speeds..... Probably me being again.
  20. You're not helping much.....
  21. I always have my hand on the job as well polo
  22. They should have just concentrated on releasing the bloody console without all the annoying mods they made to it. What's better a console with huge support and a very small % of modified versions or a console with smaller support locked up like virgins beetle bonnet ??
  23. lfcrule1972

    New TV

    Oh no - what's wrong with it mate ? I looked on Google as I am sure you did and found lots of interesting stuff on your model but not how to access the service menu.
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